God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands region is the second largest desert in the Alfheim realm, similar to The Barrens region we’ve covered here.
When you reach the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands region, you’ll have to stop the sandstorm by releasing the second imprisoned Hafgufa during the Song Of The Sands Favour.
Stopping the sandstorm will grant access to the following God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands collectibles:
- 2 Nornir Chests
- 2 Legendary Chests
- 7 Lore
- 3 Artifacts
- 1 Nine Realms in Bloom
- 1 Buried Treasure
- 4 Odin’s Ravens
- 1 Yggdrasil Rift
- 1 Berserker Gravestone
- 1 Song of the Sands
- 1 The Elven Sanctum
- 1 Freyr’s Gift
- 1 The Desert Door
It is recommended to follow this guide once you’ve completed the story if you wish to achieve a 100% completion rate of the region.
So, let’s see where are all God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands collectibles and how to get them.
Song Of The Sands (Favor): At The Start Of The Region
As mentioned above, start and complete the Song Of The Sands Favor we’ve covered here by releasing the imprisoned Hafgufa, the giant jellyfish.
To reach the giant jellyfish, you will go through a hidden underground cave known as The Burrows region (we’ve covered all the collectibles here).

After finishing the God of War Ragnarok Song of the Sands Favour, you’ll be able to explore the Forbidden Sands more freely.
Odin’s Raven 1: Under The Elven Sanctum Building
After releasing the giant jellyfish, head northeast in front of the Elven Sanctum, the large building with a light elf statue.
When you reach the Elven Sanctum, destroy the breakable rocks at the bottom with your Leviathan Axe and squeeze through the created gap in the wall leading to a hidden underground section of the building.
At the end of the tunnel, you’ll find GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Odin’s Raven flying in circles on the left.
For an easy kill, aim your cursor on its path toward you, then throw a spear a little bit earlier to hit it.

Killing this Odin’s Raven will count toward the progress of The Eyes Of Odin Favour covered here.
Nornir Chest 1: Under The Elven Sanctum Building
In the same area as the previous Odin’s Raven, you’ll find the Nornir Chest covered in roots.
To clear the area of them, throw your Leviathan Axe at the Twilight Stone mirror in the back to destroy all three explosive sacks simultaneously.

To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to ignite the three braziers around it, which can be a bit challenging at first.
The first brazier can be found to the left of the Nornir Chest, near a small campfire. Shoot a sigil (purple) arrow at the campfire to ignite the brazier.
If it doesn’t work, shoot a sigil arrow in between, then the campfire to create a chain reaction.

The second brazier is to the right of the chest, near the tunnel’s entrance.
To ignite this brazier, you’ll have to create a chain reaction by placing purple arrows between the campfire and the brazier.
Also, you can increase the effective radius of the sigil by shooting up to three sigil arrows in the same spot.
Therefore, create two large sigils between the brazier and the campfire, then shoot the campfire with a sigil arrow to initiate the chain reaction and ignite the brazier.

The third brazier is above the second brazier, hidden behind the hive material, which is sensible at sonic (green) arrows.
To ignite the third brazier, create two large sigils on the stone pillar by shooting three arrows into each sigil.
Now, hit the hive material with a sonic arrow to reveal the third brazier, then shoot with a sigil arrow the second brazier below to initiate the chain reaction and ignite the brazier.
Make sure the third brazier is revealed, or the chain reaction won’t go through the hive material.

After igniting all three braziers, open the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest and secure its treasures.
If you wish to find more of them, check our God of War Ragnarok Nornir Chests Locations Guide here.
Artifact 1 (Bracelet – Tributes to Freyr Set): Next To The Elven Sanctum Gate
Once you’ve opened the previous Nornir Chest, head back outside and climb the wall to reach the Elven Sanctum Entrance.
You’ll find one of the 38 God of War Ragnarok Artefacts listed here to the right of the gate on the ground.

Lore Marker 1 (Rules of the Sanctum): Inside The Elven Sanctum
Go through the two Elven Sanctum gates to find the God of War Ragnarok Forbbiden Sands Lore written with glowing blue glyphs on the stone tablet.

Lore Scroll (An Examination of Temporal Significance): On A Table
The next GoW Ragnarok Forbbiden Sands Lore Scroll can be found on a table in front of the previous Lore.

Lore (The Lost Pages): On A Table
Check the table to the left of the light elf statue to find another GoW Ragnarok Forbbiden Sands Lore.

