Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Valley Of Crying Wraiths is the third Main Battlefield or main mission in the video game published by Koei Tecmo for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Series S. The Valley Of Crying Wraiths is notably longer than the previous missions, and you may remember it from the first Demo released by Team Ninja.
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Valley Of Crying Wraiths Battlefield focuses on exploring the Guigugou Valley along the Taihang Mountains, and while the path ahead may look complicated, it is, in fact, very easy to navigate. While playing The Valley Of Crying Wraiths, you’ll get the chance to encounter new beasts and find three additional collectibles. Furthermore, to reach 100% completion, you’ll also have to find seven Battle Flags and five Marking Flags.
Before moving forward with our guide, it’s worth knowing that at the end of The Valley Of Crying Wraiths Main Battlefield, you’ll need to defeat a new boss named Zhang Bao, General of Earth.
Zhang Bao can become problematic unless you are fully prepared to face him. Since this boss uses fire attacks, you must start investing points into your Water Virtue. As you level up while playing The Valley Of Crying Wraiths mission, invest at least two points into the said virtue and unlock the Frost Lance Water Phase Spell.
This specific spell will make the upcoming boss fight a lot easier. Furthermore, when you start the mission, you’ll be accompanied by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and you’ll want to keep them alive whenever they fall into battle. While they do not inflict a lot of damage, your companions will taunt all nearby enemies and distract them.
Finally, during this mission, you’ll want to constantly stock on arrows because there are a lot of ranged enemies you’ll be able to defeat from a safe distance without being targeted by them. Our Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Valley Of Crying Wraiths strategy guide reveals the locations of all collectibles and essential items you don’t want to miss while moving from one Flag to another.
Battle Flag #1
The moment you start The Valley Of Crying Wraiths, follow the path down the mountain and take a left turn to spot a larger area, where you should see three enemies. One of them is a warlock found on the upper left side, and the remaining two are soldiers patrolling the valley.

Climb the stone on the canyon’s right side before entering the valley and shoot the Warlock overseeing the camp below. Aim for his head for a one-shot kill. Now, while the Soldier patrolling up the hill is facing away, head to the ledge where the Warlock was standing and perform an aerial attack on the Soldier when the other one is facing away.
After clearing the camp, destroy the wooden crates to find one Rank 1 Steel, then continue down the path, but pay attention to the right side. When you enter the next section, you’ll see a Treasure Chest (pictured below). Be advised that around the left corner is a hidden soldier. You can shoot him if you want to start the fight with a slight advantage.

Inside the chest, you’ll find two Tiger Seals. After you open the chest, don’t jump into the valley below just yet. Instead, retrace your steps to the previous area and continue up the hill through the canyon. First, deal with the patrolling Soldier and attack him from behind when he’s facing the path ahead.
Upon reaching the top of the hill, you’ll see a white stone wall on the right side. Jump on it, and you’ll have the high-ground advantage. While on top of the wall, you’ll see a loot spot on the right side. Make sure you get the Genuine Qi Fragment, then focus on the enemies below.

Start with the one by the campfire, attack him from above, and then kill the remaining two mobs. The first Valley Of Crying Wraiths Flag should now be visible on the right side of the bridge, and next to it, you’ll find Zhu Xia, the blacksmith. Activate the Flag first, then talk to Zhu Xia and restock your arrows.
Marking Flag #1
After talking to Zhu Xia, it’s time to clear the valley nearby. From the Flag you just activated, jump to the area below, then head right, and you’ll see a soldier guarding a Treasure Chest (pictured).

Attack the Soldier from above by pressing Triangle/Y while in the air. Now loot the Treasure Chest to get :
- 1 Rank 2 Leather
- 2 Rank 2 Steel
From your current location, head right toward the dead end, where you should see a glowing loot spot. Get the Rank 2 Leather, then move up the river, where you should see two soldiers discussing. If you want to surprise them, you can return to the bridge above and perform an aerial attack on the strongest Soldier (the one with a metal helmet). Once you deal with them, on the right side of the canyon (facing up the river), you’ll see a wooden platform with another loot spot.

Climb on it when the patrolling Soldier is facing the other way, and collect the Rank 1 Steel. Now, shoot the Warlock (pictured above) protecting the first Marking Flag, then dispatch the last Soldier.
Battle Flag #2
Great job! Now that you cleared the valley, head back to the first Battle Flag near Zhu Xia, restock on arrows, and if needed, rest and level up. From the Flag, cross the bridge when the patrolling Yellow Turban soldier is facing away and attack him from behind.
Now, take a right turn, and you’ll see another camp with multiple enemies protecting the next Flag. In this area, you can approach the enemies in various ways, depending on your playstyle. A great strategy is to first deal with the Warlock by the Flag by shooting him from a safe distance.
Then, kill the patrolling Soldier (2) on the right side (pictured below) with an aerial attack, then focus on the commander (3) in the middle of the camp.

