Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch is the sixth Main Battlefield or Wo Long Fallen Dynasty main mission, where you are tasked to infiltrate Chief Eunuch Zhang Rang’s manor. But before you reach Zhang’s manor, you’ll have to make your way through the dungeons beneath the city of Louyang where you will encounter the first boss, Baishe.
Fortunately, throughout the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission, a powerful military general called Cao Cao will help you fight against all your enemies. Upon entering the battlefield, Cao Cao will join you and help you throughout the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission.
As you advance, you will come across a purple liquid on the ground that will cause your spirit gauge to decrease while standing in it constantly. More of this substance can be found as you progress through the mission.
Climb the white-painted ledge ahead to reach the first Battle Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch.
Marking Flag #1
After tweaking your loadout and spending your Qi at the Battle Flag, go through the hole on the right to reach a sewer network covered in purple liquid. Grab the 3 Arrows off the ground and proceed to the right, where a Demonized Soldier awaits. Defeat him and grab the 2-Star White Horse Servant Cavalry Gauntlets +1 at the end of the sewer.

If you turn around and proceed to the other end of the sewer, you’ll see a loot orb at the bottom of a deep drop. However, refrain from jumping down there, as it will be difficult to climb back up. As such, return to the first Battle Flag and go through the hole on the left, where you will meet Yuan Shao.
Head behind Yuan Shao and grab the Genuine Qi Fragment near the stone rubble. On the right, there are two jail cells. Starting from the left, the first jail cell has a closed door that cannot be accessed from this side.
Remember this door because we will open it and create a shortcut to Battle Flag #1 later in the mission. In the second jail cell, you can find and collect 3 Throwing Knives.

After grabbing all the loot, go down the stairs on the right, where you must defeat a Demonized Soldier and a Demon Spider. Behind Demon Spider’s location near the stairs are 2 Fire Pots in front of a pile of vases and sacks.
Moving forward, you’ll see Hermit of Tianzhu locked in the third jail cell on the left. After we find the key later in the guide, we will return to this location. At the end of the pathway is a loot orb, but don’t be deceived by it. As you step on the wooden planks leading to it, they collapse, sending you down onto a Demonized Officer.
Instead, break the crates and enter the fourth jail cell. Before jumping down into the hole, there is another hole on the right leading to a Treasure Chest guarded by a Demonized Soldier. Take him down and open the Treasure Chest to receive a 2-Star Decorative Knot.

Go down into the hole to encounter a Demonized Officer in the next jail cell. After you’ve defeated him, climb the hole on the right side of the jail cell where you’ve encountered the Demonized Officer to find the first Marking Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Battlefield.

Battle Flag #2
Head outside the jail cell and cross the wooden bridge while dealing with the patrolling Demonized Soldier along the way. At the end of the wooden bridge is a cell with a patrolling Demonized Officer and a Demonized Fanatic on the upper right side, throwing firepots.
You can perform a Fatal Strike on the Demonized Officer to deplete half of his HP and let your companion deal with him while you run straight for the Demonized Fanatic to avoid getting roasted by the firepots.
After killing them both, grab the 2 Arrows in the corner of the cell. Climb up the wooden ramp where you killed the Demonized Fanatic and go through the hole to reach the upper floor.
Here, you can open the locked door we mentioned earlier and create a shortcut to the first Battle Flag. In the same room is a Treasure Chest with a 2-Star White Horse Servant Cavalry Armor+1 on the top of a wooden platform that you can reach by climbing the nearby metal cages.

Head around the corner, where a Demonized Fanatic is sweeping the floor. You can take advantage and land a Fatal Strike on him. However, immediately after doing so, the Huo Shu located at the other end of the walkway will quickly charge toward you.

After you’ve defeated the Huo Shu, enter the fourth jail cell on the right and open the nearby door. Take out the two Demonized Fanatics in here and grab the 2-Star Iron Spetum+1 in the corner of the room.
Exit the cell back to the walkway, and check the open space on the right with puddles of purple liquid for a breakable wooden cage containing 2-Star Warlock Leglets+2. Now, jump over the gap ahead and perform a Fatal Strike on the Demonized Soldier at the top of the steps.
Go down the stairs and enter the first cell on the right for 2 Fire Pots inside a breakable wooden cage. Immediately after approaching the cage, you’ll be ambushed by Demon Spiders from above that you can quickly dispatch them.
You can see a Battle Flag in the next jail cell, but unfortunately, the gate is locked. We will come back to this cell once we get the keys. To the left is a Demonized Soldier patrolling a broken walkway, and right in front of you is a Yellow Turban Commander guarding a Treasure Chest.