Lore Treasure Map (Forgotten Tower): On A Shelf
After collecting the previous Lore, climb the wall to the west and the ledge to find the God of War Ragnarok Forbbiden Sands Lore Treasure Map on a shelf.
The Buried Treasure mentioned in the Forgotten Tower Treasure Map can also be found in The Forbidden Sands. We will go over its location later in the guide.

Legendary Chest 1 (Jewel of Yggdrasil): Upper Floor Of Elven Sanctum
You’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest between the shelves.
Open the Legendary Chest to receive a Jewel of Yggdrasil, an Amulet Fragment that allows you to upgrade your Amulet to hold additional Enhancements.

Finding more Legendary Chests can greatly improve your gameplay and build options, so check our God Of War Ragnarok Legendary Chests Locations Guide here.
Consul’s Journal (Quest Item – The Elven Sanctum Favor): Near The Legendary Chest
To the left of the Legendary Chest, you’ll find the Consul’s Journal quest item as part of The Elven Sanctum Favor covered in depth here.

Lore Marker 2 (The Arbiters of Knowledge): Upper Floor Elven Sanctum
After collecting the previous quest item, drop down on the left to find another God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Lore written with glowing blue glyphs on a stone tablet.

If you are curious about how many Lore collectibles you can find in each region, check our God Of War Ragnarok Lore Locations Guide.
The Elven Sanctum (Favor): After The Maven Boss Fight
You’ll automatically complete Forbidden Sands The Elven Sanctum Favour after you pick up the Consul’s Journal quest item, defeat The Maven boss, and leave the Elven Sanctum building.

Buried Treasure (Forgotten Tower): Next To The Desert Door
From the Elven Sanctum, go to the west alongside the cliffs until you see a breakable wall on the right.
Climb the rock on the left, then break through the wall by pressing (Circle). After clearing the area of enemies, look to the west to find the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Buried Treasure glowing golden in the ground.

Make sure you’ve picked up the Forgotten Tower Treasure Map (covered in-depth here) from the Elven Sanctum, or you won’t see the golden light in the ground.
Artefact 2 (Token – Tributes to Freyr Set): Next To The Yggdrasil Rift
In the same area, squeeze through the narrow doorway to the east and climb the stairs to find the glowing purple GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Artefact on the ground.

Yggdrasil Rift: Next To The Artefact
Immediately to the right of the last artefact, you can find the GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Yggdrasil Rift.
Interact with the Yggdrasil Rift, defeat the two enemies and interact once more with it to receive your reward and close the rift.

Odin’s Raven 2: Freyr’s Monument
From the previous Yggdrasil Rift, squeeze back through the gap and climb down, then go northwest until you reach a giant statue of Freyr holding up a sword. It shouldn’t be too far away.
As you reach the bridge of light, you’ll see GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Odin’s Raven flying in circles in front of the statue.
Similar to the previous Odin’s Raven, set your cursor on its path toward you, and throw a spear just a little bit earlier to kill the raven.

Freyr’s Gift (Favor): North Of The Forbidden Sands
Immediately after crossing the bridge of light, Freyr’s Gift Favor will start automatically.
To complete Freyr’s Gift Favour covered in-depth here, you’ll have to place two light crystals in the spots above the bridge.
After placing the two light crystals and restoring Freyr’s monument, pick up the glowing item in front of the stone tablet to complete Forbidden Sands Freyr’s Gift Favour.

Lore Marker 3 (The Enlightened One): After Finishing Freyr’s Gift Favor
After finishing Freyr’s Gift Favor, the stone tablet will reveal the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Lore written with glowing blue glyphs.

Alfheim Barrens Key Half 1 (The Desert Door Favor): In A Blue Circle
From Freyr’s monument, head south-southwest alongside the cliffs until you find Alfheim Barrens Key Half item glowing in a blue circle.
Picking up the Alfheim Barrens Key Half will automatically start The Desert Door Favour covered in depth here, which you will have to finish if you want to achieve a 100% completion rate of the region.
The key item only spawns after you’ve completed Freyr’s Gift Favor, so make sure you don’t skip it.

Nine Realms In Blossom (Dawnbloom Flower): Southwest Part Of Forbidden Sands
From the previous key item, head west-northwest not too far until you see a wall you can climb with a cut blue rope on edge.
Don’t climb the wall. Instead, go to the left to find the Dawnbloom Flower and collect it to progress the Nine Realms In Bloom Favour covered here.