You can also surprise the last two soldiers with an aerial attack after collecting the Genuine Qi Flake from the ledge above them. Once you clear the camp, activate the Battle Flag and take your time looting the following items:
- Podao (Rank 2) inside the large black Treasure Chest by the Flag
- Warlock Mask (Rank 2) inside the large Treasure Chest by the Flag
- 5 Crossbow Quarrel inside the smaller red chest on the lower wooden platform
- Bamboo Crossbow (Rank 1) inside the same red Treasure Chest
Battle Flag #3
After resting at the Flag and restocking on arrows, follow the path under the wooden bridge, but make sure you lure both the guard dog (wolf) and the Soldier in front of the beast toward the clearing near the Flag above. Another soldier patrols the area, and you’ll want to deal with the wolf first. Shoot an arrow, and the beast will notice you.
While standing under the wooden bridge, check the path ahead and shoot the Warlock on the left side before he spots you and the undead on the left side under the next bridge. Now, slowly move up the hill, and you’ll see a dead-end on the right side. Loot the Rank 2 Yellow Turban Bandit Bandana, but stay alert because it’s guarded by a rather weak undead.
The path ahead is linear but filled with undead enemies, so be on your guard because they can surprise you. Move slowly and constantly target the ground. Eventually, you’ll reach another bridge where you’ll see a lonely undead facing the other way.
Be advised, though, that the bridge has a broken section, and you’ll fall to the previous area. Pay attention to the planks and jump over them before dealing with the undead. Now, loot the glowing spot on the right side of the bridge, and don’t worry about the golden loot spot above just yet. You’ll get it later.
Instead, focus on the bridge on the left side and check the planks because it also has a broken section. Once you cross the next bridge, you’ll see a lot of dead bodies and the first Changgui.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the Changgui guards the next Flag, so dealing with this tiger is mandatory. Luckily, this time you have two companions who’ll help you a lot.
As you descend the hill towards the Flag, loot the Genuine Qi Fragment by the corpses, and order your companions R1/RB+Up/Down to attack the Changgui. You can maintain a safe distance from the tiger-like creature and cast your spells while Zhang Fei and Guan Yu keep the beast occupied.
After you defeat the Changgui, the first thing you should do before activating the Flag is to kick down the ladder nearby as it creates a shortcut that can be used to get to Zhu Xia. Now, activate the Flag, then collect the Rank 2 Leather from the small temple on the left side (both pictured below).

Before leaving the area, there is one last Treasure Chest you don’t want to miss. To get to it, climb the ledges behind the Flag (where the Changgui was standing) and follow the white paint to get to a secluded area where you’ll see several undead enemies guarding the chest.
Surprise the one in front of the chest with an aerial attack, then deal with the remaining enemies. Inside the chest, you’ll find a Rank 2 Warlock Mask. Now, it’s recommended that you use the shortcut to get back to Zhu Xia and upgrade your gear. Also, stock on arrows, then return to the last Flag you activated to continue your journey.
Marking Flag #2
From the last Valley Of Crying Wraiths Flag you activated, follow the path up the mountain, but make sure you shoot the Warlock on the upper section on the right side before he spots you. Walk slowly because there is an undead on the ground at the end of the first bridge made of wooden planks.
When you enter the next canyon, you’ll see a corrupted red area. Before continuing down the canyon toward the red area, jump on the ledge on the left side and loot the Genuine Qi Fragment. Now, keep climbing the mountain wall (don’t head through the canyon below), and you’ll see two wooden bridges.
In the distance is the second Marking Flag pictured below; however, when you reach the second bridge, you should walk slowly because there is a hole (also marked). While standing at the edge, look down, and you’ll spot one of the 20 Golden Cicada Shells collectibles.