Sneak behind the Demonized Soldier and land a Fatal Strike on him, then grab the Talismanic Water on the edge of the broken walkway. Do the same thing for the Yellow Turban Commander and defeat him, then open the Treasure Chest behind him to receive a 3-Star Cavalry Javelin+2.
Now, to the left of the Treasure Chest, there is a broken set of stairs leading to a lower level with a Huo Shu standing near some stone rubble. There is also a ladder nearby that can take you to some goodies above.

But first, jump down and defeat the Huo Shu with a Fatal Strike. In the nearby jail cell, an Elite Huo Shu will charge at you. Defeat him as well. Inside the jail cell where the Elite Huo Shu came out, you’ll find a Golden Cicada Shell.
Climb the nearby ladder and pick up the 3-Star Cavalry Halberd+1 off the ground. Then, turn around toward the ladder to spot 3 Rank 3 Steel on the broken ledge to the left.
After grabbing the loot mentioned above, climb back down the ladder and get close to the wooden platform to see two Shuigui, one of them being the Leader of the corrupted Battle Flag nearby.
You can sneak up behind the Leader to perform a Fatal Strike to deplete more than half of her HP and lower her Morale Rank by 1, then push the remaining health with Normal and Spirit Attacks.

After you defeat both Shuigui, raise the second Battle Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Main Mission. Pick the two loot orbs in front of the Battle Flag in the purple liquid to obtain 3 Throwing Knives and 1-Star Iron Sward+1. Also, to the left and behind the Battle Flag is a small opening where you can loot a 2-Star Wolf Fang Club+1.
Marking Flag #2
Now, we will begin doing a lap on the ground floor to grab all the loot and collectibles around. Go to the left of Battle Flag #2 and enter the first opened jail cell, where you will encounter four Demonized Fanatics playing dead on the ground.
Defeat all of them and grab the loot orb to receive an Elixir and the Luoyang Dungeon Keys, which will allow you to open all the locked cell gates in prison.

Afterward, head outside this cell and proceed to the right into the fourth open jail cell while dealing with the patrolling Shuigui and the two Demonized Fanatics playing dead in the purple liquid.
Through the large hole in the wall, you’ll see three Huo Shu in the nearby cell guarding a Treasure Chest containing 2-Star Warfare Classics. Take them down and grab the lot.
Head into the next cell blocked by breakable wooden crates to find 3 Rank 3 Steel near the fire brazier. Exit the cell and head to the right to reach an alcove with a 2-Star Fire-Colored Cudgel+1 and purple liquid flowing from the top. As you approach the loot, two Demonized Fanatics will rise from the purple liquid.
Turn around and take the path to the right near a wooden platform to open a locked gate cell using the keys you’ve previously acquired. Inside the cell, you’ll find a Dragon Vein Essence. Leave the cell, climb the nearby wooden platform, grab the 2 Rank 4 Leather near the edge, and then drop below.
Sneak behind the Shuigui to land a Fatal Strike and grab the 3 Arrows near the stone rubble. To the right of the Shuigui you killed earlier is a large Huo Sho guarding a jail cell. You can enter the nearby cell on the left, climb the hole in the wall, and perform a Fatal Strike on him for an easy kill, then collect the Prisoner’s Last Words off the ground.

Exit the cell, go to the right, and enter the next one, which has a locked gate after you turn left inside. Open this gate to find and raise the second Marking Flag in the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission.

Battle Flag #3
Since we’ve cleared everything on the ground floor, we will move up and open the remaining locked cells to grab the loot before facing the boss. Leave the cell with the Marking Flag and climb the ladder near Battle Flag #2.
Since we’ve previously obtained the keys to the prison, you can now open the locked cell ahead with the third Battle Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Main Battlefield.

