Stray B-12 Memory Collectible Locations

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Updated December 6, 2023

Stray B-12 Memories are the main collectible in the video game developed by BlueTwelve Studio, and finding them helps your cute little drone to remember its past while also providing context that explains what’s going on in the game.

While some are visible or automatically obtained as the story progresses, others are hidden away in obscure spots that you’ll have to go searching for if you want to get the adorable Stray Memories reward item for completing your set, as well as the I Remember! Trophy for collecting all of the B-12 Memories.

Stray features a number of 27 B-12 Memory collectibles for you to discover as you explore the decaying cybercity. They can only be obtained after Chapter 3, as the first two levels do not include any of these collectibles. The B-12 Memories are spread between the chapters as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Inside The Wall – No Memories
  • Chapter 2: Dead City – No Memories
  • Chapter 3: The Flat – 1 Memory
  • Chapter 4: The Slums – 7 Memories
  • Chapter 5: Rooftops – 3 Memories
  • Chapter 6: The Slums (Part 2) – Same 7 Memories as Chapter 4: The Slums
  • Chapter 7: Dead End – 3 Memories
  • Chapter 8: The Sewers – 2 Memories
  • Chapter 9: Antvillage – 2 Memories
  • Chapter 10: Midtown – 7 Memories
  • Chapter 11: Jail – 1 Memory
  • Chapter 12: Control Room – 1 Memory

If you miss any Memory throughout your playthrough, you may go back and finish your set via the select chapter option since these collectibles carry over across replays on the same save file.

Memory #1 – Chapter 3 (The Flat)

After you gain access to your small drone companion and make your way out of the flat, you will take the bucket pulley down to a beach scene mural. Your companion will automatically pick up the first Memory after you get close to it.

Stray Chapter 3 B-12 Memories Collectibles Collection

Memory #2 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Once you meet your first humanoid robot named ‘Guardian,’ turn around with the back on him, take the steps down ahead, and climb the red glowing sign in front of the bar to the roof. Now, jump on the air vents, then once more on the roof, and keep climbing up the rooftops in the direction of the robot Guardian.

Behind a circular arrow sign on the highest roof, you will find a robot lying against it, near a set of suitcases. Press the interaction button to retrieve the Stray collectible (also, you can see the Guardian on your right, on the ground level).

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles Rooftops

Memory #3 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Make your way back to the Guardian and take the steps down on the right (facing him) to meet the shopkeeper Azooz. The mystery item sold by Azooz for three Energy Drink cans is a B-12 Memory. Four Energy Drink locations are available during Chapter 4: The Slums.

Once you have three Energy Drinks in your inventory, interact with the mystery item and show one of the Energy Drink cans to complete the transaction. Interact with the picture again to add it to your collection.

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  Shopkeeper Azooz

Also, if you have the fourth Energy Drink, you can trade it for one of the Music Sheets he’s selling.

Memory #4 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Now, with your back to the Guardian, take the steps down and enter the bar with the red glowing sign above. Proceed to the upstairs area of the bar and inspect the bowl of food on a round table near the pool table. Also, you can find one of the Music Sheets on another table in the same area.

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  Upper Floor Bar

Memory #5 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Leave the bar and make your way up to Momo’s Apartment under the orange neon sign that the Guardian showed you earlier. Enter through the opened window, then proceed into the bedroom behind him with the beaded curtain. Interact with the video game poster.

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  Memo Apartment

Memory #6 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Now, leave Momo’s Apartment and head back to the location of the Guardian. With your back to the Guardian, take the steps down again and follow the alley to the right. Just keep going forward, and by the end of the alley, you will find the B-12 Memory next to one of the Vending Machines at the top of the stairs.

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  In A Alley

Memory #7 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

Backtrack your steps to the Guardian once again and take the steps down on the left (facing him) towards the robot musician Morusque. Just before him, turn left into the narrow alley and climb up the AC units to the painting on the wall (marked in the image below).

