Village Of Calamity is the first Wo Long Fallen Dynasty main mission, in which you will be introduced to the game mechanics, equipment options, battle and marking flags, martial arts, and much more. At the end of the Village Of Calamity Main Mission, you’ll face Zhang Liang, General of Man, your first boss fight in the game, which is absurdly challenging.
During a short cutscene of a village being raided by Yellow Turban Soldiers, you are knocked down protecting the villagers but then revived by a talisman handed to you by a Blindfolded Boy. Then, you are given the option to create and customize your character. After that, the boy will offer you the Dragon Cure Pot, allowing you to heal yourself once you get injured by pressing D-Pad Up.
Proceed down the main road until you see a Genuine Qi Flake glowing on a dead body. Genuine Qi Flake is a usable item that grants 100 Genuine Qi when used.

As you’ve probably already noticed, we’ve reached a dead-end. Turn around and head along the road until you see a side path on the right with a yellow-dressed enemy. Before encountering the Soldier, a prompt message will appear explaining the basics of how to perform both a Normal Attack and a Spirit Attack.
Press (▢) – PS / (X) – Xbox to perform a Normal Attack and (△)/(Y) to perform a Spirit Attack. So, the trick here is to perform a few Normal Attacks to fill your Spirit Gauge, then follow up with a Spirit Attack. Defeat the Soldier and climb the white-painted wall behind him by pressing (X)/(A) to jump and hold forward (L3)/(LS) to make your character climb up. At the top, you’ll find another Genuine Qi Flake.

As you make your way up the slope, you’ll notice two more enemies ahead. Press (R3)/(RS) to lock on an enemy. Defeat both Yellow Turban Soldiers, then climb the stone steps ahead to find another Genuine Qi Flake at the top.

Climb back down and follow the path through the burning houses. Here, the game will provide a brief tooltip on your defensive options. Give them a good read to familiarize yourself with them and practice what you’ve learned with every enemy encounter. Mastering Deflect and Dodge mechanics will make you unstoppable against any enemy.

Defeat the Yellow Turban Soldier ahead, and watch out for the second one hiding behind the tree on the right just past the first Soldier. At the end of the path, climb atop the building on the right to collect Heatproof Ice and kick down the bundle of logs to create a shortcut to the beginning of the area.

To progress further, climb the white-painted scaffolding on the left side of the path. At the top of the house, the game will provide a brief tooltip regarding Morale Rank. In Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, Morale Rank is an important combat mechanic. The number above your health bar in the lower center of the screen represents Morale Rank.
This number increases as you deflect enemy attacks, use spirit attacks, and defeat enemies and decreases when you take a hit or die. Enemies will also have a Morale Rank, which you can see above their heads. The fight’s difficulty will change depending on the difference between your Morale Rank and theirs.
- If you have a higher Morale Rank than your opponent, you will have more combat power and take somewhat less damage.
- If you have a lower Morale Rank than your opponent, they will do more damage, be more resilient, and be able to block your attacks more easily.
Throughout the game, you will encounter some enemies with high Morale Ranks in areas with low Morale Ranks enemies. If you come across an enemy with a high Morale Rank (mini-boss or otherwise), it is recommended to leave them alone for now and raise your Morale Rank to meet or exceed theirs before confronting them.
Now, jump down below and deal with the Yellow Turban Soldier with Morale Rank 3 first. You can already feel the difference between your rank and his. Then, sneak behind the second Soldier by slightly moving forward (L3)/(LS), lock on him by pressing (R3)/(RS), and press (△)/(Y) when the lock-on turns red to perform a backstab or a Fatal Strike.

After you take out both of them, enter the house behind them and open a chest containing a 1-Star Polearm Padao.

Leave the house and go up the path to encounter another Yellow Turban Soldier with Morale Rank 4. Before facing him, the game will provide a brief tooltip about the Enemy Critical Blows. Once you defeat him as well, break the crates to enter the house on the right and collect a 1-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Garb off the ground. Then, leave the house and collect the Genuine Qi Fragment behind the stone pillar on the left side of the road. Check the image below for their locations.