Marking Flag #3
After raising the third Battle Flag, exit the cell, climb the stairs on the left, and jump over the gap. Along this long walkway, there is a wooden platform on the right. Step on it, and look downwards and to the right to find the third Marking Flag as part of the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission.

After raising the Marking Flag, jump down on the ground floor and climb back up the ladder to Battle Flag #3. Go up the same stairs again, and instead of jumping over the gap, drop on the ledge below where a Demonized Fanatic awaits.
After you defeat him, grab the 3 Rank 4 Steel in the corner near the brazier. Now, the last remaining thing to do is to release Hermit of Tianzhu from his prison cell. Jump down on the ground floor and look to the left of Battle Flag #2 for a jail cell containing white-painted wooden platforms.

Climb the platforms, go through the hole, exit the cell, jump over the gap, and enter the jail cell on the left. Climb the pile of cages, go through the hole, exit the cell, and unlock the next cell to free the Hermit of Tianzhu.

He is the Shitieshou Lover, and when you return to the Hidden Village, you can talk to him there. Now, drop down to the ground floor and climb the ladder again to return to Battle Flag #3.
Take the path to the left of the Battle Flag and open the locked gate on the right. You will find a Treasure Chest with a 2-Star Qiang Scimitar+1 and a 4-Star Shanyue Soldier Bracelets+2.

Go along the corridor, and after climbing the stairs ahead, check on the right behind the stone rubble for a Five Minerals Power. Opening the double doors ahead will start a cutscene and the fight against Baishe, the first boss of the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Battlefield. If you feel like tweaking your loadout, return to the Battle Flag and spend your earned Qi to upgrade your character.
How to Defeat Baishe in Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch
The demon known as the Baishe has a snake-like body and a woman’s torso. It was formerly Lady Zhen’s pet snake, but under the influence of Demonic Qi, it suffered a dreadful transformation. Baishe will occasionally make her snakes spit venomous green pools by lifting her hands, which spread across her surroundings.
If you step into any of these pools, your health bar starts turning green and begins to decrease gradually over time, so avoid them.

She also uses her tail as a weapon by spinning in a wide circle and whipping her tail. She can perform this attack up to two times in a row. You can either deflect or parry this attack move. Baishe will also do a four-hit combination in which she swings her arms and snakes. This is her quickest combination, but it’s very easy to deflect or dodge the entire thing by stepping back.
In addition, Baishe has the ability to charge toward you or perform a body slam by jumping. In order to evade these attacks, you must dodge or deflect them at the precise time when Baishe is about to make contact with you.

In her first Critical Blow, she pulls her snake arms backward, holding them there for a second, then lunging forward in an attempt to grab you into a death grip. Keep your focus and only hit deflect after she has lunged; otherwise, you risk being caught, dragged in close, and bit, which might severely damage or even kill you.

After her health goes below 50%, Baishe will perform her second Critical Blow, where she swiftly jumps onto the arena walls and circles around you before leaping right towards you in a deadly spin strike.
It’s challenging to deflect this Critical Blow because you need to wait until she is about to make contact with you, then hit deflect. Also, the speed at which she travels from the arena walls toward you makes it more challenging to hit deflect with perfect timing, but not impossible.

The main strategy to defeat Baishe is to learn to dodge and deflect her attack moves, especially her Critical Blows, then counterattack. Deflecting her Critical Blows will significantly decrease her spirit gauge, leaving him vulnerable to Fatal Strikes, which deal the most damage.
Also, learning the timing of her attacks is crucial because her most deadly attacks are also her most predictable ones. After finishing the fight, a cutscene will play where Yuan Shao releases Lady Zhen and departs with her, leaving you and Cao Cao to hunt down Zhang Rang.
Battle Flag #4
Following the cutscene, immediately to your left, is a locked gate cell. Unlock the gate and open the Treasure Chest inside the cell containing a Large Genuine Qi Clot and 2 Rank 4 Leather. Go up the stairs until you reach the fourth Battle Flag in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch. Rest here and spend all your Genuine Qi before going further.

Battle Flag #5
Open the double doors and climb up the stairs. In the middle of the road, there is a loot orb between some purple jars. Behind the vases are two wolves waiting to ambush you. You can climb the platforms on the right to land an aerial Fatal Strike on one of them and quickly dispatch the other. Also, grab the loot orb to receive 3 Crossbow Quarrels.

