God of War Ragnarok The Plains is the largest region in The Crater area of the Vanaheim Realm, which features the most collectibles in the video game developed by Santa Monica Studios for PS4 & PS5.
However, in order to obtain all of the GoW Ragnarok Plains collectibles, you must first complete The Jungle region we’ve covered here.
Doing so will open the floodgates of the dam in The Jungle, which will flood the entire Crater, allowing you to explore everything and giving you access to all God of War Plain collectibles, which are as follows:
- 2 Nornir Chests
- 1 Legendary Chest
- 5 Lore
- 1 Buried Treasure
- 5 Odin’s Ravens
- 3 Yggdrasil Rifts
- 1 Draugr Hole
- 2 Dragon Hunts
- 2 Epic Hunts
- 3 Casualties of War
- 2 Seasonal Stags
To reach The Plains region, you must complete the Scent of Survival Favour we’ve covered here. At the end of the favor, you’ll land near The Crater Mystic Gateway.
After you climb the ledge near the Mystic Gateway, you’ll discover the region and automatically start For Vanaheim! Favour we’ve covered here, which is one of The Plains collectibles.
But before going further, you need to play during the night because some of the paths we are taking in this guide are blocked during the day. So, go to any Celestial Altar (ex Freyr’s Camp) in Vanaheim to change to nighttime.
Now, let’s see where all God of War Ragnarok The Plains collectibles are and how to get them as quickly as possible.
Jorgen The Oath Guard (Miniboss): Near Mystic Gateway
From the Crater Entrance Mystic Gateway, climb the ledge, jump down and take the path to the left (south).
Use the grappling point to swing across and encounter Jorgen The Oath Guard, one of the minibosses in the area.
Even though the minibosses are not part of the collectibles, they are mandatory if you want to achieve 100% game completion.

Casualty Of War The Brooch 1 (Favour Item): Near Dock Station
After you defeat Jorgen The Oath Guard, go to the north along the river to reach a docking station.
Climb the nearby ledge and pick up the purple glowing item on the ground near the ghost to begin the Casualty of War: The Brooch Favour we’ve covered here.

Yggdrasil Rift 1: On A Small Island
Go to the nearby dock station and look southwest to spot the God of War Ragnarok Plains Yggdrasil Rift on a small island.
Get in the boat, sail to the island and interact with the Yggdrasil Rift to spawn the enemies. After you defeat them, interact once more with the rift to count it as complete.

Lore Treasure Map (A Scar Is Born): On A Small Island
Also, on the same island as the Yggdrasil Rift, you’ll find the GoW Ragnarok Plains Lore Treasure Map glowing golden on the ground.
The Buried Treasure mentioned in A Scar Is Born Treasure Map can also be found in The Plains region; we will show you where later in the guide. If you are curious, you can also check our A Scar Is Born Treasure Hunt here.

Dragon Hunt 1 (In The Dead Of Night Favour): In An Dragon Pit
After picking up the Lore Treasure Map, get back in the boat and sail west until you reach the dock station at the river’s end.
As you get close to the nearby ledge, you’ll automatically start In The Dead of Night Favour, one of The Plains Dragon Hunt collectibles.
Defeat the dragon Dreki to complete the favor and unlock the Dragon Hunt collectible in the region overview.

Casualty Of War The Stein (Favour Item): In The Dragon Pit
In the same area as the Dreki, you will find a glowing purple item on the east side, completing the Casualty of War: The Stein Favour we’ve covered here.
To pick up the favor item, you’ll need to start the favour in The Jungle region.

Odin’s Raven 1: Perched On A Rock
To the left of the purple favour item, you’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Plains Odin’s Raven perched on a rock.
Kill the raven to advance The Eyes Of Odin Favour we’ve covered here and unlock all the Legendary Chests in The Raven Tree region in the Niflheim Realm.

Lore Marker 1 (Stupidity): After A Zipline Slide
From Odin’s Raven, lift the gate to the right, go through the tunnel, climb the ledge on the right and keep going straight to the east to reach a docking station.
Take the boat and sail to the right, then to the west to return, where you enter the Dreki boss area.
But, instead of jumping down, climb the wall to the left with your Blades of Chaos to reach a red chest on top.
Then, slide down the rope and defeat the enemies in the area. Freeze the aura totems to stop them from regenerating.
You’ll find the GoW Ragnarok Plains Lore Marker near the second aura totem.

Epic Hunt 1 (In Plain Sight Favor): In The Open Large Area
From the Lore Marker, drop down to the left near the red chest, then inspect the nearby burnt animal carcass to initiate In Plain Sight Favour we’ve covered here.
You’ll have to find and defeat the Soul Eater boss camouflaged as a rock in this area to complete the favor.
During my playthrough, he was standing near the gate, where an Ogre was trying to break through. Hit him with your axe to wake him up.
Once you defeat him, you’ll complete the favor and unlock God of War Ragnarok The Plains Epic Hunt collectible in the region overview.

