God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost is a region southwest of Lake of Nine region covered here in the Midgard Realm, built on some large old ruins tucked between the mountains.
The GoW Ragnarok Derelict Outpost contains six collectibles and a quest item that can be reached and obtained by solving several puzzles involving cranes with grappling points.
Check the list below to learn all available Derelict Outpost collectibles in God of War Ragnarok:
- 1 Artifact
- 2 Lore
- 2 Odin’s Ravens
- 1 Legendary Chest
- 1 Fjortlund Vault Key Half
All the collectibles mentioned above can be obtained both during and after the story because they do not require any special unlocks to collect them.
Also, when you visit The Derelict Outpost region for the first time, you’ll begin the Sigrun’s Curse Favour we’ve covered in-depth here.
Now, let’s see where all God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost collectibles are and how to get them as quickly as possible.
Odin’s Raven 1: Below A Ruined Blue Ship
To reach The Derelict Outpost, fast travel to Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway and take the wolves sled southwest of Tyr’s Temple. There will be a path leading directly to the start of the region.
Jump over the wooden beam, and you’ll meet again with Skjoldr, one of Atreus’ friends he met during his visit to Asgard, if you come here after the story.
After jumping over the wooden beam, turn to the left and look above for the wreckage of a blue ship with GoW Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Odin’s Raven sitting under it.

Kill this Odin’s Raven with your Leviathan Axe to progress The Eyes Of Odin Favour we’ve covered here.
Lore Marker 1 (Blodugr Steinn): On A Stone Tablet
From the previous Odin’s Raven, follow the path to The Derelict Outpost Mystic Gateway and climb the nearby golden chain to discover the hidden region.
Follow the path from the Blacksmith Shop, jump over the gap using the grappling point, then turn the crane toward you to swing across again using its grappling point.
At the end of the path ahead, there is a stone pillar spawning Wisps. After destroying the stone pillar, check the left side to find the God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Lore collectible.

If you wish to know how many Lore collectibles are available in the game, check our God Of War Ragnarok Lore Locations Guide here.
Odin’s Raven 2: On The Top Of A Crane
Near the entrance of the last cave, turn the crane with the grappling point, swing over the gap, and climb the small ledge to the left.
Turn your camera northwest and up to spot the GoW Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Odin’s Raven perched on the top of a crane.

Artifact (Lyre – Stolen Treasures): Near The 4th Grappling Point
After killing the previous Odin’s Raven, go to the right and pull the chain to lift the grappling point on the crane.
Use the grappling point to swing across, and immediately turn around to see the God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Artifact glowing purple on the ground, one floor below.
After dealing with the enemies around, climb down the ledge to reach the Derelict Outpost Artefact.

Lore Marker 2 (An Accursed Name / The Death of Helgi): After 5th Grappling Point
After picking up the previous Artefact, climb back up the two ledges and follow the path south until you reach a door blocked by icicles.
Break the icicles, drop down to the right and lift the chain to lower the grappling point on the crane. Then, turn the crane to the left with the grappling point over the gap and lift it back up.
Now, use the grappling point to jump across and climb the ledge to find the GoW Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Lore Marker near a Legendary Chest.

Legendary Chest (Ivaldi’s Anvil): Near A Lore Stone Tablet
As you probably noticed by now, the God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost Legendary Chest is to the left of the last Lore Marker.
Open the Legendary Chest to receive the Ivaldi’s Anvil, a Heavy Runic Attack for your Leviathan Axe.

To obtain more Runic Attacks and equipment, check our Legendary Chests Locations guide to open more Legendary Chests.
Fjortlund Vault Key Half (Quest Item – Sigrun’s Curse Favor): In Front Of A Eagle Statue
After you open the Legendary Chest, climb the ledge to the left, and you’ll find the Fjortlund Vault Key Half quest item as part of the Sigrun’s Curse Favour covered here.
To find the second Fjortlund Vault Key Half, you’ll have to travel to The Oarsmen region we’ve covered here and collect it from there.
Once you have both Fjortlund Vault Key Half quest items, travel to The Lost Treasury region covered here to complete the favour.
Even though this is not a collectible, we believed it was worth mentioning to help you progress Sigrun’s Curse Favour.

And with that, we’ve come to an end for our God of War Ragnarok Derelict Outpost collectibles locations guide. But we have helpful guides on collectibles, favours, and more on our GoW Ragnarok Wiki here.
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