Moving forward, you will come across another loot orb on top of a pile of garbage next to a tree. As you get close to the steps ahead, you’ll be ambushed by two Assassins, which are very aggressive.
At first, play defensive, then let your companion handle one while you deal with the other. After defeating both of them, grab the 1-Star Shanyue Soldier Leglets+1 by the tree. Go through the double doors ahead to find and raise the fifth Battle Flag in the Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch.

Marking Flag #4
After raising the flag, go down the nearby steps and immediately go to the left. Climb the ladder in this room to reach an upper room with a Soldier and an Assassin guarding a Treasure Chest. Defeat both of them to open the Treasure Chest containing a 1-Star Assassin Footwear+1 and a 2-Star Assassin Garb+1.
Retrace your steps to Battle Flag #5. In the main room, you’ll see a Soldier and a Commander patrolling the area. There is also an Assassin on a broken upper walkway. To avoid getting swarmed by enemies, take out your bow and hit the Soldier to lure him near the Battle Flag to defeat him easily.
Don’t go down the steps while fighting the Soldier. Doing so will alert the patrolling Commander and the Assassin. Once the Soldier is down, go down the steps and climb the ladder immediately on the right. At the top, sneak behind the Assassin to perform a Fatal Strike on him.

If he doesn’t die in one shot, wait for him to climb the ladder and keep hitting him. Also, grab the loot orb near the edge to receive 2 Rank 4 Steel and 3 Throwing Knives. Now, climb down and sneak behind the Commander to perform a Fatal Strike on him and finish him off.
Before climbing the stairs, check to the left of them to find a Small Genuine Qi Clot between the purple jars. To the right of the stairs, there is a Treasure Chest containing 2-Star Hundred-Forged Sabres+1.
After you grab the loot, head up the stairs and turn left at the top to encounter a patrolling Soldier. Follow the pathway and jump across the gap to reach and raise the fourth Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Marking Flag.

Near Marking Flag #4 is a hole in the wall that leads outside into the courtyard. Remember this hole, because we will return here later in the guide.
Battle Flag #6
Now, return to the top of the stairs and enter the next large open area. Immediately on the right is a hole in the wall leading to a ladder. Kick down the ladder to create a shortcut back to the fourth Battle Flag, then return to the large room.
Unfortunately, this room is filled with every type of enemy, but mostly Assassins, which are the worst. But we will explain how to take all of them quickly. Climb down the stairs, turn left, and go underneath the stairs to sneak behind an Assassin and land a Fatal Strike on him.

After you take him down, grab the Genuine Qi Clot behind his location. An Archer is on the right side of the room, on top of some shelves holding parchments. Climb on top of the shelves to reach and defeat him. Also grab the Five Minerals Powder near where he was standing.
From Archer’s location, look downwards, where you will see an Assassin and a Rank 4 Leather. After you kill the Assassin, the patrolling Commander and the Soldier above will jump on you. Defeat them both. Moving towards the stairs ahead, you’ll see a Soldier looking at a bookshelf.
But an Assassin is waiting around the corner on the right. Take him down first, then sneak behind the Soldier to kill him as well. To the right of the Soldier, you’ll find a Treasure Chest Containing a 2-Star Han Soldier Cap+1 and a Genuine Qi Clot. Head up the stairs to find and raise the sixth Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Battle Flag.

Do not rest at the Battle Flag to avoid respawning all the enemies we’ve previously defeated.
Marking Flag #5
Keep going up the stairs, jump over the gap, and right in front of you, you’ll see a hole in the wall behind and above a shelf. Go through the hole and destroy the wooden crates in the corner of the room to find Magnate’s Note, one of the 31 Tablets in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.
Then, climb down the ladder and follow the short path to reach the fifth Marking Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission.

Marking Flag #6
Climb back up on the ladder, exit through the hole, and look to the left to find a 2-Star Assassin Bracers+2 and a 2-Star Assassin Cap+2. But be careful because immediately after you jump over the gap, you’ll be ambushed by an Assassin hiding at the top of the nearby wooden pole.
Now that you’ve cleared the room of all the loot and enemies, return to the hole in the wall we mentioned earlier where you’ve raised Marking Flag #4. Go through the hole and follow the roof tiles. As you reach the corner of the roof, you’ll be invaded by Xu Xiang, Magnate’s Purse.
Quickly enter through the hole around the corner and kick down the ladder. Climb down the ladder for more space to fight and defeat the invader Xu Xiang. After defeating Xu Xiang, go back up the ladder and climb the other one as well.
At the top, watch out for the Assassin hiding behind the wall, ready to ambush you. Once you take him down, raise the final Marking Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Battlefield.