After you activate the Flag, get it by dropping through the hole, then return to the previous area and the canyon with the red corruption.
Battle Flag #4
When you enter the corrupted area, stay alert because an enemy is guarding the loot spot on the left side. Deal with him by attacking from behind, then take out the next undead before looting the Rank 1 Steel.
At the end of the canyon is a rather large clearing, but be on your guard because there are two undead Yellow Turban Soldiers waiting for you on the left side. You can’t ambush them, so get ready to fight.
Once you clear the area, do not climb on the ramp ahead because you’ll enter an arena, triggering a mini-boss fight. Instead, take the left path as you exit the canyon, jump over the gap, loot the Throwing Knives, and then climb the next wall.
From here, you’ll want to jump over a smaller gap, loot the Genuine Qi Fragment (marked below) on top of the stone wall, then climb the ladder to get to the next Valley Of Crying Wraiths Battle Flag (also marked below).

Marking Flag #3
After resting, get ready to engage a new type of enemy named Suanyu. This flying beast is relatively weak and easy to deal with as long as you dodge its lightning attacks. Since you are not alone during the next fight, maintain a safe distance from the beast and stay mobile all the time. Engage in close combat only when the beast is on the ground and stay behind it when attacking.
After you defeat the Suanyu, check the path leading to the large locked door, looting the Throwing Knives on the ground, then head back to the arena and smash all crates. In this area, you should be able to find the following:
- 2 Rank 2 Leather on a corpse in the middle of the arena
- Yellow Turban Soldier Cap (Rank 2) on the same corpse
- 2 Rank 2 Steel on another corpse
- Qiang Scimitat (Rank 3) on glowing loot spot
- 1 Genuine Qi Flask on the right side of the ramp leading to the next area
- 3 Crossbow Quarrel & 3 Arrows inside the crates at the base of the ramp leading to the next section
Since the large door near the area where you fought the Suanyu is locked from the other side, there is only one possible path to follow, and it will lead you to the next Flag. As you leave the arena behind, you’ll get to a small platform where you should see a glowing loot spot.
Be advised that there are three undead hanging on the edge of the wooden platforms, and they’ll ambush you the moment you get close to the loot spot in plain sight. Defeat the soldiers to loot the Rank 3 Yellow Turban Champion Footwear, then keep pushing forward. Eventually, you’ll encounter a Demonized Officer (pictured below).

This specific enemy guards the next Marking Flag, so defeating him is mandatory. Again, let your companions take the lead while you cast fire spells on the officer. He is more resilient than all other soldiers but weak compared to the bosses you have fought. Once you defeat him, activate the Marking Flag he was protecting.
Battle Flag #5
After activating the Flag, retrace your steps and take the tunnel on the right side, but after you shoot the Warlock on the upper right ledge. As you head down the tunnel, you’ll reach a small clearing where you should see another Treasure Chest.

After you loot the 3 Crossbow Quarrel jump to the area below and get ready to deal with several undead soldiers. You can easily attack the one facing away from behind, then constantly target the ground to find the rest. Make sure you clear the area before looting the chest, which contains a Rank 3 Lieutenant-General Helmet and a Small Genuine Qi Clot.
Now, follow the path ahead, and you’ll see another loot spot in plain sight. Before approaching it, be advised that another Demonized Fanatic is behind the stone pillar on the left side (pictured below).

Deal with him, loot the 2 Rank 2 Steel on the ground, then the Arrows near the breakable crates on the left side( also pictured above). Now, attack the Demonized Soldier, patrolling the path ahead while he is facing away, then climb the wooden ladder.
Immediately after reaching the top of the cliff, you should stop because, in the small alcove on the left side, you’ll see a chest, but what it’s harder to see is the Yellow Turban Officer on the left side. He’ll ambush you on the spot, so make sure you are ready to parry and deflect his attacks.

After getting the Rank 2 Yellow Turban Commander Gauntlets, you’ll see the next Flag in the distance. Be advised that the bridge you are about to cross has a broken section (marked below).

Stepping on it will take you to the area below, where two Changgui tigers await, so you’ll most likely die. Jumping over the marked section above is mandatory for surviving. On your way to the Flag, grab the Rank 2 Leather on the ground.
Marking Flag #4
After activating the next Valley of Crying Wraiths Battle Flag, follow the path down the hill and loot the 2 Rank 2 Steel on top of the stone near the large pillar.
Now check the dead end at the bottom of the valley to find 1 Rank 2 Leather. Return to the valley, and on the right side, you’ll see one of the 23 Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Shitieshou collectibles. It’s a small panda you’ll have to feed one of your items by dropping it from your inventory while standing in front of the cute creature.
After feeding the Shitieshou, destroy the crates behind it to find 3 Throwing Knives. Next, you’ll want to follow the passage on the left side of the Shitieshou, and it will lead you to a Yellow Turban Camp.
First, deal with the patrolling Soldier, then shoot the Warlock on the left side. Finally, attack the Yellow Turban leader from behind to clear the area. After defeating the Warlock, you’ll be able to loot 1 Rank 2 Leather. Now, it’s time to deal with the two Changgui tigers patrolling the area below.
To successfully defeat the beasts, you’ll want to surprise one of them—specifically, the one under the platform where the last Warlock was standing.

