God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Collectibles Locations Guide

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

Updated December 2, 2022

God of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls is a small beautiful region composed of a series of waterfalls at the end of the Delta River in the Vanaheim Realm.

While exploring the region, you’ll be able to find the following GoW Ragnarok Goddess Falls collectibles:

  • 1 Nornir Chest
  • 1 Lore
  • 1 Odin’s Raven
  • 1 Buried Treasure

To reach the region, follow our Cliffside Ruins Collectibles Location Guide first, which will unlock the path leading to The Veiled Passage region covered here and the Goddess Falls region.

So, follow this guide to learn where to find all God of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls collectibles and how to get them.

Lore Marker (Anything I Can Do): In A Small Cave

After docking your boat on the beach, clear the area of enemies, then climb the wall to the west with red markings.

At the top, turn right to find the GoW Ragnarok Goddess Falls Lore collectible inside a small cave with some explosive, poisonous plants.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Lore Marker Location

If you wish to know how many Lore Collectibles are scattered around the Nine Realms, check our Lore Collectibles Locations Guide here.

Odin’s Raven: Flying In Circles Above The Beach

From the previous Lore Marker, use the grappling point to swing across, place a sigil (purple) arrow on the red vines and burn them with your Blades of Chaos.

After opening the red chest, look above to see the God of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Odin’s Raven flying in circles above the beach.

While standing in front of the red chest, wait for Odin’s Raven to come by and fly with its back turned to you, then throw a spear to secure the kill.

It is recommended to use the Draupnir Spear instead of the Leviathan Axe because it has a higher velocity.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Odin's Raven Location

Once you kill Odin’s Raven, you’ll also progress The Eyes Of Odin Favour we’ve covered here.

Buried Treasure (Under The Rainbow Treasure Map): Near A Waterfall

From the red chest, jump across the waterfall and climb the wall with red markings in front of you.

At the top, you should spot the GoW Ragnarok Goddess Falls Buried Treasure glowing golden on the other side of the waterfall.

To spawn the Buried Treasure, you must first collect Under The Rainbow Treasure Map, which can be obtained from the Lore collectible located in the Noatun’s Garden region we’ve covered here, in the Vanaheim Realm.

Check our in-depth guide here if you need additional help finding the Under The Rainbow Treasure Map.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Buried Treasure Location

Nornir Chest: At The Top Of Goddess Falls

In the same area as the Buried Treasure, you’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Nornir Chests.

To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to ignite three braziers hidden around the area using sigil arrows and Kratos’ Blades of Chaos.

Look south-southeast from the Nornir Chest to find the first brazier seal perched on a cliff. While standing near the Hacksilver chest, place a large sigil arrow on the cliff below the brazier and another large one closer to you, as in the image below.

To create large sigils, shoot three sigil arrows in the same spot, increasing the sigil’s effective radius.

Press (L2) + (R2) with your Blades of Chaos to detonate the sigil and create a chain reaction that will ignite the brazier.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Nornir Chest First Brazier Location

The second brazier is to the left and above the grappling point, perched on top of a waterfall.

Place a large sigil on the rock below the brazier and another large one on the rock below, then detonate the sigil at the bottom to create a chain reaction that will ignite the brazier.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Nornir Chest Second Brazier Location

The third brazier is on top of a rock to the right of the Nornir Chest.

Place a sigil on the brazier and two large sigils on each rock in the water, then detonate the closest sigil to you with your Blades of Chaos to create the chain reaction that will ignite the brazier.

God Of War Ragnarok Goddess Falls Nornir Chest Third Brazier Location

After igniting all three braziers, open the Nornir Chest to receive an Idunn Apple or a Horn of Blood Mead.

To further increase your Health and Rage Bars, check our Nornir Chests Locations Guide here to open more of them.

That’s all the collectibles you can find Goddess Falls area in God of War Ragnarok. To the left of the Nornir Chest, Freya can open a door leading to the Vanir Shrine hidden region covered here to progress Freya’s Missing Peace Favour.

Also, don’t forget to check our GoW Ragnarok Wiki Hub here if you need additional help finding collectibles or completing favours.

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

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Sergiu Trifu
Written by
Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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