The Ascent Anabolic Express is a side-mission you can start very early in the video game developed by Neon Giant, and to complete it, you’ll have to find a specific NPC named Merle in The Node. Although this may sound easy, Anabolic Express is a bit tricky, and most likely, you’ll encounter difficulties in finding The Node and Merle.
However, below, I’ll tell you how to complete Anabolic Express and where to find The Node in Ascent along with Merle. This mission is very similar to Doctor Humidity covered here; therefore, let’s start with some general details and FAQs.
What Is Anabolic Express
Anabolic Express is a delivery side mission in The Ascent.
When Should You Start the Anabolic Express Mission
The recommended level for this side mission is 2, so you can start it before Trading Places main mission, but you won’t be able to complete it right away.
What Do You Get for Completing Anabolic Express
For finishing this side mission, you’ll get 4.400 XP and 8.000 Ucred.
Where To Find the Node
The Node is found in Tier: Highstreet, east of The Glut district.
Where To Find Atticus (Anabolic Express Quest Giver)
You can find Atticus or the quest giver in Cluster 13 district on Tier: Warrens. You can see his location on the map below, as well as his in-game position. He is working out at the gym southeast of Cluster 13 Train Station.
How To Get to the Node in the Ascent
Once you talk to Atticus at the gym, things are straightforward. Your goal is to get to The Node and find Merle. The Node is located above your current floor, which is The Warrens. So, to find Merle, you need to reach Tier Highstreet using the western elevator in Archology: The Warrens. Or the elevator in the image below.
The only problem with the elevator to Tier Highstreet, hence The Node, is that if you try to use it too early, you’ll notice is locked. In order to unlock the Tier Highstreet lift, you’ll need to play the Trading Places Main Mission. If you do that, you’ll be able to use the Highstreet lift in Ascent and reach the upper Tier.
Where To Find Merle in the Node District
Now that you know how to get to Tier: Highstreet finding Merle is extremely easy. Merle is found east of The Glut. That’s where The Node is located. You can see his map location below, as well as his in-game spot. Look for him in the marketplace, near a stand with vegetables and fruits.
After you find Merle, your final task is to return to Atticus. As you can guess, you’ll need to backtrack to the elevator you just used and then go back to Cluster 13. Obviously, you can move faster using the Train Stations or the taxi service, now that you know how Fast Travel works in The Ascent.
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