Odin’s Raven 2: On The Top Of A Cliff
After you defeat the Soul Eater boss, go to the right of the gate (northeast) to reach another docking station.
Near the docking station, you’ll find a GoW Ragnarok Plains Odin’s Raven perched on the top of a cliff.

Lore Marker 2 (Apology): In A Small Camp
From Odin’s Raven, take the path to the left of the gate (northwest) and jump down to reach a gate covered with poisonous mist.
Shoot three purple arrows on the gate in the same spot to create a large sigil and detonate it with your Leviathan Axe to freeze the poison totem.
Then, lift the gate and check on the left side to find the God of War Ragnarok Plains Lore Marker.

Nornir Chest 1: In A Small Camp
In the same area as the Lore Marker, there is Nornir Chest that can be unlocked by destroying the three seal totems around the camp.
The first seal totem is inside a tree trunk to the right of the Nornir Chest. Break it using the Leviathan Axe or Draupnir Spear.

The second seal totem is to the left of the Nornir Chest, perched on a small hill.

For the third seal totem, freeze the poison totem to the right of the Nornir Chest.
Then, go behind it to find the seal totem inside another tree trunk.

After breaking all three seal totems, open the GoW Ragnarok Plains Nornir Chest to secure its treasures.
If you wish to open all Nornir Chests in the game, check our Nornir Chests Collectibles Locations guide here.
Odin’s Raven 3: In A Chasm
From the Nornir Chest, freeze the first poison totem and go through the gate you came, then get close to the chasm with a red chest on the other side.
The God of War Ragnarok Plains Odin’s Raven is perched on the cliffs below the red chest.

Casualty Of War The Scroll 1 (Favour Item): In A Cave
After you kill Odin’s Raven, use the two grappling points to cross over the chasm and enter the cave on the right.
At the end of the cave, pick up the glowing purple item on the ground in front of a ghost named Runa to initiate the Casualty of War: The Scroll Favour we’ve covered here.
Also, burn the plant bulb by placing a sigil arrow and detonating it with your Blades of Chaos to remove the roots over the red chest you passed by earlier.

Casualties of War The Scroll 2 (Favour Item): Behind Breakable Rocks
Exit the cave and climb the wall on the right to reach a safe place with a Mystic Gateway, a Celestial Altar, and a Blacksmith Shop.
Go to the right of the Mystic Gateway and look northeast for a glowing yellow spot in a rock. Throw a spear into the spot to turn it red and jump down to the east by pushing the shield off the ledge.
Then, go to the left, stick two more spears in each glowing yellow spot, and detonate all three by pressing (Triangle) to clear the rocks.
Behind the rocks, pick up the glowing purple favor item to complete the Casualty of War The Scroll Favour we’ve mentioned previously and unlock one of GoW Ragnarok Plains Casualties of War collectibles in the region overview.

Legendary Chest (Honour Of The Fallen): Behind Breakable Rocks
In the same area as the previous favor item, you’ll find one of the 53 Legendary Chests Collectibles listed here.
Open the Plains Legendary Chest to receive Honour Of The Fallen, a Heavy Runic Attack for your Draupnir Spear.

Vali The Oath Guard (Miniboss): Near A Red Chest
From the previous Legendary Chest, leave the area and go through the gate on the left, where you fought against the Soul Eater, then follow the path until you reach a red chest.
Get close to the red chest to spawn Vali The Oath Guard, the second miniboss in the region.

Dragon Hunt 2 (For Vanaheim! Favor): In An Arena
After you defeat The Oath Guard, squeeze through the nearby gap to fight against The Crimson Red Dragon as part of the For Vanaheim! Favour we’ve mentioned earlier.
After you defeat the dragon, climb the wall to the east and speak with Birgir.
Once you finish the short conversation, send Birgir through the Mystic Gateway on the right to complete the favor and unlock The Plains Dragon Hunt collectible in the region overview.

Seasonal Stag 1: Near The Mystic Gateway
After sending Birgir through the Mystic Gateway, look to the left to find the GoW Ragnarok Plains Seasonal Stag by the river.
Interact with the Seasonal Stag to feed him and send him to Ratatoskr as part of the A Stag For All Seasons Favour we’ve covered here.

Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm): Near A Pond
From the Mystic Gateway, look to the north, where you defeated the dragon, to spot the God of War Ragnarok Plains Yggdrasil Rift in the corner of the area.
Drop down and interact with the Yggdrasil Rift to pull the Lindwyrm out of the rift. If you can’t pull the Lindwyrm out, it means you don’t have the Lindwyrm Trap.
Use the Mystic Gateway to reach Sindri’s House and talk to Ratatoskr, the Squirrel, to initiate The Lost Lindwyrms Favour we’ve covered here, which will give you the Lindwyrm Trap.
Then, return to the Yggdrasil Rift to pull out the Lindwyrm and interact with it again to close and count it as completed in the region overview.

Odin’s Raven 4: In A Hole
From the previous Yggdrasil Rift, go straight west to reach a hole in the corner of the area.
Down the hole, you’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Plains Odin’s Raven sitting on the side without a worry in life.

