Star Wars Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch is a medium-sized area near Rambler’s Reach Outpost on planet Koboh, and it features twelve collectibles, among which a Chest.
The Riverbed Watch Chest collectible contains a Hair Bun customization item for Cal, and it’s mandatory if you want to achieve 100% completion in the area.
However, getting the collectible can prove difficult because it’s located high on a pretty hard-to-reach cliff. Note that the Dash ability is required.
But don’t worry because we’ve got you covered, and throughout the SW Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch Chest location guide below, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions to help you obtain the collectible.
Koboh Riverbed Watch Chest Location Map
On the following map, we’ve pinpointed the exact location of the Chest in Riverbed Watch and also the spot in the Southern Reach area from where you have to make the jump to the cliff holding the said collectible.

You can also get the Chests Map Upgrade to see the collectible on your own map.
Furthermore, we’ll give you a route leading to the Chest starting from the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Southern Reach Meditation Point.
Chest #1 (Hair Bun): On The Roof Of A Structure
From the saving point, continue on the path to shortly go down a slope and reach a camp with a greenish roof where you have to head right.
Then proceed until you can see a waterfall on your right and a wall covered in vines on your left.
Now climb the wall, jump across the gap using the two metal bars, and go forward through the pools of water.
Upon reaching the edge, you’ll see a rope above the gap, and you can use it to get to the other side.
Jump, then hold /
on PlayStation/Xbox to grab the rope with the help of the Force and make your way to the other side.
Then head forward to get to the edge of the mountain at the location marked on the map above.
Things will get a little tricky now because you have to jump on the roof of the structure on the lower cliff in front, as shown in the next screenshot.

What you have to do is double jump as far as you can, then Dash (/
) the rest of the distance to the roof. Also, wait a second before the second jump.
It may take a couple of tries, but you’ll definitely do it eventually, and once you reach the roof, drop down to the lower section.
You’ll find the Chest on the edge of the lower part of the roof, like in the following image.

It’s worth mentioning that on the same cliff, you can also find the Riverbed Watch Essence and one of the four Databanks available in the same area.
Also, it would be best to unlock the nearby shortcut to this cliff so you can get to it easier in the future.
Fantastic job, Jedi! You’ve performed a nice stunt and obtained the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch Chest in the process. However, if you want more collectibles like this, don’t hesitate to visit our Wiki Hub Page here.
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