After collecting the above loot, head forward to find your first Battle Flag. Also, on the ground behind the Battle Flag, you’ll find the Yellow Turban Bandit’s Note – Pt. 1. Raise the Battle Flag by pressing (R2)/(RT). After that, you’ll unlock the Best Flag Forward Trophy/Achievement.
Battle Flag #1
In Wo Long Fallen Destiny, Battle Flags serve as checkpoints. Resting at a Battle Flag will restore your health, recharge your Dragon’s Cure Pot, and reset enemies. You can also spend the Qi you’ve acquired from defeating enemies to upgrade your character. Activating a Battle Flag raises your Fortitude Rank, which is the starting point for your Morale Rank. This means your Morale Rank can’t go below the Fortitude Rank after you die or get hit.
You can see your Fortitude Rank in the top right corner of the screen next to the radar. Go up the nearby steps and take out the Soldier ahead. If you tilt (R3)/(RS) slightly to sneak behind his back, lock on him, and press (△)/(Y) when the lock-on turns red, you can perform a Fatal Strike.

This is enough to kill most low-level enemies and deal significant damage to others. Climb the white ledge behind this Soldier and loot the Heatproof Ice off the ground. Drop down ahead, and you’ll reach a junction with a path on the left blocked by wooden crates and broken stone stairs on the right.
Climb the broken stone stairs to collect a 1-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Footwear, then break the crates and follow the path to find a powerful enemy called Changgui. It’s a Morale Rank 15 Enemy, so you can ignore it and return for it another time. But if you’re up for the challenge, sneak up on it from behind to deplete half of its health bar with a Fatal Strike, then deal 1-2 attacks followed by dodges when it lunges at you.

When it uses its slash attacks, you can parry them by holding (L1)/(LT). Repeat the process until you defeat it. Also, if you let the Blindfolded Boy taunt the enemy, you can sneak a few Normal Attacks behind its back without worrying about being interrupted.
Once you’ve killed it, walk behind the building it was facing, climb onto the roof, drop inside the house through the hole to find a chest containing a 3-Star Lieutenant-General Greaves, and then unlock the door to return outside.

Climb up the same rooftop again and go to the right along the rooftop to find a 1-Star Yellow Turban Bandit Garb on the ground near the house.

Marking Flag #1
Return to the junction with the broken stone stairs and climb the nearby white-painted rock platform to reach your first Marking Flag. Raising Marking Flags will increase your Fortitude Rank, fully restore your health, and dispel all status effects. They do not act as checkpoints.

Jump onto the next rock platforms until you find a Genuine Qi Flake. Below the loot, there will be two Yellow Turban Soldiers. You can ambush the Moral Rank 3 enemy with a Fatal Strike from the above and easily defeat the other.

Marking Flag #2
There are two more Soldiers with Morale Rank 4 and 5 behind the rock platform ahead, guarding a Marking Flag. Sneak to the right of the rock platform and backstab the Soldier sitting on the ground. It won’t kill him, but you can follow up with a Normal Attack to take him down. Then, focus on the other Soldier.

Once you’ve cleared the area of enemies, raise the second Marking Flag in the area to increase your Fortitude Rank.
Battle Flag #2
Go up the nearby stairs to reach and raise the second Battle Flag in the area. Before going further, don’t forget to spend your Qi upgrading your character. Drop down into the next area and prepare to fight against three Demonized Fanatics. They are very slow and easy to kill. Just keep hitting them with Normal Attacks and dodge them as they are about to leap at you.
Once you take them down, look for Genuine Qi Flake at ground level and another Genuine Qi Flake on one of the rock platforms above it on the area’s right side.

Go up the path, and you’ll notice two more Demonized Fanatics below and to the right. You can Fatal Strike one of them from the above and finish the other in an old-fashioned way: slashing him with Normal Attacks. After you defeat both of them, grab the 1-Star Yellow Turban Champion Footwear off the ground.

Continue along the path and defeat the lonely Yellow Turban Soldier ahead. Before you fight him, the game will provide a brief tooltip about Martial Arts. Each weapon can have up to two unique Martial Arts attacks that you can use.
To use a Martial Art, press (R1)+(▢) / (RB)+(X) for the first Martial Art attack and (R1)+(△) / (RB)+(Y) for the second one. Only rare weapons have two kinds of Martial Arts.
Marking Flag #3
After you defeat the Soldier, go up the stairs to reach an area with three enemies, two patrolling at ground level and an Archer on a rock platform near the third and final Marking Flag. Try to kill them one at a time with aerial attacks and Fatal Strikes where you can.

