Starfield Escape From the Endless Voyage is one of the side missions available on the ECS Constant ship, where you must negotiate Janet Yang’s freedom.
Janet Yang is one of the crew members on the ECS Constant, and she got sick and tired of living on the ship during its search for a new home in the galaxy. And the search doesn’t seem to finish anytime soon.
Hence, Janet will ask for your help reasoning with Captain Brackenridge to let her go.
In this Starfield guide, we will discuss every option available to assist Janet in gaining her freedom, including the consequences of each decision you make in the Escape From the Endless Voyage side mission.
How To Start the Starfield Escape From the Endless Voyage Mission
To unlock the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission in Starfield, you must purchase the Grav Drive for the ECS Constant and persuade the colony to settle at a different location during the First Contact mission.
After completing the First Contact mission, a new activity called “Location of the ECS Constant” will appear after a few in-game days.
This activity allows you to check the location of the ECS Constant ship as it searches for a new home across the galaxy.
Select the above activity and set the course to reach the ECS Constant orbiting a random planet in a random galaxy.
If you contact the ship, a member of ECS Constant will inform you that they are having difficulty finding a new planet to settle on due to Captain Brackenridge’s high expectations.
Furthermore, if you select the “Do you need any help with anything?” dialogue option, she will inform you that Janet needs help with something and Abe needs some help from someone with a ship.

Once you dock and board the ECS Constant, exit the Cargo Bay and climb the stairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs and take the elevator to the Residential Level.
After getting off the elevator, take a right and continue down the corridor until you reach the Records door at the end.
Then, turn right again and keep an eye out on the left side for the entrance to Living Quarters 1.

Find and speak with Janet Yang in one of the dorms to start the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission in Starfield.
How To Negotiate With Captain Diana Brackenridge in Starfield
During the conversation with Janet Yang, you’ll learn that she hates her situation, being stuck on board the ECS Constant as it roams the galaxy looking for a new home to settle.
So, if you want to help her out, you must negotiate with Captain Brackenridge to let her leave.
After you end the conversation with Janet, go to the Command Bay and speak with Captain Brackenridge.
She will tell you that Janet is a valuable member of the food production on the ECS Constant ship.
Letting her go would mean that they would be at least a couple of weeks behind in food production while they train someone else to fill her role.
Then, you will be given two dialogue options you could choose from to progress the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission:
- [Persuade] I think you should consider just letting her go.
- [Give 50 Potatoes] This should ensure you have adequate food while you train someone else.

So, what’s the best option to choose here? To persuade Captain Brackenridge to let Janet go or pay 50 Potatoes for her freedom?
How To Persuade Captain Brackenridge in Escape From the Endless Voyage Mission
Choosing to persuade Diana Brackenridge is the quickest way to finish the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission.
You’ll have to earn 6 Persuasion Points in three turns to convince her to let Janet go. Feel free to select the dialogue options you think would work since it’s a matter of chance anyway.
It’s a good idea to quicksave before persuading Diana so you can try again if you fail the first time.

After you successfully convince Captain Diana, return to Janet Yang and give her the good news. As a reward for helping her, you will earn 75 XP and the following items:
- Antique Earth Baseball (4)
- Antique Earth Duck Figure (2)
- Antique Earth Piggy Bank (2)
If you fail to persuade Diana, your only way to complete the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission is to bring her 50 potatoes.
How To Get 50 Potatoes in Starfield
A simple and convenient method to obtain potatoes in Starfield is to buy them from general stores.
The ideal store for the mission is Shepherd’s General Store, located in Akila City. After you enter Akila City from the spaceport, it will be the first building on your left.
At the cost of 35 credits in the “Aid” section, potatoes are cheaper at this store compared to others, which can help reduce your overall expenses.

Please note that there is a limited stock of potatoes available for sale at any given time, and this quantity may vary.
If you purchase all the potatoes in stock, you will need to wait for the store to restock its supply.
This typically takes 48 hours or two consecutive periods of 24 hours each. I suggest resting on the chair in the back of the store, as it is the closest spot to the vendor, and you won’t need to return to your ship.

You should repeat this process until you have acquired the desired 50 potatoes.
After obtaining the 50 potatoes, return to the ECS Constant ship and deliver them to Captain Diana. Then, return to Janet Yang and tell her she’s finally free to end the Escape From the Endless Voyage mission.
As a reward for your efforts to buy her freedom, you’ll gain 75 XP and the following items:
- Antique Earth Baseball (4)
- Antique Earth Duck Figure (2)
- Antique Earth Piggy Bank (2)
On top of that, she promised to repay you with potatoes for your trouble if you ever see her again – a good deal in my books.

So, I highly suggest participating in this challenge of collecting 50 potatoes. It will ensure that Janet, who wishes to leave the ECS Constant Ship, can finally experience freedom.
On the other hand, you know the crew members won’t have to rationalize their food supply or starve if Janet leaves the ship. Even though it will take longer than the first option, it’s the right thing to do.
Congratulations on completing the Escape From the Endless Voyage side mission in Starfield. For more similar content regarding missions and outcomes, consider visiting our Wiki Hub Page.
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