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  Near Morusque

Memory #8 – Chapter 4 (The Slums)

For the final B-12 Memory in Chapter 4: The Slums, take down the steps in front of the Guardian, walk past the bar with the red neon sign, and just before the two robots named Kory and Gwap is a brown door. Translating the sign on the door says, “Elliot Programming / Knock on the door and wait for us to open.”  To open the door, scratch it for a couple of seconds, then go upstairs and interact with the plants growing from a pot.

Stray Chapter 4 B-12 Memories Collectibles  Elliot Apartment

Memory #9 – Chapter 5 (The Rooftops)

After you collect all four Notebooks and return them to Momo, he will show you the highest building where you have to install the Transceiver to restore the signal during Chapter 5: The Rooftops. Once you pass the second group of Zurks, jump on a large metal pipe, then on an AC unit, and at the top, you will find this flickering neon sign straight in front of you.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 5 - GameClubz

Memory #10 – Chapter 5 (The Rooftops)

After you cross a yellow crane arm over a ravine, enter the Zurk-infested building through the vent. From here, make your way up to the next floor and look in the back corner of the area, near the group of Zurk closed behind the fences. Proceed past the door and switch to the fenced area; right in front of you is a sign stuck in the growth.

stray b 12 memories locations guide chapter 5 - GameClubz

Memory #11 – Chapter 5 (The Rooftops)

Once you reach the top of the building and attach the Transceiver to the Antenna, a cutscene will run. At the end of the cutscene, you will be rewarded automatically with the B-12 Memory (second orange box).

stray b 12 memories collectibles guide chapter 5 - GameClubz

Memory #12 – Chapter 7 (Dead End)

After fixing the Broken Tracker during the previous chapter, Seamus will open the door for you to find his father, Doc. Go through the door and turn left by the end of the walkway with the metal railing. Right in front of you, in the bottom left corner of the roller garage door, is the first Memory in Chapter 7: Dead End.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 7 dead end - GameClubz

Memory #13 – Chapter 7 (Dead End)

After you get rid of the several groups of Zurks and almost lose one of the nine lives during the trolley riding section, climb the broken truck and the metal pipes to reach the wall above. Once on top, go straight ahead, proceed through the hole in the fence, then go to the right. Inspect the robot on the floating pontoon.

stray b 12 memories locations collectible guide chapter 7 dead end - GameClubz

Memory #14 – Chapter 7 (Dead End)

After you meet Doc in his safehouse, look behind him to see a mannequin with a bucket for a head. As usual, interact with the mannequin.

stray b 12 memories location collectible guide chapter 7 dead end - GameClubz

Memory #15 – Chapter 8 (The Sewers)

As you progress through the Sewers, at some point, Momo will get off the boat and manually open a large gate for you to advance into the next area. In this infested tunnel, jump on the little bridge straight ahead and enter the narrow corridor on the left.

Run down the stairs, past the Zurk nests on the walls, take the first left, and you will see more Zurk nests. Destroy them using the Defluxor or run past them, then jump into the pipe on the left wall. At the end of the pipe, jump on the railing to collect the Memory.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 8 the sewers - GameClubz

Memory #16 – Chapter 8 (The Sewers)

After going through a dark area with giant red eyeballs on the walls and amanyZurk groups and nests, you will jump onto a pipe to get away. From here, instead of going right into the next section, go to the left and jump on the smaller pipe attached to the wall, then on a couple of barrels and go through the pipe opening in the wall. Interact with the giant organism.

stray b 12 memories locations collectible guide chapter 8 the sewers - GameClubz

If you’ve reached an area with water, more Zurk nests, and two switches, you went the wrong way, and you must return to the pipe.

Memory #17 – Chapter 9 (Antvillage)

After you escape the Sewers, you will reach a place called Antvillage, where you will meet with one of Momo’s old friends, Zbaltazar. As you try to enter the Antvillage, a cutscene will start, and by the end of it, you will receive the Memory (third orange box).

stray b 12 memories locations collectible guide chapter 9 antvillage - GameClubz

Memory #18 – Chapter 9 (Antvillage)

From the Antvillage’s bridge, climb all the way to the top to meet with Zbaltazar. After speaking with Zbaltazar, go down the ladders where you came until you reach the first floor. Near the ladder is a single robot sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the Memory is on the wall next to him.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 9 antvillage 1 - GameClubz

It’s pretty close to the two Mahjong players, but you can’t interact with the Memory until you’ve spoken with Zbaltazar.

