Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Walkthrough

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

Updated December 9, 2023

The Flying Swallow Of Heishan is the third and final Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Sub Battlefield in Part 2 Delusion of the video game published by Koei Tecmo for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Series S. Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Flying Swallow Of Heishan side mission is relatively short but mandatory because it features one of the 23 Shitieshou Panda Bear collectibles.

Furthermore, The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Sub Battlefield is required if you wish to reach 100% completion at the end of Part 2. The Sub Battlefield also features a mini-boss named Zhang Yan, who is very similar to Bo Cai from The Yellow Heaven Burns Sub Battlefield.

While playing The Flying Swallow Of Heishan mission, you can get your hands on various crafting materials, gear, and items, so throughout the following walkthrough, we’ll cover their locations, explain how to navigate the area and defeat the demonized enemies.

The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Battlefield, or mission if you want, becomes available after you complete the Demon Fort Of Yellow Heaven story mission and reach the Hidden Village of Mt. Tianzhushan. Upon your arrival, interact with the Battle Flag on the upper plateau and select The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Sub Battlefield from the Part 2 tab.

When you start the mission, you’ll notice that you’ll get to explore the battlements you have cleared while playing The Demon Fort Of The Yellow Heaven, but this time you’ll be moving backward. While the enemies you’ll encounter in this mission are very accessible, when you enter the Battlefield, you can opt to summon one or two companions from the Battle Flag.

Finally, you have to be aware that in this mission, you’ll only get one Battle Flag, which is in front of the large gate leading to the fort. This is also our starting position and the only Flying Swallow Of Heishan Flag available.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Flying Swallow Of Heishan Walkthrough

The level design of the Battlefield allows you to maintain the high-ground advantage most of the time; therefore, it’s best to start the mission only after you stock up on throwing knives and arrows. These will allow you to deal with all ranged enemies and descend to the ground only when performing aerial attacks or looting glowing spots and chests.

Now, from the Battle Flag, while facing the other way of the courtyard, head left and deal with the Demonized Soldier feeding on the corpse on the ground floor of the battlements.

You can easily sneak behind and stab him, but be advised that there is also a Demonized Fanatic next to him. He may look dead, but he’s not. Now, you’ll want to shoot the Demonized Warlock in the distance (pictured below) before he notices you.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Flying Swallow Of Heishan Guide

Behind the Warlock is a Treasure Chest, but we’ll get it later. Don’t worry about it now. Instead, use the ladder nearby and cross the bridge to the other side of the battlement. Here, you’ll find two Demonized Warlocks inside a small chamber.

Shoot all three of them, then loot the 3 Rank 1 Leather alongside all items they drop. Now, turn around and cross the suspended bridge while facing the destination. Up on the mountain wall, you’ll spot another Warlock praying. Aim for his head and shoot him, then look down to notice a looting spot on top of a tower.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Flying Swallow Of Heishan Strategy Guide

From your current location, jump on top of the tower and loot the Qiang Scimitar, then perform an aerial attack on the patrolling Demonized Soldier on the upper floor. Be advised that there is another Soldier nearby, and he’ll get near you the moment you land your attack.

After clearing the upper section, it’s time to focus on the massive Demonized Officer patrolling the ground (also pictured above). Start with an aerial attack, then deflect his attacks to deal massive damage. As you may remember, fire-based spells also work pretty well on these officers.

After defeating the Officer, look behind the tower near the mountain wall for a loot spot where you’ll find 2 Rank 2 Steel, then focus on the Demonized Soldier patrolling the area in front of the Battle Flag (as shown below).

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Guide

To take out the Demonized Soldier faster, sneak behind him when he faces the other way, then loot the Yellow Turban Commander Helmet he was guarding. Great job! Now return to the battlements where you killed the first Warlock (left side of the Battle Flag while facing the destination point), and loot the red chest marked in the following screenshot to get a Rank 2 Polearm Podao.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Walkthrough

Because of your high-ground advantage, shoot the Warlock praying on the left side marked by 1 in the screenshot above and finally land an aerial attack on the Demonized Officer patrolling near the fence (2 in the image above).

While remaining on the ground, move towards the central area where you’ll see three Demonized Fanatics. These are the weakest opponents, and you can take them out by sneaking around or by shooting them. If you have Throwing Knives, feel free to use them now and dispatch the Fanatics one by one, then climb the tower nearby and get on top of it.

From here, you can spot another Demonized Warlock praying on top of the tower nearby. Shoot him and jump on top of the tower to get the items he drops. Next, you’ll want to return to the ground and loot the Rank 2 Warlock Ritual Robe on top of the lower central platform where you defeated the 3 Demonized Fanatics.

Finally, attack the Demonized Soldier in front of the gate leading to the boss. Start with an attack from behind, but do not enter the next area. Instead, while facing the gate, climb the tower on the right side. Make sure you reach the top of the tower (climb the second ladder) to find 3 Rank 2 Steel. If you look up the mountain, you should see two Demonized Fanatics (pictured below).

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Strategy Guide

Last but not least, from your current location, if you look down, you should spot one of the 23 Shitieshou Bears you’ll need to feed.

So, follow the wooden ramps and start with the first Demonized Fanatic on the lower platform to get the Rank 2 Warlock Leglets, then kill the second Fanatic, and return to the ground and feed the Panda Bear by dropping one of the items you no longer need, in front of him. Now that you have cleared the large courtyard, it’s time to deal with Zhang Yan.

How to Defeat Zhang Yan in the Flying Swallow of Heishan

Before engaging Zhang Yan, or the mini-boss, it’s best to climb the wall in front of the courtyard he protects. While standing on top of the wall, notice the Demonized Warlock praying on top of the platform. Use your ranged weapons to kill him first, and you’ll lower Zhang Yan’s morale.

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Boss Guide

After you deal with the Warlock, you’ll see one last loot spot on top of a wooden platform on the right side of the courtyard. Run along the wall, jump inside the courtyard, and get the 3 Rank 1 Leather. Finally, approach Zhang Yan and sneak behind him when he’s facing the other way. Start the fight with a powerful attack from behind.

Zhang Yan is not a Demonized Boss, meaning he has no Spells at his disposal. If you want to finish him quickly, spam the light attack button while standing close to him. Try to push him against an object, and you won’t give him the chance to hit you.

Be offensive, and if he tries to hit you back by any chance, deflect his attack. Once you stagger him, finish the boss with a powerful killing blow by pressing Triangle/Y. Now that you have completed the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty The Flying Swallow Of Heishan Sub Battlefield, it’s time to focus on the next main mission named In Search of the Immortal Wizard.

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of VGFAQ.com and Primewikis.com. He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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