God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Guide

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

Updated December 12, 2022

God of War Ragnarok The Crucible is one of the three Favours or Side Quests you will have to complete in The Crucible region of the Muspelheim Realm.

GoW Ragnarok Crucible Favour requires you to find two Muspelheim Seed Half to unlock the Muspelheim Realm, then to complete a series of six combat challenges or trials.

Finishing these Crucible Challenges unlocks various rewards and unique upgrade materials to help you max out your gear.

So, here’s everything you need to know about the Mulpelheim Crucible Challenges in God of War Ragnarok.

Where To Find Both Muspelheim Seed Halves

The earliest God of War Ragnarok Muspelheim Seed Half can be found in a Legendary Chest in Modvitnir’s Rig region we’ve covered here of the Svartalfheim Realm.

When you obtain the first Muspelheim Seed Half, you will automatically start The Crucible Favour, which is how probably most of us began this Side Quest.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour First Mupelheim Seed Half Location

For the second GoW Ragnarok Muspelheim Seed Half, you’ll have to progress the story until you obtain the Draupnir Spear during the Forging Destiny Main Quest.

Then, you can use the Draupnir Spear to access the Alberich Hollow region (covered in-depth here) via the Dragon Beach region in the Svartalfheim Realm.

In the Legendary Chest covered in gold ore in the Alberich Hollow region, you’ll be able to find the second Muspelheim Seed Half.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Second Mupelheim Seed Half Location

Check our guides mentioned above if you need additional help finding and collecting both Muspelheim Seed Halves.

How To Complete The Crucible Challenges

After you acquire both Muspelheim Seed pieces, use any Mystic Gateway, select Muspelheim, and fast travel to The Crucible region.

You’ll find a Nine Realms In Bloom collectible near the Blacksmith Shop as part of the favor with the same name.

Across from the Blacksmith Shop, you’ll see a Nornir Chest in the middle of an arena. This Nornir Chest is different from the others because it requires you to complete the 6 Crucible Challenges to open it.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Nornir Chest

Behind the Nornir Chest are three paths, each leading to a smaller arena with a giant golden sword in the middle. Also, each golden sword features two unique God of War Ragnarok Crucible Challenges.

Crucible Challange 1: Weapon Mastery

Now, take the first path to the left (north) to reach the golden sword with a blue rune that looks like this “ᚨ”. Interact with the sword and start the Weapon Mastery Challenge by holding (X).

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Weapon Mastery Challenge

This challenge is relatively straightforward: you must kill 16 enemies within 180 seconds. Each enemy will have a shield resistant to the Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos, or Draupnir Spear.

So, use the Blades of Chaos on the frost shields, the Leviathan Axe on the fire shields, and the Draupnir Spear on the shields with no color to break them quicker.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Weapon Mastery Trial

Near the end of the trial, there will be a Nokken that keeps healing the remaining enemies. Kill him first, then go for the remaining ones to complete the Muspelheim Trial.

After you finish the Weapon Mastery Trial, open the Legendary Chest to receive the following rewards:

  • Shoulder Guard of Undying Pyres
  • 100 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 250 Divine Ashes

Crucible Challange 2: Flawless

After you’ve opened the Legendary Chest, interact again with the golden sword and select the Flawless Challenge.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Flawless Challenge

To complete this God of War Ragnarok Crucible Challenge, you must defeat 15 enemies without taking any damage.

Most of these enemies will either explode after you kill them or attack from a distance, so use your Draupnir Spear or Leviathan Axe to strike them from a safe distance.

Near the end of the trial, you’ll encounter a Gradungr, which will charge you. Block or dodge his charge attacks, then keep striking him from a safe distance to avoid taking damage.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Flawless Trial

Also, make sure to use your companion’s abilities to defeat the Gradungr faster.

After you finish the Flawless Trial, open the Legendary Chest to receive the rewards listed below:

  • 500 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 250 Divine Ashes

Crucible Challange 3: Ring Out Challenge

After you open the Legendary Chest, leave the arena, climb the wall on the left, and go up the path to reach the second golden sword with the “ᚺ” blue rune. Interact with the sword and start the Ring Out Challenge.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Ring out Challenge

For this Crucible Challenge, you must defeat a total of 21 enemies who rapidly regenerate health from any type of damage. As a result, the primary method of killing them will be to throw them into the lava pits.

