Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven is the fourth Main Battlefield or main mission, in which you’ll infiltrate the Yellow Turban Rebellion’s base. During Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Mission, you’ll have a new ally by your side known as Sun Jian, a powerful military general and warlord who will help you overcome the Yellow Turbans.
At the end of the Demon Fort Of Yellow Heaven Main Battlefield, you’ll have to face off against their leader, Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven, in a demonic form. After you start The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Main Battlefield, proceed to the far end of the camp and climb the ledges.
At the top, you’ll meet again with the blacksmith Zhu Xia, and you will come across the first Battle Flag of the area. Feel free to upgrade your equipment level at Zhu Xia and spend your Qi earned from the previous mission at the Battle Flag.
Marking Flag #1
Climb the ledges near the Battle Flag and drop down below on a wooden platform. A Yellow Turban Soldier is patrolling the area. Perform an aerial Fatal Strike from the wooden platform to take him out and proceed forward. On the right side of the path, destroy the crates to grab a 2-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Bandana and proceed into the next area, where you will encounter three more soldiers.
As you enter this area, go up the slope on the left, take down the patrolling Soldier holding a torch, and grab the 3 Throwing Knives off the ground. Follow this path to get behind the Archer and take him out. From the Archer’s location, you can perform an aerial Fatal Strike on the Soldier below.

At the far end of this area, you will reach a junction with three paths you can take. Let’s take the leftmost path first and deal with the Warlock. You can sneak behind his back and perform a Fatal Strike.
Return to the previous area at the junction, take the rightmost path, and deal with the Soldier. Destroy the crates to grab a Rank 2 Leather hiding underneath. From here, you should see the Marking Flag guarded by a Soldier. Go behind his back and perform a Fatal Strike on him as well, then raise the first Marking Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Main Battlefield.

Battle Flag #2
On the opposite side of the area, you’ll find a Fire Pot as well as a ladder going down. This ladder takes to a patrolling Suanyu with a high Morale Rank and several Demonized Fanatics. You should stay away from this area for now, but we will clear this area later in the guide.
Now, return to the junction with the three paths and take the leftmost path where you defeated the Warlock to reach the second Battle Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Battlefield.

Battle Flag #3
On the slope’s right side, three Warlocks stand around a campfire. Perform a Fatal Strike from above on one of them and dispatch the other two, then collect the nearby Treasure Chest containing a 4-Star Witch Mask.

Also, break the wooden crates near the Treasure Chest to grab a Detox Jerky. After grabbing the loot, go to the bottom of the slope, sneak behind the Soldier, and execute him with a Fatal Strike.
In the corner of this area, you can find an Anti-Freeze Soil on the ground. But beware of the Soldier hiding behind the crates, ready to ambush you with a Critical Blow as you get close to the loot.

Now, turn around, take the path to the left, and deal with the Soldier patrolling in front of the stairs. These steps lead to a walled courtyard filled with enemies buffed by Warlock on the rooftop. You can also find a Battle Flag corrupted by the Leader inside the courtyard.
Leave this place for now and head forward. Grab the 1-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Footwear inside the campfire on the right and the 3-Star Yellow Turban Commander Armor by the well ahead.

Then, deal with the three wolves nearby and the Archer at the top of the building. Remember this Archer’s location because we will use it a couple of times as a point of reference. Climb the ladder to the Archer’s location and grab the 5 Arrows at the top.
Then, hop on the wooden platform and turn your camera to the left toward the house with the courtyard. On the rooftop are a Soldier and a Warlock buffing all the enemies in the area.

Jump on the rooftop and order your companion to attack the Soldier by pressing (R2)+DPad Up / (RB)+DPad Up while you take out the Warlock. With the Warlock out of the way, you can jump into the courtyard and quickly deal with the three Soldiers and the Leader.
You can perform a Fatal Strike from the rooftop on the Leader to lower his Morale Rank by 1. Loot the Leader after you kill him and raise the third Battle Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Mission.

Raising the Batte Flag will remove the corruption in front of the doorway, giving you access to a Treasure Chest containing a 3-Star Qiang Scimitar.
Marking Flag #2
Now, climb the wall near the steps in front of the courtyard to find a Tiger Seal. Move along on the top of the wall toward the left side of the house to find a Treasure Chest containing 2 Rank 2 Leather and 1 Rank 2 Steel.