Draugr Hole: On A Small Island
After you kill Odin’s Raven, climb back up the wall to the Mystic Gateway and take the path to the right.
Break the wooden gate with your Blades of Chaos, where you will find an Ormr Loot Lizard. Take a few steps back to make it come out of the hole and kill with a throw of an axe or spear.
Get in the boat and sail to the northeast behind the frozen lighting to reach a docking station on the opposite side of a Yggdrasil Rift.
Climb the stairs and defeat The Hateful miniboss to close the GoW Ragnarok Plains Draugr Hole and to progress the Born From Fire Favour we’ve covered here.

Odin’s Raven 5: Perched On A Cliff
After closing the Draugr Hole, return to the boat and sail to the southeast docking station, which is not too far from this one.
You’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Plains Odin’s Raven perched on a cliff to the right of the Hacksilver Chest and near the Blacksmith Shop.

Lore Marker (Seidr): Near Blacksmith Shop
Go up the stairs to find the GoW Ragnarok Lore Marker near one of the aura totems above the Blacksmith Shop.
Clear the enemies in the area first to be able to collect the Lore.

Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm): Near The Mystic Gateway
Take the upper path to the left of the Mystic Gateway to reach the God of War Ragnarok Plains Yggdrasil Rift.
Like the previous Yggdrasil Rift, you’ll need the Lindwyrm Trap to pull it out and close it.

Egil The Oath Guard (Miniboss): Near A Red Chest
From the Yggdrasil Rift, climb back up and head to the Blacksmith Shop on the left.
Follow the path to the left of the Blacksmith Shop, climb the ledge ahead (don’t jump down where the dark wisps are), jump over the gap and climb a wall to encounter Egil The Oath Guard, the third and final miniboss in the region.

Casualties Of War The Brooch 2 (Favour Item): Under The Oath Guard
After you defeat The Oath Guard, pick up the glowing purple item he was standing on to complete the Casualty of War: The Brooch Favour we mentioned earlier.
Finishing the favor will also unlock another GoW Ragnarok Plains Casualties of War collectible in the region overview.

Buried Treasure (A Scar Is Born Treasure Map): Under Stone Archways
After you pick up the glowing purple favour item, turn around and drop off the cliffs to the north. Don’t go straight to the west.
Then, turn to the right to find the God of War Ragnarok Plains Buried Treasure under the large stone archways leading to The Sinkholes region we’ve covered here.
The Buried Treasure is part of the A Scar Is Born Treasure Map we collected at this guide’s beginning.

Nornir Chest 2: Near Sigil Trapped Animals
After digging the Buried Treasure, climb the wall on the left to return to the Blacksmith Shop.
Then go to the left (west) of the Mystic Gateway, push the shield plate on the side of the wall, and jump down below to find GoW Ragnarok Plains Nornir Chest.
To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to hit the three seal bells in quick succession.
The first two bells are on each side of the Nornir Chest. Check the images below for the exact locations and order.

For the third seal bell, climb back up the wall you just jumped off, go to the left and burn the vines covering it using your Blades of Chaos. It’s on the path where you closed the previous Yggdrasil Rift.

Go back in front of the Nornir Chest, hit the first and second bell with your Leviathan Axe, then run to the left of the chest near the trapped animal with purple a purple sigil to find the angle for the third seal bell.
If you are quick enough, the Nornir Chest will unlock, and you can secure its treasures.
Epic Hunt 2 (Nocturnal Predator Favour): Around Sigil Trapped Animals
To obtain the following God of War Ragnarok Plains Epic Hunt collectible, you must finish the Nocturnal Predator Favour we’ve covered in-depth here.
It requires you to release the trapped animals around the area using your Blades of Chaos and defeat the Flame Phantom boss.
Check the guide mentioned above if you need additional help finding all animals or how to defeat the Flame Phantom boss.

Seasonal Stag 2: Inside The Wishing Well Area
After obtaining the previous Epic Hunt collectible, climb back up the wall near the Nornir Chest, enter the Mystic Gateway, and fast travel to Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway.
From the Mystic Gateway, follow the path to the left, use the grappling point to swing across, pull the chains to lift the gate, and then go through the tunnel until you reach a hidden area named The Wishing Well.
Immediately after leaving the tunnel, you’ll find the GoW Ragnarok Plains Seasonal Stag on the right near a large tree.
Even though you’ve entered The Wishing Well through The Jungle region, it counts toward The Plains collectibles in the region overview.

Lore (The Lost Pages): Inside The Wishing Well Area
From the previous Seasonal Stag, take the upper path to the left, climb the wall and look through the opening on the left to find one of the 80 Lore Collectibles listed here.
After picking up the Lore collectible, you can push the golden chain to reach the Crater Entrance Mystic Gateway.

Congratulations on finding all God of War Ragnarok The Plains collectibles.
If you are still here after this incredibly long journey, take a look at our GoW Ragnarok Wiki hub for more helpful guides about collectibles and favours.
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