There are several ways to do this, like using skills on your weapons that knock back the enemies, holding (R2) with your Leviathan Axe to grab them into your Axe and throw them into lava pits, or kicking them with your foot by pressing (R2) after throwing the Axe at their legs.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Ring out Challenge Mulpelheim

Also, if you have above Gear Level 7 and set the game to the lowest difficulty, you can one-shot the enemies using the Flame Whiplash (rapidly pressing Triangle) and then pressing (R2) with the Blades of Chaos.

After you complete the Ring Out Challenge, open the Legendary Chest to obtain the following rewards:

  • Bracers of Undying Pyres
  • 100 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 250 Divine Ashes

Crucible Challange 4: Feed The Rift

Once you’ve opened the Legendary Chest from the previous Mulpelheim Trial, interact again with the golden sword and start Feed The Rift Challenge.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Feed The Rift Challenge

For this God of War Ragnarok Crucible Challenge, you’ll have to kill the enemies around you who will drop orbs, then throw the orbs into the realm rift in the middle.

There will be two waves, the first lasting 60 seconds and requiring 6 points, and the second lasting 150 seconds and requiring 15 points.

Defeating regular enemies will drop orbs worth one point, whereas orbs dropped by larger enemies are worth two points.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Feed The Rift Trial

This is quite an easy challenge. Immediately after defeating an enemy, grab his orb and throw it into the rift to avoid losing it.

After you finish the Feed The Rift Trial, open the nearby Legendary Chest to obtain the rewards listed below:

  • 100 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 250 Divine Ashes

Crucible Challange 5: Population Control

Once you’ve completed the Legendary Chest, exit the arena and follow the path down to the left to reach the third and final golden sword with the “ᚱ” blue rune. Interact with the sword and start the Population Control Challenge.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Population Control Challenge

To complete this GoW Ragnarok Mulpeheim Trial, you’ll have to defeat the Bergsra without the enemy count rising above four.

After you start the Population Control Trial, use the grappling point to swing across and defeat the first four Grim enemies that appear.

After a short time, Bergsra will spawn from the same dark cave opening. Simply focus on the Bergsra until you kill it to complete the challenge.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Population Control Trial

Even though the population gets above four, you will have 20 seconds to lower it to four or less. Also, you can kill the Bergsra in those 20 seconds to complete the trial without killing the other enemies.

After finishing the Population Control Crucible Challenge, open the Legendary Chest to receive the rewards mentioned below:

  • Girdle of Undying Pyres
  • 250 Divine Ashes
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 100 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP

Crucible Challange 6: King Of The Hill

After opening the Legendary Chest from the last challenge, interact with the golden sword and start the second challenge called King Of The Hill.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour King of the Hill Challenge

For this God of War Ragnarok Crucible Challenge, you must keep enemies out of the rings for three waves. After each wave, the number of rings and the time required to keep them out increases.

During the first wave, you’ll have to protect a ring within 40 seconds. For the second wave, you’ll have two rings to keep enemies out within 70 seconds. And finally, during the final wave, you’ll have three rings to defend within 90 seconds.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour King of the Hill Trial

The best way to approach this challenge is to clear the rings when you see enemies taking them over using AoE Skills and Range Attacks from Leviathan Axe and Draupnir Spear.

After finishing the King Of The Hill Trial, open the Legendary Chest to get the following rewards:

  • 100 Kratos XP
  • 100 Companion XP
  • 1,000 Hacksilver
  • 250 Divine Ashes

Once you’ve finished all six Muspelheim Trials mentioned above, the God of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour will end, unlocking the Nornir Chest in the middle of the arena, which contains a Chaos Flame.

God Of War Ragnarok The Crucible Favour Completed

Opening the Nornir Chest will spawn another giant golden sword behind it. Interact with the sword to start The Final Challenges Favour we’ve covered in-depth here.

Also, feel free to check our GoW Ragnarok Wiki Hub if you need additional help finding collectibles and completing favours.

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

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Sergiu Trifu
Written by
Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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