Starfield First Contact: Best Oliver Campbell Negotiation Offer

Hello, Space Explorer, and welcome to our Starfield guides hub, covering everything you need to know in the most expected video game of 2023. Formally announced during Bethesda’s E3 presentation in 2018, Starfield is the biggest and most ambitious project coming from the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Featuring more than 1,000 planets, Starfield is an action role-playing game offering unparalleled freedom from character creation to exploration, crafting, and researching.

Our Starfield Wiki Hub includes guides covering the trickiest quests you may encounter while exploring the universe developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find the best weapons, how to get the rarest natural resources and crafting materials, and how to recruit new companions. So, let’s find out what awaits us amongst the stars.

Updated September 11, 2023

As you journey towards the Porrima solar system, you will come across a stationary large spaceship hovering in orbit around the Porrima II planet.

Upon entering the Porrima system, Chief Sugiyama of Porrima II asks for your assistance through the emergency channel regarding this sensitive matter, initiating the First Contact mission.

The plot of this mission revolves around the ECS Constant, a community that fled Earth 200 years ago in search of a new home.

If you’re interested in discovering more about First Contact mission in Starfield, read on for a detailed walkthrough.

How To Start the Starfield First Contact Side Mission

In order to start the Starfield First Contact mission, you must travel to the Porrima II planet in the Porrima system.

Upon arrival, you will receive a distress call from a security officer named Jiro Sugiyama, who is stationed in Paradiso on Porrima II.

He will request your assistance in managing a spaceship that is currently positioned in your vicinity.

In order to start the Starfield First Contact mission, you must travel to the Porrima II planet in the Porrima system.

This will trigger the First Contact mission and set you on the course of diplomatic relations.

How To Complete the First Contact Mission in Starfield

After reaching the Porrima II planet’s orbit, open the map, land your ship on Paradiso, and find Jiro Sugiyama in the nearby security station.

Chief Sugiyama will inform you that a strange and enormous ship has suddenly appeared in Porrima space, and it is unclear whether the ship hovering around Porrima II is friendly or not.

After reaching the Porrima II planet's orbit, open the map, land your ship on Paradiso, find and speak with Jiro Sugiyama in the nearby security station.

Despite several attempts to communicate with them, there has been no response from the ship’s occupants.

Therefore, Sugiyama will request you have a diplomatic conversation with the crew members of the unidentified ship.

How to Hail the Unidentified Ship

After leaving Sugiyama’s office, make your way back to the ship and take off into the Porrima II orbit.

Once you target lock the unidentified ship, try to establish communication by pressing the “hail” button.

Once you target lock the unidentified ship, try to establish communication by pressing the "hail" button.

Unfortunately, you’ll realize that all your attempts to hail the crew will be met with no feedback over the coms, regardless of your chosen option.

You’ll have to dock and board the ship to uncover what’s happening.

Upon entering, Captain Diana Brackenridge and her group will greet you and explain that the ECS Constant has traveled through space for 200 years.

Upon entering the unidentified ship, Captain Diana Brackenridge and her group will greet you and explain that the ECS Constant has traveled through space for 200 years.

The starting crew of ECS Constant left Earth to escape from a catastrophe, hoping that their future generations would eventually reach Porrima II.

However, since they did not have access to light-speed travel, which was yet to be invented, they had to take a longer route.

Porrima II is a large planet with enough space for the ECS Constant colony. However, the inhabitants of ECS Constant and corporate entities who own Paradiso do not want to share it. And that’s why you come up: to mediate.

How To Negotiate With Oliver Campbell in First Contact Mission

Once you have spoken with Captain Brackenridge in the Command Bay and agreed to advocate for her, return to your ship and land back on Porrima II.

Head directly to the Paradiso Resort, use the elevator located near the general store in the check-in area to ascend to the Executive Floor, and have a conversation with Paradiso Group’s CEO, Oliver Campbell.

Once you’re inside the board room, have a chat with Oliver regarding the situation.

