Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shell Locations

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Updated December 9, 2023

Golden Cicada Shells are key items and collectibles you’ll need to look for while playing specific Missions (Battlefields) in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty. The Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicadas do not improve your character’s stats or powers, meaning that they are similar to the Tablets collectibles, but they are required if you wish to unlock the Ascension achievement/trophy.

Furthermore, the Golden Cicada Shell collectibles are connected to the Well-read achievement/trophy because one of the 31 Tablets in the game is obtained by bringing all 20 Golden Cicada Shells to the Hermit inside the Mt. Tianzhushan Hidden Village tower.

Like all other items of interest (Dragon Vein Essences, for example), the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shells are found on specific Battlefields. This means that if you missed one of them, you’d need to replay the associated mission to get it. The replay option is available at any Battle Flag via the Travel system.

Golden Cicada #1 – Two Chivalrous Heroes Main Battlefield

For the first Golden Cicada Shell, you must progress the story and complete the Village Of Calamity main mission. When you start the second main mission, Two Chivalrous Heroes, don’t worry about the Golden Shell and focus on the first boss, Zhuyan.

After defeating the ape-like beast, you’ll get to meet the local blacksmith, Zhu Xia. Now, follow the narrow canyon where you find Zhu Xia, and you’ll reach the upper section of the mountain village. On the right side, as you enter the area, is a large house, and inside on the floor is the first Dragon Vein Crystal in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Collect the crystal first, exit the house through the door on the left side, and immediately turn right. Behind the house, you’ll find some wooden platforms you can use to reach the roof. Now, cross the roof, and in the distance, you’ll see a glowing loot spot (pictured below). Cross the platforms ahead and collect the first Golden Cicada Shell.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shells Locations

Golden Cicada #2 – The Valley Of Crying Wraiths Main Battlefield

The second Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shell is found while playing The Valley Of Crying Wraiths Main Battlefield, or the third main mission.

As you progress through the level, eventually, you’ll encounter a Changgui tiger-like beast protecting a Battle Flag. It is the first Changgui you’ll need to defeat in this mission. After dealing with the beast and lowering the ladder to create the shortcut that allows you to reach Zhu Xia, follow the path up the mountain, and you’ll reach a canyon where you can see some red corruption on the walls.

Before entering the canyon, as explained in our in-depth Valley Of Crying Wraiths walkthrough, you’ll want to climb the wall on the left side. From here, climb the next wall, and you’ll reach two suspended bridges. In the distance, you’ll also see one of the Marking Flags.

When crossing the second suspended bridge, look through the hole in the ground (marked below), and you’ll see the golden collectible. Jump through the hole to collect the Golden Shell, then return to the upper bridge.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shells Collectbiles Locations

Golden Cicada #3 – The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven Main Battlefield

The third Golden Cicada Shell can be found during The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven Main Battlefield or the fourth main mission. When you start the mission, you’ll have to go through a cave with a few Soldiers and a Warlock; then, you’ll end up outside near a Battleflag and in a small village.

Go down the slope and follow the path to the right, where you’ll encounter three wolves and an Archer. Cross the wooden bridge over the ditch and keep following the main path, dealing with the enemies along the way until you have to go through a building with two Soldiers.

Exit the building through the other door and climb the rooftop of the building ahead, near the corrupted cave entrance, using the wooden platform. At the top, you’ll find the third Golden Cicada Shell in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Golden Cicada Shells Collectible Location

Golden Cicada #4 – Mt. Tianzhushan Hidden Village

The fourth Golden Shell collectible is found after you reach Mt. Tianzhushan Hidden Village or the hub area in the game. From the Battle Flag in the village, you’ll be able to notice a tall watch tower with a man standing on top of it (pictured below).

