God Of War Ragnarok The Strond Collectibles Locations Guide

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

Updated November 17, 2022

God of War Ragnarok Strond is the first region you’ll visit in the Alfheim realm alongside Tyr during the Groa’s Secret Main Quest in the action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio.

God of War Ragnarok Strond is a passageway leading to the Temple of Light, which features ten collectibles, as follows:

  • 2 Nornir Chests
  • 1 Legendary Chest
  • 2 Lore
  • 2 Artefacts
  • 1 Odin’s Raven
  • 1 Hel Tear
  • 1 Remnant of Asgard

But, during your first visit through the story, you’ll be unable to achieve the region’s 100% completion rate. To collect everything, you need to return after you’ve finished the story.

Now, let’s see where to find all God of War Ragnarok Strond collectibles and how to achieve a 100% completion rate.

Lore Rune Read (Broken History): On An Elf Statue

The first God of War Ragnarok Strond Lore can be found right in front of the Mystic Gateway at the bottom of an elf statue written with glowing blue glyphs.

Lore Rune Read (Broken History): On An Elf Statue

If you want to find all 80 Lore collectibles, check our God of War Ragnarok Lore Locations Guide here.

Hel Tear (Frozen Spark): To The Right Of The Elf Statue

Follow the path on the right of the Lore and look down below to spot the Hel Tear portal.

If this is your first visit during the story, the path is still blocked, and the Hel Tear will only spawn once you finish the Reunion Story Mission later in the game.

Refer to our Hel To Pay Favour guide if you need help with this activity.

Hel Tear (Frozen Spark): To The Right Of The Elf Statue

Interact with the Hel Tear portal and survive the waves of enemies until the timer at the top of the screen runs out. Collect your reward after the portal closes.

Lore Marker (The Living Desert): On A Stone Tablet

Return to the Strond Mystic Gateway and head on the path to the left of the previous Lore.

Before squeezing through the crack, drop down off the ledge on the left to find the God of War Ragnarok Strond Lore Marker. Interact with the stone tablet to collect the Lore.

Lore Marker (The Living Desert): On A Stone Tablet

Also, if you turn around, you can open a loot chest hidden behind vases.

Nornir Chest 1: Brazier Seals

From the previous Lore Marker, climb back up and squeeze through the gap in the wall.

Then, take the left path and drop down the ledge to discover the God of War Ragnarok Strond Nornir Chest.

To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to find and ignite the three seal braziers by pressing (L2) + (R2) with your Blades of Chaos equipped.

The first seal brazier can be found to the left of the chest, tucked between the rocks.

Strond Nornir Chest 1: Brazier Seals

For the second seal brazier, go to the right of the chest and look down the cliffs at the edge of the area.

The Strond Nornir Chest 1: Brazier Seals

Now, for the third and last brazier seal, climb back up on the path, then climb the two ledges and immediately look down on the left to find it.

Drop down below and press (L2) + (R2) to ignite the final seal brazier.

God of War Ragnarok The Strond Nornir Chest 1: Brazier Seals

Drop one more time to reach the chest and open it. Also, if you are hunting for more Nornir Chests, check our God of War Ragnarok Nornir Chests locations guide.

Odin’s Raven: On A Tree Branch

After opening the Nornir Chest, keep following the linear path until you have to jump over a small gap.

God of War Ragnarok Strond Odin’s Raven is sitting on the branch of a withered tree.

Odin's Raven: On A Tree Branch

Equip your Leviathan Axe and press (L2) + (R1) to kill the Odin’s Raven and add the progress to The Eyes of Odin Favor.

Artifact 1 (Afterlife Abandonment – Kvasir’s Poems Set): Near The Legendary Chest

From the previous Odin’s Raven, proceed through a small cave tunnel section with Twilight Stones, then drop down the ledge immediately on the left.

You’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Strond Artefact glowing purple near the Legendary Chest, behind the rubble.

Artifact 1 (Afterlife Abandonment - Kvasir's Poems Set): Near The Legendary Chest

If you want to hoard more Artifacts and obtain a good amount of Hacksilver, check our God of War Ragnarok Artifacts Locations Guide here.

Legendary Chest (Skadi’s Edge): Near The Artefact

The God of War Ragnarok Strond Legendary Chest can be found in the same area as the previous Artefact.

After you open the chest, you’ll receive the Skadi’s Edge, a Light Runic Attack.

Legendary Chest (Skadi's Edge): Near The Artefact

Also, if you want to expand your gear options, check our God of War Ragnarok Legendary Chests Locations Guide here.

Remnants of Asgard: After Finishing The Story

Climb back up from the previous collectibles, turn left, and climb up the wall with white markings.

In the next section, you will encounter enemies from the God of War Ragnarok Strond Remnants of Asgard activity.

This encounter becomes available only after you complete the story (check our The Last Remnant of Asgard Favor guide here), so you’ll have to return if this is your first visit.

The rainbows above the area mark remnants of Asgard locations. Check the image below for a better representation.

Remnants of Asgard: After Finishing The Story

After defeating the Remnants of Asgard, open the red chest on the right to receive materials and a bunch of Hacksilver.

Artefact 2 (Dream Charm – Tributes to Freyr Set): Next To The Nornir Chest

From the Remnants of Asgard, lift the big rock blocking the way, then turn right to find the God of War Ragnarok Strond Artefact glowing purple near the Nornir Chest.

Artefact 2 (Dream Charm - Tributes to Freyr Set): Next To The Nornir Chest

Nornir Chest 2: Next To The Artefact

The second God of War Ragnarok Strond Nornir Chest, can be found next to the previous Artefact. To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to progress the story until you unlock the Draupnir Spear.

Once you have the Draupnir Spear, you’ll have to throw it at the three seal totems with the glowing blue glyphs and simultaneously explode them.

While facing the Nornir Chest, turn around, and you’ll spot a seal totem close on the left and a second one far in the back close to the large tree.

Nornir Chest 2 Two Seal Totems

For the third seal totem, go southwest and look to the right of the broken bridge.

Nornir Chest 2 Third Seal Totem

Plant a spear in each seal totem, then press Triangle to detonate them all at once to break the Nornir Chest seal.

That’s all you have to know to find and collect all God of War Ragnarok Strond collectibles. The following region is the Temple of Light (covered in-depth here).

Also, feel free to check our God of War Ragnarok Wiki Hub if you need additional help finding collectibles and completing favors.

Welcome back to ancient Scandinavia and to our God of War Ragnarök game hub, where we’ll tell you everything you need to know about one of the most anticipated video games of 2022. Three years after the events of God of War 2018, we’ll embark on a new epic adventure as Kratos and Atreus, who will now face new threats and new enemies.

During this adventure, we’ll explore Midgard, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Helheim, and Niflheim, which are filled with collectibles and puzzles. Our God of War Ragnarok guides cover the locations of all collectibles in the latest video game developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Starting with the locations of all Books required for The Librarian trophy, followed by the Artifacts you’ll need to find to unlock The Curator trophy; everything is covered by the guides below.

Additionally, we’ll tell you where to find all the Apples of Idunn, Horns of Blood Mead, Shields, Relics, Sword Hilts, and Crater Hunts. Last but not least, we’ll go over the trickiest puzzles and favors (side-quests) you’ll need to complete so that you can put an end to the upcoming Ragnarök.

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Sergiu Trifu
Written by
Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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