Once you complete the Disney Dreamlight Valley Foodception quest, you’ll know how to do both gardening and cooking, which is essential in the video game developed by Gameloft.
Your teacher is none-other than Mickey Mouse, who is glad to help out in this tutorial-type quest.
When you finish the Foodception quest, you’ll also be left with a Stove that you can use to cook all sorts of tasty meals in the future.
However, you first have to complete a couple of tasks that can cause problems, especially since you’ve just started Disney Dreamlight Valley.
So, be sure to check the following walkthrough to breeze through all the tasks Mickey has for you.
How To Start Foodception In Disney Dreamlight Valley
Foodception is the second quest Mickey will give you, so to start it, you first have to complete the previous one, named Mickey’s Memories, which is covered in this guide if you need assistance.
It is also mandatory to have the Pickaxe, Shovel, and Watering Can tools in order to complete Mickey’s second quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley. We’ve explained in-depth how to get these tools in this guide.
When you are all set, go talk to Mickey, who is waiting for you in his garden in front of his house, which is opposite yours.
How To Plant And Harvest Wheat
The main objective of Foodception is to make Crackers and Fruit Salad; however, you must first gather the ingredients.
Mickey just gave you the Recipe for the Crackers, and as for the Fruit Salad, you already have the Recipe from Mickey’s Memories quest. If you’re interested in all recipes in the game, refer to this Cooking Guide.
To learn a Recipe, you’ve just obtained, enter your inventory by pressing Y, select the Crackers (for example) and finally, press the Use button.
You need wheat to make the Crackers, and you should have some seeds in your inventory because Mickey gave you some when you talked to him.
Now, going forward, you have to do everything exactly in the order I tell you to; otherwise, you won’t progress in your quest.
First, equip the Shovel by pressing RT (Xbox) and selecting it from the list.
Then dig a hole close to Mickey, if possible, so you don’t have a long way to go when you have to speak with the NPC again. Don’t tell me you thought the hole was for Mickey because you are not in a gangster movie.
Approach the hole and press A while aiming at it to plant seeds. But be sure to select the wheat seeds.

You need to repeat the process another 2 times, then talk to Mickey, who will tell you that you need to water the wheat.
So, equip the Watering Can with RT as you did with the Shovel. Then go near the wheat and water it by pressing X while aiming at it.
Next, talk to Mickey, who will now tell you to gather apples for the Fruit Salad, and don’t forget to harvest the wheat when it’s done.
To harvest the wheat, approach it and press A, but it must be done first, so wait for a little if needed.
How To Gather Apples
To gather apples for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Foodception quest, all you have to do is approach an apple tree and press A.
If there are no apples in the tree, just wait a little for them to grow.
Also, there are a couple of apple trees scattered throughout the Plaza area.
If you already have the apples, you don’t need to gather more necessarily.
How To Place The Stove In Your House
Once you’ve gathered all the ingredients, go meet Mickey at your house.
Talk to the NPC, and he will give you a Stove that you can use for cooking, obviously.
Now access the Furniture menu from your inventory and select the icon with Mickey on it under requests.
Then select the White Gas Stove and place it in an empty spot in your house, as shown in the next screenshot.

How To Cook Fruit Salad And Crackers
After placing the Stove, go interact with it to finally cook the meals by following the instructions below.
Once in the Stove’s menu, you can notice that in the top left corner of your screen is the Recipes button, so press Y (Xbox) for it.
You should have the Crackers and Fruit Salad on the list, as you can see in the following image.

Pick one, then press the Autofill button on the bottom right corner of the screen, which should put the needed ingredients in the pot. You can put the ingredients manually in the pot if you want.
Last, press the Start Cooking button on the bottom middle of the screen.

As you can see, you also need coal ore to cook, which you probably already have, but just in case you don’t, learn that it can be found everywhere; you just have to mine deposits (rocks) with your Pickaxe until you get some coal ore.

Getting back to our meals, once you’ve cooked them, you have to talk to Mickey to complete the Disney Dreamlight Valley Foodception quest. I would have never thought I would learn to cook from Mickey Mouse.
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