Gotham Knights Secret Caches are optional activities during which you have to interact with an ID scanner and reach each of the emitters within the time limit to unlock the Cache left by Batman. Secret Cache activities become available after you complete the Gotham Knights Case 01: Batman’s Last Case, and they are marked with a black and white icon in the shape of a container.
How To Complete All Gotham Knights Secret Cache Activities
To start a Gotham Knights Secret Cache event, reach the location of the activity, step on the ID scanner on the floor, and press the interaction button. Then, reach all the emitters (light beams) within the time limit to unlock and collect Batman’s Caches.

After you collect the Cache, depending on your current level, you will be rewarded with an amount of XP, one or two heroic gear pieces (suit, weapon, or modchip), and one of Bruce’s Audio Logs.
In-game, these collectibles are known as Secret Caches; however, in the trophy list, they are known as Bruce Wayne’s Hidden Audio Recordings because each Secret Cache rewards you with one Audio Recording.
After you get an Audio Log, you can check it under the Database Menu, then the Collections tab, and select Bruce’s Audio Log. Completing all 12 Secret Cache events in Gotham Knights unlocks the Gotham City Confidential Trophy/Achievement.
Secret Cache Locations Map
Gotham Knights features 12 Secret Caches that can be found scattered all over Gotham City, but they do not spawn all at the same time.

Instead, these Secret Caches become available on the map as follows:
- #1 is available after completing Gotham Knights Case 01: Batman’s Last Case.
- #2-#5 become available after completing #1 and returning to The Belfry
- #6-#9 become available after finishing #2-5 and returning to The Belfry
- #10-#12 become available after finishing #6-#9 and returning to The Belfry
So, we will explain how to complete all 12 Gotham Knights Secret Cache activities following the same order as on the map above.
Secret Cache #1: On a Roof Southwest of Elliot Center
The first Gotham Knights Secret Cache activity can be found in the Financial District, on the roof of the building southwest of the Elliot Center.

Open the map, find and track the activity by pressing the Square button, reach the location using the grappling hook, and interact with the ID Scanner to start the event. You’ll have to reach all three emitters within 25 seconds to unlock Batman’s Secret Cache. The key to success is to use the grappling hook.
The location of the Secret Cache will be marked on your screen with the same icon. Use the grappling hook to reach its location.

Upon opening the Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic suit, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-01 – Year One. Return to The Belfry and start a new patrol night to spawn new Secret Cache activities around Gotham.
Secret Cache #2: On the Roof of Quartz Labs
The following Secret Cache event can be found in the Financial District, northwest of The Belfry, on top of the roof of Quartz Labs.

After you reach the location, interact with the ID Scanner to start the trial, then get the nine emitters within 25 seconds to unlock Batman’s Cache. Even though they seem to be a lot of emitters for the same amount of time as the previous activity, they are really close to each other.
The trick to complete this activity is to sprint by pressing (L3) when you have the chance to save time. Also, the final emitter is behind the two pipes.

Interact with the Cache located on the nearby building to receive XP, a heroic ranged weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-33- New Bat On The Block.
Secret Cache #3: Southwest of Gotham City Cathedral
The next Cache activity can be found in the Old Gotham district, to the southwest of Gotham City Cathedral, on the roof of the building on Neville Street.

Interact with the ID Scanner and reach all six emitters within 22 seconds to unlock the Cache. Most of the emitters can be reached only using the grappling hook. The Secret Cache will become available on the arch of the Gotham City Cathedral.

After you open the Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic suit, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-17 – Guidance.
Secret Cache #4: South of Paris Island
The following Secret Cache can be found in The Cauldron district, south of Paris Island, on a small block of flats.

Start the trial by interacting with the ID Scanner and reach all six emitters within 25 seconds to unlock the Cache. The first three emitters can be reached by sprinting toward them, and the rest by using the grappling hook on the billboard, then on the two rooftops.

Once you interact with Batman’s Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-28 – Resolutions.
Secret Cache #5: Southwest of Cobblepot Steel
From the previous Cache, go to the Southside district, southwest of the Cobblepot Steel building.