After you kill all of them, don’t forget to raise the final Marking Flag in the area. Also, under the crates, you can find a Genuine Qi Flake to the right of the Marking Flag.
Battle Flag #3
Continue up the hill to encounter a Morale Rank 9 enemy leader. Leaders can be recognized by a red symbol next to their Morale Rank and are typically more powerful than regular enemies.

Defeating the leader will give you access to the nearby Battle Flag, and you will also be rewarded with 1 Elixir and a 3-Star Yellow Turban Champion Helmet. After you’ve defeated him, activate the third and final Battle Flag in the area and prepare for your first boss fight. On the path to the boss fight arena, you’ll be able to find a Genuine Qi Fragment on the ground to the left.
How to Defeat Zhang Liang General of Man in Village of Calamity
Zhang Liang, General of Man, is a difficult boss fight, especially for a tutorial stage fight. It all comes down to knowing when to parry, deflect, and counterattack in equal measure, as well as understanding when to use each. The boss fight is divided into two major phases.
Phase #1
In the first phase, you’ll fight Zhang Liang in a human-shaped form while wielding a giant mace. He has a variety of melee strikes that he’ll use up close, including a jumping attack with a delayed strike and two Critical Blows. The Critical Blows he performs are a delayed slam and a spinning horizontal slash. You can recognize these Critical Blows by the red sparkle in his body.
The first phase of the fight isn’t very challenging, but you’ll have to familiarize yourself with his attack moves and practice your deflections. Strike back with a melee hit/spirit attack after deflecting one of his attacks, then retreat and repeat.
Deflecting his two Critical Attacks mentioned above will greatly decrease his spirit gauge, allowing you to stagger him for a Fatal Strike, which inflicts a high amount of damage.

As a result, take advantage whenever you see him performing them.
Phase #2
In the second phase of the fight, the boss will wield his existing mace with a gigantic tentacle-like arm. He also has a whole new repertoire of attack moves and becomes much more aggressive. His attack moves include a sweeping, 360-degree move with his arm stretched out (which is frequently done twice).

Zhang Liang also performs overhead slams and horizontal slashes, both of which have extended range due to his flexible tentacle arm. He will frequently combine multiple attacks into a combination. While determining when the combination will stop might be difficult, it is recommended to Parry by pressing (L1)/(RT) rather than deflecting because there is less of a chance to take damage.
He will also often put his arm on the ground in front of him before charging at you at full speed. You can easily deflect it and then follow up with a swift counterattack. Moreover, he has the ability to shoot a line of stone spikes right in front of him by sticking his hand into the ground. You can either deflect or dodge to the side or parry them to avoid taking damage.

He also performs a slash attack horizontally across the ground before leaping into the air and attempting to land on you. When he jumps, dodge and roll away from him since there will be a minor shockwave in front of him when he hits the ground.

Unfortunately, he will also have two new Critical Blows. He will directly fire his arm at you in an effort to grab your character. If he manages to successfully pick you up, most likely, he will send you back to the last Battle Flag.

His second Critical Blow is a rushing attack in which he swings his tentacle aggressively in front of him a couple of times. It is recommended to identify and deflect these two Critical Blows as much as possible because they are the secret to lowering Zhang Liang’s health bar. If you manage to deflect his Critical Blows, it will reduce his spirit gauge and finally break his guard, leaving him vulnerable to Fatal Strikes.

Up until he uses the Critical Blows, practice parrying the melee combinations where you can and dodging the other attacks. After his health bar goes a bit under 50%, The Blindfolded Child will recommend you unleash your Divine Beast by pressing (△)+(O)/(Y)+(B).
Performing this ability will kill Zhang Liang, General of Man, putting an end to the fight. After finishing the fight, there will be a lengthy cutscene, completing the Village Of Calamity in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty and beginning the next mission, Two Chivalrous Heroes.
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