Navigate the village using the roots, and on the tower’s ground floor, you’ll find the Cicada collectible. After you get it, follow the roots up and talk to the man on top of the tower. He is the Hermit of Tianzhu and will trade various items for every Cicada you have found.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Hermit of Tianzhu

Golden Cicada #5 – In Search Of The Immortal Wizard Main Battlefield

Another Cicada Golden Shell is found while playing In Search Of The Immortal Wizard Battlefield. To get it, you’ll have to cross the jungle and enter the corrupted cave, where you’ll get to fight a Zhupolong crocodile beast. When you enter the cave, follow the narrow path and climb the first root on the left side. As you can see below, the Cicada collectible sits on a ledge you can reach by jumping from the roots over the gap.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Cicada Shells Collectibles

Golden Cicadas #6 & 7 – Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Main Battlefield

The sixth Golden Cicada Shell can be found at the beginning of the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Main Battlefield. After making your way through the prison cells, you’ll reach Battle Flag #3, locked inside a cell. Nearby this locked cell with the Battle Flag, there are a Soldier and a Commander patrolling the area back and forth.

On the left of the black Treasure Chest guarded by the Commander, there are some broken stairs leading to a lower level. Go down the stairs and defeat the two Huo Shu guarding the cell with the Golden Cicada Shell.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Golden Cicada Shell

The following Golden Cicada Shell in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Main Battlefield can be found after you defeat the first boss, Baishe. Progress through the mission until you reach the courtyard with curved bridges and purple ponds of Zhang’s manor.

Clear the area of enemies and climb the wooden platform near the covered walkway to reach its rooftop. If you look toward Zhang’s manor, you’ll find the Golden Cicada Shell on the edge of the manor’s roof, to the left of the final Battle Flag.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Golden Cicada Shell Location

Golden Cicada #8 – The Battle Of Hulaoguan Pass Main Battlefield

The next Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Cicada Shell is found during The Battle Of Hulaoguan Pass main mission. As you progress, you’ll eventually reach the Hulaoguan battlefield in front of a fortress. Before entering the battlefield and moving toward the final boss, you’ll notice a chasm. One of the Battle Flags sits in front of the bridge across the said chasm. From the Battle Flag, jump into the chasm and head right to find the Golden Cicada at the end of the trench.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Battle Of Hulaoguan Pass Golden Cicada Shells Locations

Golden Cicadas #9 & 10 – Centuries Of Glory Burned Away Main Battlefield

While playing and exploring the Centuries Of Glory Burned Away Main Battlefield, you can find two more Golden Cicada Shells. The ninth Golden Cicada Shell can be found after you reach and raise the second Battle Flag.

While facing Battle Flag #2, go to the left and grab the Luoyang Townswoman’s Last Words guarded by a Huo Sho. Then, enter the street with a patrolling Soldier and an Archer. After defeating both of them, look in a corner covered in flames near the Shitieshou for the ninth Golden Cicada Shell in Centuries Of Glory Burned Away.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Centuries Of Glory Burned Away Golden Cicada Shell Location

The following Golden Cicada Shell can be found after you pass the area with the lightning-summoning dragon and reach a large canal splitting the city. While facing the end of the canal with grates, check on the left side for an opening with the Centuries Of Glory Burned Away Golden Cicada Shell.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Centuries Of Glory Burned Away Golden Cicada Shell

Golden Cicada #11 – Darkness Over The Hanshui River Main Battlefield

Darkness Over The Hanshui River Main Battlefield also featured a Golden Cicada collectible that’s a bit tricky to spot. After you start the mission, exit the camp and turn right. Eventually, you’ll reach a small clearing where a Shuigui mermaid patrols around a pond. Deal with her first, then jump on the shipwreck on the shore and look down to spot the collectible sitting on a lower ledge.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Darkness Over The Hanshui River Golden Cicada Shell Location

Golden Cicadas #12 & 13 – Tyrant’s Final Banquet Main Battlefield

During the Tyrant’s Final Banquet Main Battlefield, you’ll have the opportunity to collect two more Golden Cicada Shells. To find the first Golden Cicada Shell, reach and raise the third Battle Flag after you defeat the invader Dong Ming. Then, climb the nearby wooden platform and continue along the rooftops ahead to reach the roof tiles above the wall. On the other end of the wall, you’ll find the first Golden Cicada Shell in Tyrant’s Final Banquet.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Tyrant's Final Banquet Golden Cicada Shell Location

