Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Locations

Welcome to GameClubz’s Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hub page, which contains links to all Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guides that will help you reach 100% in one of the most expected video games of 2023. Set five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor continues Cal Kestis’ adventure and fight against the hostile Galactic Empire forces.

While exploring various planets, including Koboh, Bogano, Kashyyk, and Ilum, you’ll be able to face new enemies, discover new skills for Cal, and solve multiple challenges inside the Jedi Chamber Trials. Alongside the challenges you must overcome, you’ll also get the chance to look for a large number of collectibles and complete various quests for the NPCs, seeking Cal’s help.

All these will help the beloved Jedi become stronger and prepare for the upcoming battles against Gen’Dai Rayvis and the unknown Fallen Jedi. Don’t worry, though, because our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Strategy Guides are here to help you, regardless of whether you are a Jedi Knight or a Padawan. May the force be with you!

Updated January 18, 2024

The Forest Array Databank Entries in Star Wars Jedi Survivor are also best approached after finishing the story and unlocking all of Cal’s abilities and skills, except for one, which can become missable if not obtained at the right time.

The Forest Array Databanks, alongside all other collectibles we revealed as part of our complete Star Wars Jedi Survivor Wiki, will help you reach 100% completion on Planet Koboh.

However, since the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array area involves a complex puzzle, it’s best to look for them after the story so that you can save time.

Furthermore, besides getting access to all skills, you can also obtain the Databank Map Upgrade, which displays all Databank collectibles on your minimap.

Assuming you encounter difficulties finding them, throughout the following locations guide, we’ll discuss the six Forest Array Databank in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, the latest video game developed by Respawn Entertainment.

Koboh Forest Array Databank Locations Map

The map below displays all Forest Array Databanks you need to obtain in this large area of Planet Koboh, and while you can get five of them later, the first one must be obtained the first time Cal enters this facility.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Map Locations

Obviously, if you want, you can try reaching the rest of them as you progress toward the Rehabilitation Wing, but since you’ll need additional abilities and skills, such as Dash, you’ll most likely waste time trying to get them.

Now, let’s see where to find them following the order on the map above.

Databank #1: Near The Meditation Point

The first Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank entry on the map above can become unobtainable unless you get it when you find the Meditation Point.

As you can see below, to unlock this collectible, you must scan the Koboh Dust barrier on the left side of the facility, near the Meditation Point.

While working on progressing through this region, you’ll have to destroy the barrier, so you won’t be able to scan it later. This collectible is unlocked automatically for some players, but for others, it’s missing. Stay on the safe side and scan it with BD-1 when you first reach this area.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Locations Guide

Databank #2 (Indomitable): Inside A Round Building

For the next collectible, you’ll want to progress through the area by solving the Forest Array Puzzle. Eventually, you’ll explore the Bilemaw Den region on your way to the section where the second Databank on our map above can be found.

After dealing with the Stormtroopers inside the building, scan the shield by the wall.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Collectibles Locations Guide

Databank #3 (Central Rotational Apparatus): In The Central Area

The third Star Wars Forest Array Databank is relatively easy to find because it’s related to the story.

You’ll find it in the center of the area, and the object you have to scan is the Orb Coupler.

The Orb Coupler plays a critical role in solving the Forest Array Puzzle, and it will help Cal Kestis enter the Rehabilitation Wing.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Forest Array Databank Locations Guide

Databank #4 (Epic Moltings): On The Other Side Of A Broken Bridge

After you scan the Orb Coupler, head toward the Rehabilitation Wing, and turn left after passing through the first gate.

Cross the bridge ahead using the Dash ability, then on the right side, you’ll see some pipes and a white plate BD-1 can scan.

Star Wars Forest Array Databank Locations Guide

Databank #5 (Auxiliary Array Telescope): Outside A Round Building

From the previous collectible, use the wall run ability to cross over a gap filled with Koboh Dust particles, then cross the next building.

In front of you is another long bridge, and on the other side, you can spot some yellow graffiti on a white plate.

This is the fifth Forest Array Databank scannable object.

Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Collectibles Locations Guide

Databank #6 (Orb Amplifier): Inside A Round Facility Room

Finally, after you scan the previous object, climb the grate on the right side, then grab the ceiling and head left towards the ramp that allows you to get on the roof of the round building.

Drop into the room below and scan the device projecting the purple beam you have used to destroy the barrier (first Databank entry) mentioned above.

All Jedi Survivor Forest Array Databank Collectibles Locations Guide

With all six Forest Array Databanks obtained, if you used all of our previous guides, then the Forest Array area should be fully explored, so how about moving to a new region, following our Star Wars Jedi Survivor guides here?

Welcome to GameClubz’s Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hub page, which contains links to all Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guides that will help you reach 100% in one of the most expected video games of 2023. Set five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor continues Cal Kestis’ adventure and fight against the hostile Galactic Empire forces.

While exploring various planets, including Koboh, Bogano, Kashyyk, and Ilum, you’ll be able to face new enemies, discover new skills for Cal, and solve multiple challenges inside the Jedi Chamber Trials. Alongside the challenges you must overcome, you’ll also get the chance to look for a large number of collectibles and complete various quests for the NPCs, seeking Cal’s help.

All these will help the beloved Jedi become stronger and prepare for the upcoming battles against Gen’Dai Rayvis and the unknown Fallen Jedi. Don’t worry, though, because our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Strategy Guides are here to help you, regardless of whether you are a Jedi Knight or a Padawan. May the force be with you!

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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