One Piece Odyssey More Important Than Berries is a fetch quest you’ll have to complete for Pompous Tam in Nanohana by finding his Lost Photograph.
In fact, for the More Important Than Berries Side Story, you’ll need to find two pieces of the same Photograph, the second one being the trickiest because it will take you back to the Ravine of No Return area where your map is useless.
Since without the second part of the Lost Photograph, you won’t be able to complete the Side Quest named More Important Than Berries, throughout the guide below, we’ll tell you how to get it and how to finish Tam’s quest.
How To Start The More Important Than Berries Side Quest
More Important Than Berries is a side quest, you’ll be able to start after you defeat the Crocodile at the end of the second Chapter in the video game developed by ILCA.
Pompous Tam, or the NPC you’ll want to talk to about this quest, is found on the northeastern alley in Nanohana at the location pinpointed on or map below.

So after you beat the second Chapter in the game, continue to follow the main objectives, and you’ll eventually return to Nanohana.
When this happens, pay a visit to Pompous Tam, sitting by the eastern gate at the location marked above.
Look for a man wearing sunglasses and a top hat.

Ask the Irritated Man what happened, and he’ll tell you that he came to Alabasta from a faraway land.
Unfortunately, he got lost in the desert, and he also lost his Photograph. As you can guess, Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates must find it. In return, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- 3000 Berries
- 1 Noble’s Ring
Great, so let’s see where to find Pompous Tam’s Photograph in One Piece Odyssey.
Where To Look For The Lost Photograph
If you pay attention to what Tam says, you’ll find out that the One Piece Odyssey Lost Photograph (or the first piece) is found in the Desolate Valley, a small area within the Desert Near Nanohana.
Now that you know how to Fast Travel, open your map and head to the Desert Near Nanohana and the Ravine of No Return Entrance Fast Travel Point.
When you arrive, if you wish, you can head south, where you’ll find a caravan on a small hill. If you talk to the NPC (Caravan Member), he’ll tell you he saw a photograph flying west.
So, open your map and look for the deep Ravine pinpointed below.

When you get close, switch to Chopper and enter the tunnel, then look around to spot some mobs you’ll have to deal with.
After you defeat them, continue to explore the area and look for a broken bridge. On the left side, you’ll see a glowing blue object on the ground. This is the first part of Tam’s Lost Photograph.
Or the Picture of 2 Children if you want.

Now it’s time to head back to Tam in Nanohana, so open your map and Fast Travel to the city. You’ll find Tam at the same location marked on the first map above.
Upon talking to him, he’ll tell you that you also need to find the second part of the same photo. But this time, things can be a bit confusing.
Where To Find The Other Photo
The second part of the Lost Photograph for the More Important Than Berries Side Story is in the Ravine of No Return. You may remember it from the story where you were asked to Cross The Desert Near Nanohana using the Navi Bird.
So, once again, you’ll need to Fast Travel to the Desert Near Nanohana and the Ravine of No Return Entrance Fast Travel Point.
If you wish, you can talk to the Caravan Member on the southern side or just enter the Ravine marked on the map below.

After you cross the first tunnel, head past the save point and keep moving north until you enter a cave where you should see a square stone block. Now, you’ll want to follow the path below; otherwise, you’ll get lost.
- While facing north and the square stone block depicting a face, head east or take the first tunnel on the right side (where you should see a mining cart)
- In the next cave, ignore the three dancing mobs, and follow the tunnel on the right side
- Finally, in the third cave, you’ll see a body on the ground in front of a tunnel. It’s on the right side while facing the stone block
- Follow the tunnel behind the Collapsed Man, and you’ll reach a cave with some Scorpions and piles of bones
As you can guess, to get the second part of the Lost Photograph (marked below), you’ll need to defeat the Scorpions.

After you retrieve the Picture of 1 Adult, it’s time to return it to Tam, so open your map and Fast Travel back to Nanohana. You’ll find Tam at the same location in front of the eastern gate.
Give him the second part of the Lost Photograph and the One Piece Odyssey More Important Than Berries Quest ends, but don’t forget to check our Wiki Hub here because there are other Side Stories waiting for you in Nanohana.
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