Return to the building where you killed the Archer to reach a wooden bridge across a ditch. On the left side of the bridge into the ditch, you’ll find a Genuine Qi Fragment.
Cross the wooden bridge and take down the Bandit patrolling with a torch. There are two open houses nearby. In the first house on the left, you’ll find a Shitieshou between crates and vases. Drop a low-star equipment item in front of him to feed him and get something better in return.

Enter the second house on the right and be prepared to be ambushed right around the corner by a Soldier wielding a Scimitar. Defeat him and loot the Rank 2 Leather off the ground. Now, cross back the wooden bridge over the ditch and climb the ladder to reach Archer’s location you’ve killed with the wolves. Hop on the wooden platform and follow the path to the right this time. At the end of the path, you’ll find a Treasure Chest containing a 2-Star Lieutenant-General Armor.

Jump on the rooftop below and kill the patrolling Soldier. Go along the rooftops and kill the Archer ahead with a Fatal Strike. Also, pick up the 1-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Bracers on the same roof as the Archer you’ve killed.
Under the location of the Archer you’ve just killed, there are two soldiers around a campfire. Perform an aerial Fatal Strike on one of them and cut the other into pieces. After you defeat both of them, enter the building you just jumped off to find the second Marking Flag for The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Main Mission.

Go to the right and behind the building with the Marking Flag to kill the Bandit guarding a Small Genuine Qi Clot. Also, go to the back of the building with the Marking Flag to find 2 Rank 2 Leather hidden under the wooden crates.
Marking Flag #3
Now, climb the ladder on the wooden tower, which is in front of the building with the Marking Flag, and go along the rooftops to the left to find 3 Throwing Knives.

A few steps further from the previous loot orb, you will encounter an Archer that you can kill with a Fatal Strike if you sneak up. There is also a ladder nearby that you can kick down to create a shortcut back to Battle Flag #3 in the courtyard.
Drop down on the ground level and enter the large building on the left, where you will encounter two Soldiers. Once you defeat them, grab the 2-Star Yellow Turban Commander Gauntlets in the corner of the room. Exit the building through the same door and enter the other building near the corrupted cave entrance to find a Treasure Chest with 3 Rank 3 Leather.

Now, use the wooden platform near the building to climb onto the rooftop. At the top, you will find a Golden Cicada Shell, a key item and collectible in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty required to progress and unlock Ascension Achievement/Trophy.

After grabbing the Golden Cicada Shell, enter the nearby corrupted cave, where a Huoshu, a large hedgehog-like demon, will immediately attack you. Continue through the cave, and there will be one more who will charge at you.
After you exit the cave, you should notice a Warlock on a guard tower ahead performing a ritual to buff nearby enemies. Take out your bow if you have one and kill him to make your life easier later in the area.

To continue further, follow the wooden path to the right and deal with a Demonized Fanatic, who will jump on you in an attempt to push you over. Look over the edge to the left at the end of this wooden path to find a small platform with Genuine Qi Flake.
Climb back up and sprint up to the white ledge ahead to climb it. At the end of the rocky path, you will find the third Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Marking Flag in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

After raising the Marking Flag, drop down on the wooden platform below to open a Treasure Chest with 1 Rank 3 Leather.
Battle Flag #4
Drop down behind the Treasure Chest to reach a lower platform with a Crossbow Quarrel. Jump down again to the ground level and break the nearby crates to find a 2-Star Lieutenant-General Helm hiding underneath. Now, clear the small open area of the four Demonized Fanatics and Soldiers.
If you are sneaky enough, you can take out some of them with Fatal Strikes. Once you’ve cleared the area, check the small space to the right and behind the ladder to find a Treasure Chest with a 2-Star Ring Pommel Sabre.

Now, climb the other ladder near the large wooden gate and jump on the platform above it to collect a Bamboo Crossbow and 6 Crossbow Quarrels. If you look at the other side of the wall, you’ll recognize the Suanyu we’ve seen earlier from the cave, still patrolling the area and the corrupted Battle Flag.

In front of the gate, there is also a Demonized Soldier and Demonized Fanatic playing dead in the middle of the area. Order your companion to attack Suanyo by (R2)+DPad UP / (RB)+DPad UP and keep him busy while you take out the other two enemies.
Once you have cleared both, help your companion defeat Leader Suanyu. Following the fight, raise the fourth Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Battle Flag in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Loot Suanyu’s corpse and grab all the loot around the area to receive the following:
- 1 Rank 3 Leather
- 1 Five Minerals Powder
- 2-Star Yellow Turban Commander Gauntles
- Treasure Chest with 2-Star Podao and 1-Star Lieutenant-General Greaves
Marking Flag #4
Open and go through the wooden gate, then proceed forward until you reach a wooden fence and a Changgi patrolling behind it. Above and to the right of the Changgi is a Warlock waiting on the scaffolding for you to approach the Changgi.
Take out the bow and kill the Warlock in two shots, then you can sneak behind Changgi to perform a Fatal Strike to deplete half of his health bar and finish him off with Normal attacks.