Battle Flag #7
Climb back down the ladder, exit through the hole, and jump onto the long rooftop ahead, where you’ll have to defeat a Demonized Soldier and a Demonized Fanatic playing dead. After you take them down, jump onto the next roof to grab the Golden Cicada Shell, one of the few collectibles in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

As you jump back on the long rooftop, check on the right side for a Changui with a high Morale Rank patrolling the area. Jump on the Changui with an aerial Fatal Strike to deplete almost half of his HP, then finish him off.
In the corner of the area among the red jars and by the tree, you’ll find 3 Rank 4 Leather. Under the long rooftop is a walkway with a patrolling Demonized Officer. Sneak behind him to land a Fatal Strike, then finish him off with your combinations.
Look on the left in the water for a Shuigui circling a small lone island with a 1-Star Assassin Garb+2. Wait to come near you and perform an aerial Fatal Strike on her, then grab the lot.

Now, go to the left and climb the stairs to the top of the nearby curved bridge across the purple liquid. On the left and below, you’ll see the Demonized Officer Leader patrolling the area. Wait for him to get close to the bridge and jump on him with a Fatal Strike to deplete a small chunk of his HP.

Then, run out of the purple liquid toward the walkway because no enemies are around and defeat him on land. After you put him to rest, you can raise the final Battle Flag in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch, but do no rest yet.

Let’s clear the remaining enemies and loot, and then we will head through the doors behind to fight the boss, Zhang Rang. Now, go to the other curved bridge and defeat the Demonized Soldier and Demonized Fanatic around it.
In the purple water nearby, defeat the two Shuigu swimming around the large rock, then grab the 3 Rank 4 Steel in front of it. Also, head behind the rock and climb it to find 3 Arrows near the ledge.

Immediately after grabbing the previous loot, turn your camera to the right, where you will see a Wolf on a bridge and a Soldier behind. Defeat them both to collect the Dragon Vein Crystal on the ground between the bamboo and the tree.

Now, go along the wall behind the large rock you’ve previously climbed until you see white-painted wooden platforms leading to a rooftop. Once you reach the roof tiles, turn the corner to the left to find a Shitieshou waiting in the corner to be fed. Drop in front of him a piece of equipment you don’t need anymore to receive something better.

The last loot orb is on the gazebo rooftop connected with the curved bridge. To get there, enter the building to the right of the gazebo and near the walkway with the long rooftop.
Climb the ladder you’ve kicked down earlier and go through the hole in the wall. Jump from the stone chunk between the roof tiles onto the gazebo’s rooftop to collect the loot orb and receive 1-Star Han Soldier Bracers+1 and 3-Star Han Soldier Footwear+2.

Since we’ve cleared the area of all the loot, return to Battle Flag #7 and prepare to fight against Zhang Rang, the second boss in Fall Of The Corrupted Eunuch Mission.
How to Defeat Zhang Rang in Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch
Zhang Rang is a powerful and corrupt eunuch who serves the Emperor. He is part of a group of ten eunuchs with unrivaled authority and is known for his greed and lust for material wealth.
At the start of the fight, Zhang Rang spawns nine clones, each granting him a different buff, such as reduced damage from specific elements, increased health regeneration, increased attack damage, etc. In order to deal significant damage to him, you’ll have to defeat all of his clones first.

Zhang Rang’s clones don’t deal significant damage. So, concentrate on dodging and deflecting the attacks of the original Zhang Rang. To keep the clones busy while you take them out, recruit another ally. Moreover, he resummons all 9 of his clones again and regains all his buffs once his health bar gets close to 50%.
Also, make sure to increase your Wood resistance because he casts many lightning spells. Following the fight, a cutscene will play. At the end of it, you’ll be rewarded with a new Divine Beast known as Zhuque and a few pieces of equipment.
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