God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd is a small region in the Midgard realm that you’ll first visit alongside Freya to find the mysterious Norns during The Word of Fate Main Quest.
During your first visit, you’ll not be able to get all the collectibles. You’ll have to return once you finish the story to obtain all the God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd collectibles listed below:
- 1 Nornir Chest
- 1 Legendary Chest
- 1 Odin’s Raven
- 1 Hel Tear
- 1 Remnants of Asgard
Therefore, in the following guide, we will go over all God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd collectibles locations and how to get them.
Remnants of Asgard: At The Start Of The Region
Fast travel to the Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway and head north. As you get close to the Well of Urd region, you’ll see rainbow lights.
Climb the small ledge, and immediately on the left, you’ll face God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd Remnants of Asgard.
After defeating all the remnants, open the Remnants Reward Chest for a high amount of Hacskilver and endgame materials.

Also, you are one step closer to completing The Last Remnants Of Asgard Favour covered here.
Nornir Chest: Near The Climbing Section
Destroy the gate using your Blade of Chaos, jump over the small ledge and go uphill to find the God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd Nornir Chest tucked in a corner.
To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to ignite the three braziers with your Blades of Chaos by pressing (L2) + (R2).
The first brazier is on the opposite side of the Nornir Chest, tucked between rocks and ice, next to the climbing point.

For the second brazier, climb the walls to the top, then climb a small ledge and immediately look to the left. You’ll find the brazier perched on a rock. It’s in the same area as the gap in the block of ice.

Near the second brazier, there is a drop-down point. Drop down once and look to the left to find the third and final brazier.

After igniting all three braziers, open the Nornir Chest to secure its treasures. Also, if you want to increase your Rage and Health bars faster, check our God of War Ragnarok Nornir Chests Locations Guide to find them quickly.
Hel Tear: After The Gap In The Block Of Ice
From the Nornir Chest, climb back up and squeeze through the gap in the block of ice to find the God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd Hel Tear.
Interact with the Hel Tear by pressing (Square) and defeat all waves of enemies until the timer at the top of the screen runs out.

Close all Hel Tears to complete the Hel To Pay Favour covered here and get your reward.
Odin’s Raven:
After clearing the previous Hel Tear, climb the wall behind it, following the markings all the way to the top.
When you reach the top, turn around to find the God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd Odin’s Raven perched atop the cliff.

The kill of this Odin’s Raven will count toward The Eyes of Odin Favour covered here, getting you close to opening all the rewards chests in The Raven Tree region in the Niflheim Realm.
Legendary Chest (Rönd of Purification): Behind A Breakable Wall
After killing Odin’s Raven, climb back down the ledge you came from, but just a little bit. Then, follow the markings to the left to reach a small camp with a torch.
Now, look to the left to see a breakable wall with a blue diamond in the middle.
Hang down from the ledge, press (Circle) to smash through the wall, and find the God of War Ragnarok Well of Urd Legendary Chest.
Open the Legendary Chest to receive Rönd of Purification, a Shield Attachment. Check our God Of War Ragnarok Legendary Chests Locations Guide to find more of them and expand your build options.

That’s all Well of Urd collectibles you can find and collect in God of War Ragnarok. Now, we are moving east into the Shores of Nine region covered here.
Also, check our God Of War Ragnarok Wiki for more collectibles and favour guides.
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