Then, grab the Genuine Qi Clot in front of the ladder before going up. Pick up the 2 Crossbow Quarrels and defeat the nearby Soldier. Climb up another leader, follow the wooden path, and sneak behind the Archer to kill him with a Fatal Strike. Then, reach the end of the wooden platform to find 5 Throwing Knives.
From here, look down below to see a patrolling Demonized Soldier. Jump on him with a Fatal Strike and grab the Genuine Qi Flake before climbing the nearby ladder. Turn to the left at the top and jump down onto the guard tower with the fourth Marking Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Battlefield.

Battle Flag #5
After raising the Marking Flag, reach the ground floor and climb the previous ladder again, but this time, go to the right and defeat the patrolling Demonized Soldier. Also, grab the 3 Throwing Knives near the base of the wooden lookout tower and some red glowing corruption.
Climb down the nearby ladder to reach the wooden structure’s middle level and defeat the patrolling Demonized Soldier. Also, there is a Treasure Chest in a small opening with a 2-Star Chivalrous Swordsman Dual Swords and a 1-Star Cup of Cordiality. After grabbing the loot, raise the fifth Battle Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Mission.

There are a lot of places to explore around Battle Flag #5, and we will use it as a point of reference in the following information.
Marking Flag #5
Return to the wooden structure where you’ve opened the previous Treasure Chest, and leave through the other exit, where you’ll encounter a Soldier wielding a Dual Marquis Halberds. After you defeat him, follow the wooden platform to find a Small Genuine Qi Clot at the end.
Now, return to Battle Flag #5 the way you came and then enter the other similar wooden building. Once inside, break the wooden crates on the left to find a Tiger Seal underneath, then take out the Demonized Fanatic standing by the ladder. To the right of the ladder, there is a Soldier wielding a Poleaxe and patrolling a wooden walkway.
After you take him out, look to the left and below to see the Marking Flag #5 and a Demonized Officer patrolling left and right. Jump on him with an aerial Fatal Strike and finish him off with your attack combinations.

Once you’ve raised the fifth Marking Flag, turn around and go down the path to pick an Anti-Freeze Soil on the left side. You can also Fatal Strike the Huoshu ahead.
Marking Flag #6
Now, turn around again and take the left path past the ladder and between the wooden platforms to collect a 2-Star Wuhuan Cavalry Greaves off the ground. Watch out for the Demonized Soldiers playing dead around it. Now move towards the area at the bottom of the stairs leading to Battle Flag #5, where you will encounter a Huoshu, Chainggi, and a Demonized Soldier.
You can easily defeat Huoshu with a Fatal Strike from behind, but you’ll have to use your companion for the other two. Order him to attack the Chainggi while you quickly deal with the Demonized Soldier. Then, help him finish off the Chainggi when you killed the Demonized Soldier.

Once you’ve cleared the area, grab the 2-Star Iron Sword by the stairs and open the Treasure Chest containing a 2-Star Yellow Turban Champion Footwear. Return to Battle Flag #5 and open the large metal gate behind it.
Right away, after opening the gate, you’ll have to take out the Warlock on the right side. Use your Bamboo Bow to take him in two shots.

In the middle area are two patrolling Demonized Officers, one in front of the bonfire and another behind it, and two more Demonized Soldiers around it. Send your companion to attack the Demonized Officer before the bonfire while you deal with the other two Demonized Soldiers around.
While doing so, stay away from the steps on each side to avoid alerting more enemies. Try to fight closer to Battle Flag #5. Finally, take down the Demonized Officer patrolling behind the bonfire near the long stairs.
Once the area around the bonfire is cleared, collect the three loot orbs around the bonfire to receive a Rank 2 Steel for each. Now, let’s check the buildings on either side of the bonfire. Another Demonized Officer guards the building on the left. Take him down and loot the room to receive a Genuine Qi Flake and a Dragon Vein Crystal.

