Stray Badges are a type of collectible that fits nicely with the game’s charming design, and each one you add to your collection will be proudly displayed on your cat’s backpack for everybody to see. The way to obtain them can vary, with one being an essential part of the storyline and another being found by straying off the main path, while the others are received as gifts for completing different side missions/tasks. All of the side missions you need to complete for these items can be done in The Slums, Antvillage, and Midtown.
Music Badge – Chapter 4 (The Slums)
You must find all eight Music Sheet locations during your visit to the Slums in order to unlock the Music Badge. Return all the Music Sheets collectibles you find to the musician robot, Morusque so that he can play them. After Morusque plays through all eight Music Sheets, he will award you with the Stray Music Badge collectible.

Also, the Music Badge will unlock the Meowlody Trophy/Achievement on PS4/PS5 or Steam.
Outsider Badge – Chapter 6 (The Slums Part 2)
The Outsider Badge is automatically awarded to you at the end of Chapter 6: The Slums (Part 2) as part of the story after assisting Seamus in tracking down his father by bringing the poncho to Elliot so he can repair the Broken Tracker. This occurs on your second visit to The Slums after you’ve found all Notebooks and traversed the Rooftops.

Seamus’s father, Doc, will recognize the Outsider Badge, and he will know that you are a friend when you meet him.
Plant Badge – Chapter 9 (Antvillage)
After you reach the Antvillage and the B-12 drone makes an unexpected discovery through one of the B-12 Memories, you’ll be able to explore this treehouse area. As you make your way up to the top of the treehouse, you will meet a robot named Malo, who needs your help in finding a Yellow Plant, a Red Plant, and a Purple Plant to complete his collection. Return all three colorful plants to Malo in the gardening area to receive the Plant Badge.

Red Plant Location
Get down on the first floor of the treehouse and look for two players on a table playing mahjong. Behind the robots is a bucket you can ride down and reach the bottom of the treehouse. Also, if you jump on their table, you will be rewarded with the Cat-a-strophe Trophy/Achievement. Then, proceed along the metal pipe and barrels to the tree to grab the Red Plant.

Purple Plant Location
On the same floor as the robots playing mahjong, there is a tree branch on the right of them with Purple plants. Head out along the tree branch to collect the Purple Plant.

Also, near the tree branch and next to the robot watching TV on the sofa is one of the Stray Memories for you to collect.
Yellow Plant Location
Make your way up to the same floor as Zbaltazar and find the bar with the bartender and a client. Behind the sofa, hop along the pipe to collect the Yellow Plant.

Cat Badge – Chapter 10 (Midtown)
After the cutscene ends in the subway station and you automatically receive one of the Memories, go up the broken escalators, through the hole in the fence, and head outside. Follow the alley, up the stairs, enter Midtown (the street with shops and neon signs), and look for the robot with a white jacket in front of the 2nd shop on the right.
Jump through the window into the shop and find the safe in the back of the room on the shelves on the right. Open the safe using the code 8542 and inspect the Cat Badge inside.

If you are wondering where the code is coming from, there is a poster on the shelf behind the shop owner that says “2458 :edoC”, so if you mirror the instruction, it reads “Code: 8542“.
Police Badge – Chapter 10 (Midtown)
From the previous badge, follow the path ahead until you reach a plaza with a giant robot hologram in the middle. Near the giant hologram, go down the stairs to find a narrow alleyway with a cyan glowing sign right next to the clothing shop.

As you enter the alleyway, past the orange lantern on the ground, there is a small structure on the right covering a couple of pots and an AC unit. Jump on this structure and climb up the AC units and roof sections until you reach a barred window (check the image below).

Jump inside through the window, and you will find yourself in a cell with a dead robot lying on the ground. Inspect the dead robot’s body to receive the Police Badge.
Neco Badge – Chapter (10 Midtown)
After you bring the Worker Jacket and the Worker Hat to Blazer, jump in the box, and he’ll carry you into the Factory. Inside the Factory, sneak past the first three Sentinel drones, and you’ll find a worker robot in the 3rd room on the right, perched on a railing. He asks you to find his keys, but you also have to bring them back to him to receive the Neco Badge.
From the worker robot, jump on the metal beam left of the drone and pull the switch to get into the next room. Walk alongside the moving boxes so you don’t get detected by the Sentinel drones until you reach barrels floating in the water. Jump on the first barrel, then jump to the barrels on the right side (don’t go straight) to find the Worker Keys inside a pizza box in the corner.

Now, jump over the other barrels that are in the water to reach the next room. Immediately on the left, before the next Sentinel drone, jump on the switch to open the gate leading to the 2nd room of the Factory. Make your way back to the 3rd room with the worker robot and give him the Worker Keys. He will reward you with the Neco Badge for your effort.

After collecting the last Stray Badge, you will also unlock the originally-named Badges Trophy/Achievement on PS4/PS5 or Steam.
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