The Need For Speed Unbound Underwood Gardens district features only 1 Billboard, along with 6 Street Art Graffiti and 4 Bear Champs, all needed for 100% completion in this area. You’ll also get some much-needed extra cash for obtaining the collectibles, which will prove useful when you try to do some upgrades or customization or pay the buy-in at events in the video game developed by Criterion Software.
However, you have to know that you can’t get any collectibles until you complete the NFS Unbound prologue. So, play the game until you meet Tess two years later, after Yaz’s unbelievable betrayal. Then, you can finally start finding the collectibles that appear on your map when you are quite close. Thus, they can be easily missed.
NFS Unbound Underwood Gardens Billboard Location Map
To reach the Billboard in question, you must first know where to find it, so I suggest checking the following Underwood Gardens map for the exact location.

How To Get the Billboard Collectible in the Underwood Gardens District
The Underwood Gardens Billboard is located on the southwestern side of the area, as shown on the map above. However, it’s not enough just to see the Billboard. When you get to the said spot, you’ll also have to smash the collectible by going through it with your car.
To do so, you have to approach the Billboard coming from the west. When you get near the right location, you’ll see the collectible after you pass the roundabout.

Now press the pedal to the metal and smash that Billboard to pieces, as shown in the next image.

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