Memory #19 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

After you climb the Antvillage to the top on some pipes, you will find yourself inside Midtown’s Subway Station. As you get inside, a cutscene will begin, and you will receive the Memory at the end of it.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown subway - GameClubz

Memory #20 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

After you finish the cutscene, go through the train and up the broken escalators. Proceed through the hole in the fence, then immediately turn right and visit Ledoc’s library area. Interact with the bookcase.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown - GameClubz

Memory #21 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

Now, once outside, turn right, go up four steps of stairs, and turn right again to enter Midtown. A white jacket robot is in front of the 2nd shop on the right (yellow building). Go past this robot and enter the alleyway on the right, immediately after him. A robot named Albert is sweeping the floor at the back of the alleyway while wearing a traffic cone on his head.

Behind Albert, in the back right corner, there is a green garbage container you can climb, then jump on the blue roof on the right above, left on the orange AC unit, a smaller AC unit, a small roof, another AC unit to eventually reach the platform with some bottles along the edge.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown albert - GameClubz

Memory #22 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

Use the bucket lift from the previous Stray B-12 Memory collectible (cushions) to get down. Exit the red alleyway in front of you from where you land (opposite exit of where you came from).

Turn left on the following street with the giant robot hologram and enter the Barber Shop immediately on the left through the open window. Jump on the couch, then go into the attic to find the collectible.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown barber shop attic - GameClubz

Memory #23 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

Leave the Barber Shop, and directly across; you will see a robot with a cowboy hat lying on a couch. Enter Mattbee’s restaurant to his left near the giant robot hologram, then jump up the wall behind the chef, and from there jump through the hole in the roof. You will find the Memory in the attic, in the back left corner.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown attic - GameClubz

Memory #24 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

After you progress through the storyline and steal the Atomic Battery from the Factory, return to the plaza with a big robot hologram. Behind the hologram is a yellow-lit shop; inside, you will find a framed picture of a Sentinel drone on the wall. Interact with the framed picture.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown yellow lights - GameClubz

Memory #25 – Chapter 10 (Midtown)

After you return to Clementine’s apartment, you will discover that he’s gone but left clues behind. Interact with the Clue Board in the computer room to get the “Mysterious Message.” Check the purple lantern on the living room table, scratch the pink cloth hanging from the drawer left of the purple lantern, and climb up to find a tray, the mannequin in the bathroom (right side of the door), in the kitchen, check the lava lamp above the stove. 

After inspecting all four objects left by Clementine, the whole clue is, “I’m with Blazer, come to Nightclub.” Leave the apartment complex and enter the first alley on the left, where Albert keeps sweeping the street.

Jump on the green garbage container, then on the blue roof, and look right across the roof to see a robot looking out a window. Make your way to the window onto the metal pipes, talk to him, and he’ll let you get inside the nightclub. Behind the bartender, jump on the dumbwaiter next to the sink to ride down into the storage area, where you will find the final Memory in Chapter 10: Midtown.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 10 midtown nightclub - GameClubz

Memory #26 – Chapter 11 (Jail)

After Blazer betrays you and Clementine, both of you end up in Jail, where you have to make your way back to Midtown to start the subway using the Atomic Battery. When you enter an outside yard with green plants (shortly after releasing B-12 out of his cell), you must lock a Sentinel drone in a storage room.

Once locked, Clementine comes into the yard and unlocks the entrance to the next area, and immediately to the right, you will find a robot lying against a garbage container.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 11 jail - GameClubz

Memory #27 – Chapter 12 (Control Room)

The final B-12 Memory in Stray is given to you automatically by the B-12 drone when you enter the Control Room. If you’ve found all Memories, you should unlock the I Remember! Trophy at this point. If you missed any, use Chapter Select after you finish the story to find the missing ones.

stray b 12 memories locations collectibles guide chapter 12 control room - GameClubz

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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