Perform an aerial attack by pressing (△)/(Y) while in the air, then make sure you don’t switch the target. Remember to keep an eye on your companions and heal them if they fall in battle. Although there are two Changgui tigers you have to defeat, you also have two companions to rely on, so the odds are in your favor. Fire-based spells are also useful against these beasts.
When you defeat the two tigers, check the area where the first one marked above stood to find one of the 15 Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Dragon Vein Essences. Make sure you use it from your inventory, then head down the valley and follow the passage near the Shitieshou to get back to the last Yellow Turban Camp you have cleared.
From here, you’ll want to climb the ledge on the right side and get to a second camp. On the right side, you’ll see three Warlocks performing a ritual and a soldier.

First, shoot all three Warlocks, then deal with the Soldier. Behind the altar where the Warlocks were standing, you’ll find the fourth Marking Flag.
Battle Flag #6
After you activate the fourth Marking Flag, without jumping to the valley below, check the area to spot a new type of enemy, similar to a mermaid. These are known as Shuigui, and while they may look terrifying, they are pretty accessible.
To deal with the three Shuigui in the valley below, start by observing the one patrolling close to your location. Jump on it from above and land an aerial attack, then climb the stone structure in the middle of the valley.
Loot the Throwing Knives, then wait for the second mobile Shuigui to reach your location and attack her from above. The third Shuigui (marked below) guards the tunnel behind the waterfall, and you can easily sneak behind her after you collect the Rank 2 Leather nearby (also marked below).

Now that you have cleared the area outside head inside the tunnel behind the waterfall and hug the left side. When you climb the first ledge, collect the Throwing Knives and the Rank 2 Yellow Turban Commander Gauntlets from the glowing loot spot before shooting the Demonized Warlock in the distance (marked below).

Next, attack the Demonized Officer from behind when he is facing away, and after you defeat him, loot the Rank 3 Wuhuan Cavalry Hat he was guarding.
Finally, open the large gate on the left side of the cave to create a shortcut that will get you back to the area where you fought the Suanyu bird. If needed, head to the Battle Flag nearby to rest and restock. When you return to the cave, you should be able to spot another Demonized Warlock praying at an altar in the distance (pictured).

Shoot him, and if you followed our Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Valley Of Crying Wraiths walkthrough, the Staunching Heresy trophy/achievement unlocks. Finally, deal with the patrolling Soldier marked above, then return to the cave’s entrance and follow the right side this time.
After you kill the first Soldier you encounter, loot the Small Genuine Qi Clot on the table. Now, follow the path ahead and prepare to deal with the Yellow Turban Officer and the Soldier protecting the final Battle Flag.

You can surprise both of them by sneaking, or you can take them out in direct combat.
Marking Flag #5
After activating the last Battle Flag in this mission, turn around and climb the wall nearby to reach the upper section of the cave, where you should see another Changgui tiger patrolling around a stone pillar.
Behind the pillar is the last Marking Flag you’ll need to activate after killing the tiger-like beast. Engage the beast with an attack from behind to start the battle with a notable advantage, then activate the Flag.

Now, return to the last Battle Flag inside the cave and make the necessary preparations because you’ll have to defeat Zhang Bao, General of Earth. In the tunnel leading to the final boss, you’ll find one last Soldier protecting a chest with two Tiger Seals.
How to Defeat Zhang Bao General of Earth in Valley of Crying Wraiths
Zhang Bao General Of Earth, is probably the most accessible boss you have encountered so far, because it is weak to water spells.
The fight has only one phase, and if you followed our advice at the beginning of the walkthrough and invested at least two points in the Water Phase Spells, unlocking the Frost Lance, then all you need to do is spam this specific spell while staying as far as possible from the boss.

Zhang Bao has several area attacks you can easily avoid by dodging. If you get close to him, you can also jump over the ring of fire he casts; however, since you have two companions, they will keep the boss busy, allowing you to cast the Frost Lance. Any other Water Phase Spell that you have unlocked, and it’s more powerful than the Frost Lance, will help you defeat the boss even faster.
After you defeat Zhang Bao, the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Valley Of Crying Wraiths Main Battlefield ends, and you’ll unlock the next main mission named The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven and the Tale of Guiguzi Sub Battlefield.
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