For the second Golden Cicada Shell, you’ll have to progress the mission until you defeat the Fengxi mini-boss and raise the final Battle Flag. Going to the right of the Battle Flag, you’ll reach an area with two houses, a taller one with a Marking Flag and a shorter one with the Golden Cicada Shell guarded by a Warlock.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Tyrant's Final Banquet Golden Cicada Shell

Golden Cicadas #14 & 15 – War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely Main Battlefield

While playing War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely, you can find 2 Golden Shells Collectible. The first one is inside a large Treasure Chest you can find after the fourth Battle Flag. As you continue down the linear path after activating the flag, you’ll get to a large red dam. Before crossing it, check the right side to see a dead end and a soldier investigating the chest (pictured below).

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely Golden Cicada Shells Locations

The next Cicada Shell is found in the sewers. After you get the previous one, follow the path inside the sewers, and it will take you to a large room with several stone pillars. The collectible is found inside a chest, protected by a terracotta soldier (pictured below), on the upper ledge you can reach by jumping from one stone pillar to another.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely Golden Cicada Shells Collectibles Locations

Golden Cicada #16 – The Way Of The Warrior Main Battlefield

The Way of the Warrior Main Battlefield includes a Golden Cicada Shell that’s pretty easy to find. After you start the mission, follow the narrow canyon ahead, and you’ll eventually reach a clearing with a suspended tree branch. While standing on it, facing the clearing, turn left to spot another swampy canyon in the lower area. Follow the said canyon, and it will lead you to a smaller clearing where you’ll need to defeat a Zhupolong crocodile. The collectible is found by the large tree (pictured below).

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Way Of The Warrior Golden Cicada Shell Collectible Location

Golden Cicada #17 – Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men Main Battlefield

The next Wo Long Golden Cicada Shell can be retrieved when you play Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men Battlefield. To get it, you’ll need to reach the final section of the mission.

Specifically, the pagoda where the last Battle Flag is found. Before entering the building, while facing the entrance, head left around the exterior wall and look for the shell behind a wooden structure; you can climb to get inside the room where the last flag is waiting.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men Golden Cicada Shell Collectible Location

Golden Cicadas #18 & 19 – Behold The Glaive Of Righteousness Main Battlefield

Two additional Golden Cicada Shells are found during the Main Battlefield named Behold The Glaive Of Righteousness. The first shell is found halfway through the level when you reach the foggy section of the forest. Eventually, you’ll get to an area protected by a Suanyu bird. Deal with the flying beast, then climb the watchtower in the central area. Kill the Warlock atop the tower, then walk on the tree branch to find the Cicada.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Behold The Glaive Of Righteousness Golden Cicada Shells Locations

For the second Cicada, you must progress through the mission until you enter the underground section. As you progress, you’ll reach a room guarded by two large Terracotta soldiers. Before engaging them, the moment you enter the room, cross to the other side and climb the wall. Before going down the ladder, you’ll see a tunnel with a Houshu rat. Kill the beast, and look behind the red crystal to see the second Cicada Shell.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Behold The Glaive Of Righteousness Golden Shells Locations

Golden Cicadas #20 & 21 – Decisive Battle Of Guandu Main Battlefield

For the next two Golden Cicada Shells in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, you’ll have to start and progress the Decisive Battle Of Guandu Main Battlefield. Continue through the mission until you reach a plateau with giant statues. On the right side of the plateau, you’ll find the Golden Cicada Shell on a ledge below.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Decisive Battle Of Guandu Golden Cicada Shell Location

For the second Golden Cicada Shell in the Decisive Battle Of Guandu Mission, you’ll have to reach and defeat the first boss, Yuan Shao, and raise the final Battle Flag. Then, check the area below to find the Golden Cicada Shell behind the Shitieshou.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Decisive Battle Of Guandu Golden Cicada Shell

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of VGFAQ.com and Primewikis.com. He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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