God Of War Ragnarok Shores Of Nine Collectibles Locations Guide

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

Updated November 28, 2022

God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine region represents the northern edge of the Lake of Nines in the Midgard realm, which can be found to the east of the Well of Urd region (covered in-depth here).

God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine contains four collectibles that can be found in the region, as follows:

  • Artifacts: 1
  • Yggdrasil Rifts: 2
  • Guiding Light: 1

All the collectibles mentioned above can be found during and after the story. You don’t need to unlock any special abilities or equipment.

So, let’s see where all God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine collectibles are and how to get them.

Artifact (Fert – Stolen Treasures Set): In Helheim Tower

From the Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway, go east to the Helheim Tower, which has a green H on it, and climb the right side. It’s behind the Lake of Nine Berserker Gravestone collectible covered here.

At the top, swing across the gap using the grappling point above to reach the God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine Artefact glowing purple on the ground.

God Of War Ragnarok Shores Of Nine Artifact Location

If you are excited to find more Artefacts, check our God of War Ragnarok Artefacts Locations Guide here to locate them.

Guiding Light: Behind Vines

Climb down from the Helheim Tower and take the sled east along the northern edge of the Lake of Nines.

Eventually, you’ll see a wooden beam with markings on the left side that you can jump over and a Yggdrasil Rift in the back.

Jump over the wooden beam, lift the rock ahead and follow the path to the right through the wreckage.

After leaving the wreckage, look to the right to see vines and glowing golden light.

Burn the vines by pressing (L2) + (R2) to reveal one of the lore statue runes as part of the Guiding Light Favour we’ve covered here.

God Of War Ragnarok Shores Of Nine Guiding Light Location

Also, interact with the glowing golden light to collect the hidden Waist Guard of Guiding Light armor piece.

Yggdrasil Rift 1: At The Bottom Of Alfhim Tower

Crouch back through the wreckage and take the other path to the right. Climb the ledge and jump over a gap to reach the God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine Yggdrasil Rift.

Interact with the Yggdrasil Rift, defeat the enemies that spawn, and interact with it once more to complete the activity and receive your reward.

God Of War Ragnarok Shores Of Nine Yggdrasil Rift Location

Yggdrasil Rift 2: Next To Aflheim Tower Mystic Gateaway

Behind the previous Yggdrasil Rift, there is an elevator covered in vines. Burn the vines with your Blades of Chaos, then turn the crank to lower it down.

Take the elevator up to find the second God of War Ragnarok Shores of Nine Yggdrasil Rift and reach the Alfheim Tower Mystic Gateway.

This Yggdrasil Rift doesn’t spawn any enemies. Simply interact with it to count as completed.

God Of War Ragnarok Shores Of Nine Yggdrasil Rift Location

Congratulations on finding all GoW Ragnarok Shores of Nine collectibles. Now, we are moving into The Oarsmen region covered here.

Check our God of War Ragnarok Wiki Hub if you wish to find more collectibles and complete more favours as quickly as possible.

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

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Sergiu Trifu
Written by
Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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