The Ascent Meat Face Basement is a location you’ll need to find as part of the Exotic Dinner side-mission in the video game developed by Neon Giant. However, as with most side-missions in the game, Meat Face Basement can be a bit tricky to discover; below, we’ll discuss its location, how to get inside, and, obviously, how to complete the Exotic Dinner.
Before moving forward with the usual general facts and FAQs, keep in mind that Exotic Dinner is one of the 28 side-missions in The Ascent, and it’s mandatory to complete it if you wish to unlock all corresponding Xbox achievements.
What Is Exotic Dinner
Exotic Dinner is an assassination-type side mission in The Ascent.
When Should You Start the Exotic Dinner Mission
The recommended level for this side mission is 23, so you can start it when you reach The Node, but it requires your presence in Corpzone, so you won’t be able to finish it the moment it starts.
What Do You Get for Completing Exotic Dinner
For finishing this side mission, you’ll get 56.000 XP and 8.000 Ucred.
Where To Find Meat Face Basement
Meat Face Basement is on the southwestern edge of Corpzone, close to the bridge towards The Umbilical.
Where To Find Francone (Exotic Dinner Quest Giver)
Francone has a small restaurant in The Node, on Tier Highstreet. Look for him near the Bar where you can sell the Bounties you collect. You can see his location on the map below, as well as his in-game position.

How To Get to Meat Face Basement in the Ascent
After you talk to Francone or the restaurant owner in The Node, your objective is to get to Meat Face Basement. Ascent Meat Face Basement, however, is located in Corpzone District, west of your current location. Depending on when you start the side-mission, there are two scenarios:
- You already visited Corpzone, and in this case, the district can be fully explored
- Corpzone is uncharted, and you can’t get to the location marked on your map. If that’s the case, you need to play the Foreign Code Main Mission to unlock it
Now that you know how to get into Corpzone, head to the marker on your map and look for a restaurant with two cleavers above the door. Once inside the kitchen, you’ll see a door leading to the basement.
How To Gain Entry Into the Basement (Slaughter Lab)
Once inside the basement, you’ll need to fully explore it. To gain entry into the basement, interact with the console by the lockers. Now, cross the corridor that is opposed to the console and kill the mobs inside the lab.
On the other side of the large room, there is another console by the door leading to Flavvus’ lab. Interact with the console, then head inside, but before talking to Flavvus, make sure you are ready to fight him and the beast you can see nearby. If you are not ready for this fight, consider leveling up your character and weapons. Otherwise, this fight is quite accessible. Deal with the beast close to Flavvus first, then with the NPC.

Once you’re done with Flavvus, as you can guess, you’ll need to return to Francone to complete the Exotic Dinner side mission and get your rewards.
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