The board members, including Oliver, will provide you with three different options to address the issue at hand. These options include:

  • Propose a temporary settlement plan that would require them to work off their boarding debt.
  • Convincing them to find another location to settle and equipping their ship with a Grav Drive to aid in their search for a new home.
  • Making their ship “go away”.
The board members, including Oliver, will provide you with three different options to address the issue at hand.

Option #1: The Settlement Deal

If you decide to persuade them to accept the settlement deal, you will need to collect materials to accommodate the ECS Constant’s crew. The required materials are: 40 fiber, 80 iron, 10 lithium, and 20 sealant.

Board back the ECS Constant’s ship and talk to Captain Brackenridge again regarding the settlement offer.

You might be surprised to find that she’s open to the idea, as she believes her crew will need to learn how to work and survive on the planet anyway. Once she agrees, you’ll need to gather the necessary materials.

This might take some time if you haven’t regularly farmed resources before starting the First Contact mission. However, there are a few ways to quickly obtain a decent amount of materials.

A practical approach is to persuade Captain Brackenridge for some materials. Completing this additional task shouldn’t be too challenging if you’ve allocated points to Persuasion Skills.

One way to obtain a decent amout of materials is to persuade Captain Brackenridge on the ECS Constant.

Once you successfully convince Captain Brackenridge to spare their resources, she will direct you to Daisuke Levits for further instructions.

To locate him, proceed down the hallway beyond the Med Bay, take a right turn, and descend the steps leading to the mess hall.

Mr. Levits will give you a random amount of iron, sealants, fibers, and lithium, but still not enough.

Once you successfully convince Captain Brackenridge to spare their resources, she will direct you to Daisuke Levits, who will give you a random amount of iron, sealants, fibers, and lithium.

Another quick way to obtain the necessary materials is to visit the general store located in Paradiso.

You can purchase iron, sealant, and fiber at a reasonable price.

Another quick way to obtain the necessary materials is to visit the general store located in Paradiso.

However, you will need to locate and travel to specific nearby planets to acquire the remaining amount of materials. Once you reach the planets, you can use your scanner cutter to gather the required items.

Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, return to Captain Brackenridge. She will request that you accompany her and some of the crew to Porrima II. Return to your ship and land back on the planet.

Follow the colonists off the ship for a while and then speak with Brackenridge again to successfully complete the First Contact mission in Starfield.

You will receive a reward in the form of XP, a variety of valuable antique items, an XM-2311 pistol with a few mods, and some .45 Caliber ACP.

This option can be quite time-consuming, but it can save you from the expense of buying a Grav Drive.

However, it is morally questionable as the colonists will essentially have to serve during their stay, and some of your companions may not agree with this decision.

Option #2: Buying the Grav Drive

In case you choose to pay the bill for the Grav Drive, since Oliver and his group are unwilling to do so, you will need to meet Bennu St. James at HopeTech on planet Polvo in the Valo system.

If you have not explored every system along this route, try jumping to a closer system, then make your way to the Valo system. You might also lack the necessary fuel to reach it in one go.

In case you choose to pay the bill for the Grav Drive, since Oliver and his group are unwilling to do so, you will need to meet Bennu St. James at HopeTech on planet Polvo in the Valo system.

After you reach the planet Polvo, land your ship in Hopetown. To find Bennu St. James, enter the HopeTech building, and make your way to the second floor using the left-hand staircase.

When you speak to him, tell him that Oliver Campbell sent to purchase a Grav Drive for an old colony ship.

The cost may initially be high at 40,000 credits, but persuading James to lower the price may be worthwhile.

Persuade Bennu St. James to lower the price for the Grav Drive.

Emphasize that the purchase will benefit those in need, and he may ultimately agree to sell it to you for 25,000 credits.

It might be a good idea to save the game before attempting to persuade James so you can try again if you fail to do so. It could save you 15,000 credits.

