Need For Speed Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations

Welcome to Lakeshore City and to our Need For Speed Unbound game hub, where we discuss all collectibles locations in the latest NFS title developed by Criterion Games and published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. The Need For Speed Unbound collectibles are mandatory for obtaining the following achievements/trophies: The Bear Champ, Adbusting, Heaven Spot, and Cleaning Up.

NFS Unbound features three types of collectibles (Bear Champ Balloons, Billboards, and Street Art), as well as 21 regions you’ll need to explore. Our Need For Speed 2022 guides reveal all the collectibles’ locations organized based on the collectibles’ type and the areas available in the game. Make sure you check them out and use our customized Need For Speed Unbound collectibles maps to track down every collectible in the game.

Bear Champ Locations:

Billboard Locations:

Street Art Locations:

Updated January 18, 2024

Need For Speed Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art are collectibles that will earn you some extra cash, provided you know where to look for them. The Street Art collectibles are graffiti that you need to get close to and press the X button on your Xbox controller to collect them.

In the Underwood Gardens district, you can also find 4 Bear Champs and 1 Billboard, that is, if you want to obtain 100% completion in this area. However, in the following guide, we will focus on the Underwood Gardens Street Art Collectibles so you can quickly find all 6.

NFS Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations Map

The collectibles are scattered throughout the Underwood Gardens district; therefore, to make it easier, you should check the map below for the exact locations.

Need For Speed Unbound 2022 Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations Map

And if the map is not enough, you should continue reading to get instructions on where to find each Street Art.

Street Art #1: Opposite Two Benches

Starting in the same order as on our map above, you can find the first NFS 2022 Underwood Gardens Street Art Collectible on the north pier. When you reach the said area, go forward on the left boardwalk near the stairs leading to the Ferris wheel. The Street Art is on the right side wall, opposite two benches.

Need For Speed Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Collectibles Locations

Street Art #2: Next to Some White Bollards

The second Street Art is on the southeastern side of the area, at the next location marked on our map. When you reach the spot, look for the big graffiti on the wall next to the white bollards.

Need For Speed Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations

Street Art #3: Near Some Warning Tape

Now, head south on the road with the previous collectible and take the second street to the right. Look on the right of this street just before turning right again to find the next Underwood Gardens Street Art near the warning tape.

NFS Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Collectibles Locations

Street Art #4: On a Stair Wall

The fourth collectible is easy to miss because you can’t see it from the street. So once you reach the location marked on the map above, search for the Street Art on the stairs wall in the middle of the buildings.

NFS Unbound Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations

Street Art #5: On the Wall of a Two-Story Buiding

Street Art #5 is a short distance north from the previous collectible (check the map above). Look for it near the windows of the two-story building wall.

NFS 2022 Underwood Gardens Street Art Locations

Street Art #6: On the Wall of a Tall Building

The last collectible is on the west side of the area, and it’s marked on our map, so make your way there. The Street Art is on the wall of the tall building, above two black and yellow bollards.

NFS 2022 Underwood Gardens Street Art Collectibles Locations

Welcome to Lakeshore City and to our Need For Speed Unbound game hub, where we discuss all collectibles locations in the latest NFS title developed by Criterion Games and published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. The Need For Speed Unbound collectibles are mandatory for obtaining the following achievements/trophies: The Bear Champ, Adbusting, Heaven Spot, and Cleaning Up.

NFS Unbound features three types of collectibles (Bear Champ Balloons, Billboards, and Street Art), as well as 21 regions you’ll need to explore. Our Need For Speed 2022 guides reveal all the collectibles’ locations organized based on the collectibles’ type and the areas available in the game. Make sure you check them out and use our customized Need For Speed Unbound collectibles maps to track down every collectible in the game.

Bear Champ Locations:

Billboard Locations:

Street Art Locations:

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Alexandru Popescu
Written by
Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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