Guns Of Alcatraz is the final main mission in the Bay City area of Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed. The mission is mandatory if you want to unlock Albion, the second area of the video game developed by Black Forest Games. You have three optional objectives this time around:
- Don’t touch the water
- Kill the fleeing agent with an explosive
- Use Repulse-O-Tron to deflect missiles
You also get 10 Furotech Cells if you 100% complete the mission. To unlock the final mission, you first need to complete Who Is Arkvoodle.
Pox has another assignment for you, so don’t keep him waiting. He is on the east side of the Bay City area, near some trees, close enough to the big military ship, as you can see on the following map.

So go and talk to Pox to see what is required from you to complete the mission.
How To Reach the Island Without Touching the Water
The first thing you have to do in Guns Of Alcatraz is to find the KGB HQ and to do so, you have to reach the island in the middle of the Bay City area. You can also complete the first optional objective if you don’t touch the water on your way to the island.
The key is to get on high ground and use your jet pack to reach the island without touching the water. I suggest you go to the military ship northeast of the island and fly to the yellow hexagon from the top deck.

But be careful because the ship is in a restricted area, meaning you need an appropriate disguise to move around freely. So, use bodysnatch on a cop or a soldier by spamming the Y button (Xbox) while targeting the authorized human.
Then get on the ship’s top deck as close as you can to the island and use the jet pack to reach the KGB HQ.

Don’t forget to stay away from the water to complete the optional objective.
How To Kill the Fleeing Agent With an Explosive and Collect the Briefcase
You have to watch a cutscene upon reaching the island; then, you must intercept the KGB intel by killing the fleeing agent. You’ll complete the mission’s second optional objective if you use an explosive to kill the fleeing agent.
The explosives are hard to miss because they are marked with white rhombuses. So pick up an explosive barrel with your PK (psychokinesis) by pressing RB and throw it at the fleeing agent. You should be familiar with the process by now.
Ignore the other agents until you catch the fleeing one. Also, use the jetpack to throw the explosive barrel from above; it will be easier this way.

Then, pick up the briefcase to move on in the mission.
How To Activate the Landing Zone
The next step in Guns Of Alcatraz is to summon your saucer, and to do so, you first need to activate the landing zone. It would be best to take care of the KGB agents so you can move around freely. The landing zone is in the middle of the island near the tower (tallest building) and is marked with a yellow hexagon.
You have to shoot your Disintegrator at the idol to activate the landing zone. Aim at an object and press X to transmogrify it into ammo if needed. Now, call your saucer and enter the cockpit.
How To Use Abduct-O-Beam To Drop Vans in Water and Prevent the Destruction of Bay City
The mission’s next objective is a timed one. You have three minutes to find the four vans carrying nukes and throw them in the water. The vans are on the move, and you must use your radar to locate them as they are marked with yellow hexagons.
Once you find a van, position yourself above it and use the Abduct-O-Beam by holding LT to aim down, then hold RB to pick it up. Now fly above the water and release RB to throw the van.
Do this four times to clear the objective. Also, don’t forget you can cloak yourself by pressing A. Even recharge your shields by holding LT and pressing Y above a vehicle.
How To Use Repulse-O-Tron To Deflect Missiles
You now have to destroy the KGB base, but not before completing the third optional objective in Guns Of Alcatraz, which requires you to deflect three missiles with the Repulse-O-Ton. So position yourself near a missile battery and let it shoot at you. When the missile is just about to hit you, press B to deflect it.

You have to deflect a total of three rockets. Getting the timing right can be tricky, but I’m sure you’ll get it done in no time.
Now, all that’s left to do is land the final blow to the KGB in Bay City and destroy their base. So destroy the four buildings on the island with your saucer’s Death Ray (hold LB and select it with your right stick if needed). The buildings are marked by yellow hexagons.
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