Lore Marker 4 (Bjarg Stormr): Above The Dawnbloom Flower
Now, from the flower, turn around and climb the wall to find the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Lore written with glowing blue glyphs on the stone tablet on the left.

Odin’s Raven 3: Behind A Statue
To the right of the previous Lore and behind the statue, you’ll find God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Odin’s Raven perched on the cliff.

Nornir Chest 2: Behind A Broken Stone Pillar
From the previous Odin’s Raven, drop down and go southwest alongside the cliffs until you see a painting of a red heart on a rock.
Go beneath the broken stone pillar next to the red heart to find the GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest.
To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to ignite three braziers, which are pretty far apart from each other.
The first brazier is in the same area as the Nornir Chest, to the right. Get close to the brazier and ignite it by pressing (L2) + (R2) with your Blades of Chaos.

For the second brazier, go beneath the broken stone pillar, then look to the north on top of a rock to find it.
Place three large sigils along the rock to ignite the second brazier easily. To create a large sigil, shoot three sigil arrows in the same spot.
Then, ignite the sigil at the bottom with your Blades of Chaos to create a chain reaction and ignite the brazier on top.

After igniting the second brazier, turn your camera east to find the third and final brazier beneath what looks like a big stone bridge.
Like the previous brazier, create three large sigils connected from the bottom to the top, then ignite the one at the bottom to create a chain reaction and ignite the third brazier.

After igniting all three braziers, return to the Nornir Chest and open it to secure its treasures.
Legendary Chest 2 (Hardened War Handles): Inside A Cave
From the Nornir Chest, head south-southeast until you find a small cave with two Twilight Stone mirrors and two pairs of explosive sacks.
Clear the area of enemies, then, without turning the right Twilight Stone mirror, find the angle to throw your Leviathan Axe at it to destroy the explosive sacks.

Clear the vines from the second Twilight Stone mirror by placing a large sigil on the mirror and another on the nearby wall.
Ignite the sigil on the wall to create a chain reaction and burn the vines on the mirror.

Turn the left mirror to face the right mirror, then turn the right mirror toward the pair of explosive sacks.
Now, throw your axe at the left mirror, which will bounce off into the right mirror, then into the pair of red sacks clearing the roots off the GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest.
Check the image below for a better representation.

Go where the red sacks were before destroying them to find the Legendary Chest. Open it to receive Hardened War Handles, a Blades Attachment.

Berserker Gravestone (Grip of the Nine Realms): Near The Legendary Chest Cave
Head outside the cave and go to the right to find a Berserker Gravestone as part of the Fit For A King Favour we’ve covered here.
Interact with the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Berserker Gravestone to start the boss fight against the Hjalti the Stolid.
After defeating the boss, you’ll receive the Grip of the Nine Realms, an Axe Attachment, materials, Hacksilver, and XP.

Alfheim Barrens Key Half 2 (The Desert Door Favor): In A Blue Circle
From the Berserker Gravestone, keep going east alongside the cliffs until you find the second Alfheim Barrens Key Half item glowing on the ground in a blue circle.
Check the image below for the exact location of the Alfheim Barrens Key Half item.

This key item is necessary to complete The Desert Door Favour we’ve covered here.
Odin’s Raven 4: Underneath A Stone Bridge
From the Alfheim Barrens Key Half item, there is a like stone bridge in front of you.
Go to the left of this stone bridge, in the middle of the region, to be able to see the God of War Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Odin’s Raven underneath the bridge.
Also, check the image below to help you find the exact location of Odin’s Raven.

Artifact 3 (Trip – Kvasir’s Poems Set): In A Small Tower
After killing Odin’s Raven, go beneath the bridge to find a small elven tower.
Once you get close enough, you will start a boss fight against the Frost Phantom.
After defeating Frost Phantom, go to the top of the tower to find GoW Ragnarok Forbidden Sands Artifact glowing purple on the floor.

Also, if you wish to clear the red sacks below, throw your axe from the tower at the Twilight Stone on the bottom, which will bounce off into the one above, destroying the sacks and clearing the roots.
The Desert Door (Favour): In The Northern Part Of Forbidden Sands
After collecting the two Alfheim Barrens Key Half, open the map, track The Desert Door Favor and go to the northern part of the Forbidden Sands region.
Open the Desert Door and defeat the Gravel Belly boss to complete the favour and achieve a 100% completion rate of the region.

Congratulations on finding all the God Of War Ragnarok The Forbidden collectibles. If you are still here after this long journey and wish to find more collectibles, check our GoW Ragnarok Wiki here for more helpful guides.
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