Once you’ve purchased the Grav Drive, fly back to the ECS Constant ship and discuss ship preparation with Engineering Officer Amin Kazemi.

Once you've purchased the Grav Drive, fly back to the ECS Constant ship and discuss ship preparation with Engineering Officer Amin Kazemi.

He will ask you to help him prepare the ship for the Grav Drive by completing the following tasks:

  • Reroute the power from the port turbopump to the auxiliary cryogenic radiator.
  • Turn the plasma run-off inhibitor function to 5 percent.
  • Decouple the magnetic flange pipe enclosures from the auxiliary module assembly.

To complete each task, interact with the Engineering Control Computers around and follow the above instructions. Remember what needs to be changed at each station.

If you have difficulties finishing the above tasks, please refer to our Starfield guide on How To Prepare the Ship for Grav Drive for additional help.

Once you have completed the ship preparations, speak with Captain Brackenridge to end the Starfield First Contact mission.

Upon completion, you will receive the same rewards as for the settlement deal and the forever gratitude of the ECS Constant’s crew on top of it. Furthermore, you’ll also unlock the Family Reunion and Escape From the Endless Voyage missions.

This option is the most morally acceptable but may also be the most complex and expensive compared to the other two.

Option #3: Making the Ship Go Away

In order to select the final option, it is necessary to ask Oliver Campbell about the process of eliminating the ECS Constant ship. He will suggest that one could potentially override the safety mechanisms in the ship’s reactor computer, which would result in the destruction of the ship.

Following his explanation, exit the conversation, and a new optional mission objective will become available.

Return to your ship, take off into the Porrima 2 planet’s orbit, and board the ECS Constant ship. Make your way to the Engineering Room, but don’t speak with Amin Kazemi.

Sneak behind Amin Kazemi and pickpocket the ECS Constant Reactor Terminal Key. You need at least one skill point in Theft under the Social tab to unlock the ability to pickpocket targets.

Sneak behind Amin Kazemi and pickpocket the ECS Constant Reactor Terminal Key.

Also, it is worth mentioning that you’ll have only a 70% chance of not getting caught if you attempt to steal the key. So, it might be wise to save the game before trying to pickpocket Amin Kazemi.

Once you obtain the key, proceed to the Reactor Computer on the room’s left side. Sign in and activate the Emergency Overload option.

Then, make your way to the Command Bay and locate Captain Brackenridge’s computer. Ensure that she is not around and then hack it. You’ll also need one skill point in Security Skill under the Tech tab.

After you’ve successfully hacked her computer, click Confirm Request for the reactor override.

The ECS Constant guards will become hostile and will start attacking you. Just run back to your ship and undock. After you fly away, the ship will explode, and everyone on board will be killed.

After hack Captain Brackenridge's computer and fly away, the ship will explode, and everyone on board will be killed.

Return to Oliver Campbell for your reward: 6,500 Credits and unrestricted access to the Paradiso Resort. Don’t be greedy to request double, or you will get nothing.

Detonating the reactor is the least rewarding choice of all three and is also a moral issue that may upset your companion.

Ultimately, the best option will depend on the skills, resources, credits you’ve acquired, and your moral compass regarding the people of the ECS Constant.

That’s everything you need to know about the First Contact mission and the choices you have to make. If you are still here after this long read, consider visiting our Starfield Wiki Hub Page for more helpful guides.

Hello, Space Explorer, and welcome to our Starfield guides hub, covering everything you need to know in the most expected video game of 2023. Formally announced during Bethesda’s E3 presentation in 2018, Starfield is the biggest and most ambitious project coming from the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Featuring more than 1,000 planets, Starfield is an action role-playing game offering unparalleled freedom from character creation to exploration, crafting, and researching.

Our Starfield Wiki Hub includes guides covering the trickiest quests you may encounter while exploring the universe developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find the best weapons, how to get the rarest natural resources and crafting materials, and how to recruit new companions. So, let’s find out what awaits us amongst the stars.

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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