Use the grappling hook to reach the middle of the metal tower and start the trial using the ID Scanner. Also, near the ID Scanner, look for a glowing purple beam to find a Gotham Knights Lower Gotham Batarang.
To complete the activity and unlock Batman’s Cache, reach all six emitters within 20 seconds. Reach the first emitter to start the trial, drop down on the slope below to reach the second one, then drop one more time on the chimney below to reach the third. The fourth emitter is a bit tricky to see because it’s located on the radio antenna on top of the nearby building before the next emitter.

From the radio antenna, jump on the roof below and then run straight for the next emitter to complete the activity.

Interact with the Cache located on the Cobblepot Steel to receive XP, a heroic ranged weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-79 – Outsourcing. Now, return to The Belfry and begin a new patrol night to spawn four new Secret Cache activities.
Secret Cache #6: East of Kane Industries
The sixth Gotham Knights Cache can be found in the Tricorner Island district, east of the Kane Industries, after collecting the previous caches and starting a new patrol night.

Reach the ID Scanner, start the trial, and collect all seven emitters within 25 seconds to complete the activity and unlock Batman’s Cache. The activity is relatively easy because four of the seven emitters are close, and you can simply sprint.

As a reward for completing the trial and opening the Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic melee weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-66 – Curtains For Clayface.
Secret Cache #7: On the Roof of Monarch Theater
Go north from the previous Cache to enter the Bowery district, and reach the roof of the Monarch Theater to find the activity near some AC units.

For this activity, you’ll have to reach all six emitters within 20 seconds to unlock Batman’s Cache. All emitters are straightforward and hard to miss, so the event shouldn’t be that hard to complete.

After unlocking the Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic ranged weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-42 – Spiral.
Secret Cache #8: Southwest of Wayne Tower
The next Cache can be found in the Otisburg district, on top of the building southwest of the Wayne Tower.

Interact with the ID Scanner to start the trial, then reach all seven emitters within 20 seconds to complete the activity and unlock the Cache. Almost the entire activity must be finished only using the grappling hook because there’s no room for sprinting, which can be tricky but not impossible.

Upon finishing the event and unlocking the Cache, you will receive XP, a heroic melee weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-70 – Father And Grayson.
Secret Cache #9: North of Gotham City Gazette
The ninth Cache can be found in the heart of the West End district, two blocks north of the Gotham City Gazette.

You will have to reach all eight emitters within 21 seconds to open Batman’s Cache through this activity. The emitters are spread like this: the first four across the rooftops, the following three on TV/radio antennas, and the final one on a billboard.

After successfully reaching all emitters and opening the Cache, you will receive an amount of experience, a heroic melee weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-55 – On Thin Ice.
Head back to The Belfry and start a new patrol night to spawn the last three Secret Cache activities in North Gotham.
Secret Cache #10: On Top of a Building in Gotham Heights
After returning to The Belfry and beginning a new patrol night, the following Gotham Knights Cache can be found in the Gotham Heights district, on top of a building near the intersection between Bierce Avenue and Chambers Street.

This activity requires reaching five emitters within 25 seconds to be able to open Batman’s Cache. If you have reached this activity, you should have no trouble finishing it within the time limit.

Open the Cache to receive an amount of XP, a heroic suit, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-57- Back For Good.
Secret Cache #11: On Top of Gotham City Reservoir Building
The next Cache can be found in the Bristol district, on the lower roof near the AC units of the building with the Gotham City Reservoir billboard.

This time around, you will have to reach all five emitters within only 15 seconds to open Batman’s Cache. Even though it seems a short time, the emitters are pretty close to one another, causing you no trouble finishing the activity.

When you unlock the Cache, you will receive an amount of XP, a heroic ranged weapon, a heroic modchip, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-49 – Trust.
Secret Cache #12: On Top of a Building in Bristol
The final Secret Cache in Gotham Knights can be found in the Bristol district, on top of a building near the intersection between Mercey Avenue and Oxylus Street.

For this activity, you will have to reach all seven emitters within 20 seconds to unlock the final Cache. The first six emitters are almost in a straight line except for the final emitter, which can be found at the top of the TV/radio antenna on the next building.

Open the Cache on the south building to receive an amount of XP, a heroic melee weapon, a heroic modchip, the Knight Ops Transmog Suit, the Steel Colorway for Batcycle, and Bruce’s Audio Log Entry BT-81 – Vacation.
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