Starfield Space Frog From Outer Space is a fun side mission in which you must help a bored kid bring smiles to the people of Cydonia.
The kid is named Renee Shelby, and he made some drawings you should put up throughout the colony since he can’t go out himself.
Because I’m sure you can’t resist the cute kid and will want to fulfill his wish, I’ve prepared the following Starfield Space Frog From Outer Space mission walkthrough to aid you in completing this task.
How To Start the Starfield Space Frog From Outer Space Side Mission
In order to start the mission, you must find Renee Shelby, who is located in the residential area of Cydonia.
To get there quickly, head straight ahead after entering the colony, and when you reach the second set of stairs, which goes all the way down, turn left to see an orange door next to a big poster.
The door must say LUXE CONDOMINIUMS, and you have to go through it, then head forward to see the stairs on the right side.
Take the stairs all the way down, ignoring the doors, and you will soon get to Renee, who is standing in front of a door that says A12.

Now, talk to the kid and become his friend.
You’ll then learn he likes to draw and needs your help putting up some of his Space Frog drawings throughout Cydonia.
If you accept to help Renee, he will thank you a couple of times and say that people are going to be so happy when they see the drawings.
Space Frog Drawings Locations in Starfield
After finishing talking to Renee, assuming you’ve tracked the mission, you can see blue markers that lead to the spots where you must post the drawings.

As you can see, you have to post six drawings, and I’ll tell you what is the optimal route to do so.
First, head out of the corridor where you met Renee, but not through the way you entered it.
Then go to the white door in front, which should take you to Cydonia – Central Hub.
From there, drop all the way down and look toward the orange elevator under the stairs.
Now, place the first poster on the elevator where you can see the blue marker.
To continue, take the orange elevator to the Main Level, then go up the stairs to the left, turn around, and you should see another blue marker above the bench in front of the UC OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – GENERAL.
Next, retrace your steps to the stairs and go up the ramp toward the Broken Spear bar to place another drawing on the wall to the right.
Then, head into the bar, go down the stairs, enter the restroom on the left side, and place the next poster there.
Now get out of the bar, head down the ramp to the right, and go through the orange door on the left side that says STAIRS to get back to Cydonia’s residential area.
Proceed, then go down the first set of stairs and turn left to place another Space Frog drawing on the wall.
Finally, continue and go down the next set of stairs to reach a larger area where you must go to the left and place the last poster near the doorway.
Good! You’ve placed all the drawings; now, head through the door next to the last poster, go forward until you reach the wall, and then turn left to see the LUXE CONDOMINIUMS where Renee is waiting for you.
Talk to the kid and tell him you finished posting the drawings to get his thanks, very few credits, XP, and the option to build Space Frog posters at your outposts.

Nicely done, friend! You’ve made a kid happy and completed the Starfield Space Frog From Outer Space side mission in the process. To keep it going, you can start one of the many other Cydonia missions, like Freight Fright.
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