Along with the Rot Hat we previously covered, there is also a Storehouse Spirit Mail you’ll need to locate while crossing the fourth area featured in Kena Bridge Of Spirits. The Spirit Mail in the Storehouse is relatively easy to find and deliver, but in case you encounter difficulties, below, we’ll talk about its location. Along with this collectible, while exploring the area, you’ll also want to find:
- 3 Hidden Rot
- 1 Rot Hat
Storehouse Spirit Mail Location
As said, the only Kena Bridge Of Spirits Mail in the Storehouse area is very accessible. If you miss it while playing the story, you can return here to collect it simply by using the Storehouse Fast-Travel Point. You can see its location on the map below.
To get this collectible, while standing in the area just before the large gate leading to the Fields area, look for two piles of stones under a painted ledge. You can see them in the screenshot below, and the idea here is very simple.
Throw a bomb to move the first pile of stones and jump on the platforms in the air. Now, throw another bomb on the second pile and then jump on the new platforms, getting closer to the ledge. Finally, jump to the upper section.
When you reach the area above, right in front of you, there is a small house. Get inside and collect the Spirit Mail in the Storehouse.
Spirit Mail Delivery
Now that you have the Spirit Mail, it’s time to head back to the Village and deliver it. Open your map to see the exact location.
Notice that it’s west of the Village Fast-Travel Point. Simply head there, then follow the alley on the left. The mailbox is found, as you can see, at the bottom of the stairs.
After you remove the red barrier in front of the house, head upstairs and clean the corruption close to the house. This is how you find and deliver the Kena Bridge of Spirits Storehouse Spirit Mail collectible; then, you’ll have to find the one in the Fields.
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