There is also a side room on the right with a Treasure Chest containing a 2-Star Yellow Turban Commander Armor and 3-Star Polearm Podao. Moving into the building on the right, you’ll have to fight off a Yellow Turban Commander. After you defeat him, you can loot the area and receive the following:
- 1 Elixir – on the couch
- 1 Genuine Qi Clot – in the top right corner
- Treasure Chest containing 3 Rank 3 Leather and 2 Rank 2 Leather – in the bottom right corner behind vases

Before going up the stairs, there are still two more areas to explore and grab all the goodies. Return to Battle Flag #5, turn right, enter the wooden structure on the right, and climb the ladder. At the top, head up the nearby steps to reach the rooftop of the left building. Grab the 2 Crossbow Quarrels ahead and go around the rooftop until you reach the backside.

Ignore the hole in the roof because we’ve already collected what’s inside. Grab the 3 Arrows ahead and go through the cave entrance on the right. At the end of the cave, climb down the ladder to reach the sixth The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Marking Flag in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

Marking Flag #7
Retrace your steps to Battle Flag #5, enter the other building, and climb the ladder in the room. At the top, clear the Archer before opening the Treasure Chest containing a 2-Star White Horse Servant Cavalry Helmet and a Dragon’s Cure Powder. Then, grab the 2 Throwing Knives off the wooden platform and continue onto the rooftop of the right-hand building.

Continue along the rooftop until you find a hole in the roof. Jump in the room below to raise the final Marking Flag in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven.

Battle Flag #6
After raising the Marking Flag #7, exit the building and locate the long stairs behind the bonfire. Immediately after getting near the stairs, you’ll be invaded by Zhao Hong. Fight him off for 2 Tiger Seals and a random equipment drop.

Before climbing the stairs, check to the left of them for an Oil of Awakening guarded by a Demonized Fanatic. Climb the first set of stairs and deal with the Demonized Fanatic along the way.
To the right of the second set of stairs, kill the Demonized Fanatic, throwing firepots to collect a Tiger Seal behind his location. Start climbing the second set of stairs and look for a white-painted ledge on the left to climb leading to Warlock.
Take him out and open the nearby Treasure Chest for a 2-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Bracers. From where you’ve opened the Treasure Chest, look across the stairs to find another similar platform with Great Sage Mentor’s Note, one of the 31 Tablets available in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.

You can either jump from the stairs or drop down from above to reach its location. Now, climb to the top of the stairs and defeat the Demonized Officer Leader and the nearby Demonized Fanatics to unlock and raise the final Battle Flag in The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven Battlefield.
Loot Demonized Officer Leader’s corpse and open the Treasure Chest to the left of the Battle Flag to receive 2-Star Yellow Turban Commander Greaves and a Talismanic Water. Rest at the Battle Flag and prepare to fight against the boss, Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven.
How to Defeat Zhang Jiao in the Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven
Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven, is encouraged by the Taoist in Black to consume the glowing orb of power, transforming him into a giant demon version of himself. He can perform a variety of melee attacks with his giant staff and claw, as well as ranged attacks using lightning and wind spells.
In close combat, the boss performs a 1-2 combination with a staff swipe followed by an overhead slam with his claw, his favorite move. When you are at a distance, he’ll use his magical abilities and cast lightning bolts, creating lightning spots and tornadoes, or create and channel a concentrated blast of wind slowly sweeping across the area.

Zhang Jiao has three Critical Blow attacks. The first Critical Blow is a long windup overhead slam, which can be easily deflected. He will raise the staff above his head, hold it for a second, then slam it down in front of him.

The second Critical Blow is a lunge with the claws on his left hand in an attempt to stab you. He will start glowing red and prepare this attack by pulling his hand back before lunging forward in your direction.

The third and final Critical Blow has the boss’s head glowing red for two seconds before tossing a magic spiked projectile at you like we’ve seen at the Warlocks.

The main strategy to win the fight is to let your companion tank the boss. Keep him alive and boost him with any spells. Also, sneak up behind the boss while he is distracted by your companion. As the boss performs his wind blow attack, you can rush up next to him and attack him without being interrupted since he won’t stop until he has finished. This allows you to do a significant amount of damage.
Also, Water or Earth spells will deal extra damage to this boss. So, simply focus on deflecting attacks and Critical Blows while avoiding the lightning as much as possible.
You will receive the Baihu’s Jade item for completing the fight, which allows you to set Baihu as a Divine Beast. After the cutscene, you’ll finish The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty and reach a safe hub called the Hidden Village, where you can start In Search Of The Immortal Wizard.
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