Saints Row Rojas Desert South Collectibles Guide

Welcome to our Saints Row game hub, which covers everything you need to know about the new Saints Row title developed by Volition and published by Deep Silver for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Also known as Saints Row Reboot or Saints Row 2022, the latest installment in the franchise takes place on Santo Ileso, where the Saints (Boss, Neenah, Kevin, and Eli) must remove the three city gangs: Los Panteros, Marshall Defense Industries, and the Idols.

As an open-world video game, Saints Row 2022 comes with many activities, quests (missions), and collectibles you’ll need to find. Make sure you check out the Saints Row Reboot guides below whenever you get stuck, our walkthroughs, and customized collectibles’ maps.

Discovery Guides:

Collectible Locations:

Updated February 26, 2024

The Saints Row Rojas Desert South Collectibles or the objects you have to photograph require a bit of exploration because Rojas Desert South is quite large. Rojas Desert South Collectibles are also mandatory if you want to unlock all customization objects for your Saints HQ, but as you probably noticed, they do not appear on your map.

To find them, you have to check the tips provided by your Collectibles App that becomes available after finishing the 10th mission in the game, named Office Décor.

The tips provided by the Deep Silver Volition devs, however, can be confusing, so to help you unlock the customization items throughout the following collectibles guide, we’ll go over the eight objects you need to photograph. The list of objects includes the following:

  • 3 Small Collectible
  • 2 Medium Collectibles
  • 2 Large Collectibles
  • 1 Wall Collectible

Rojas Desert South Collectible Locations Map

As usual, we’ll start the guide with a custom map for the Rojas Desert South region, on which we have marked the exact locations for the eight collectibles.

Saints Row Rojas Desert South Collectibles Locations Map

Assuming you need additional help, following the order on the map above, let’s see what objects you have to find.

Collectible #1: Cactus Santa

The Cactus Santa is a Small Collectible found in the desert east of Cranston Dam. At the base of a cell tower. The exact location of this object, as you can see on the map above, is on the southwestern side of Rojas Desert North.

Start by traveling to the location we have marked, and you’ll find a small compound. Look around to spot a cactus dressed as Santa Claus behind a fence.

Saints Row Reboot Rojas Desert South Cactus Santa Location

Collectible #2: Painted Keg

The next Rojas Desert South Collectible is extremely hard to find because of its misleading description. The Saints Row 2022 Painted Keg Collectible is (according to the app) in an old ghost town by the river. Near the mill’s side door, however, there is an error here because the Old Ghost Town is in Rojas Desert South.

Specifically, it is in the northeastern corner of the map, at the location we have marked above. Upon reaching the spot on our map, you’ll find a rather large mill on the right side of the road. The Painted Keg is on the porch of the building. Look for it in the corner and take a photo of the small keg.

Saints Row 2022 Rojas Desert South Painted Keg Location

Collectible #3: Space Ship

The third Saints Row Rojas Desert South Collectible is also misleading due to another error. The in-game app tells you that the Space Ship is in shallow water at the foot of a mesa. On Route 66, in Rojas Desert North, but in fact, it is in Rojas Desert South.

If you check the map above, you can notice that it’s west of the previous Collectible, so drive to the marked location, and by the road leading north, you’ll see a small pond by the mountain. In the water, you can see the spaceship.

Saints Row 5 Rojas Desert South Space Ship Location

Collectibles #4 & 5: Jackalope Medium & Thunderpump Sign

The next two Saints Row 2022 Collectibles in Rojas Desert South are relatively easy to find because they are close to each other. The Jackalope Collectible is in front of Ringers. Between the giant fork and tacosaurus, at the location marked above.

Ringers is one of the 2 Rojas Desert South Stores, and as you can see in the following screenshot, the Jackalope is a statue depicting a rabbit. It’s found in the parking lot in front of the Store. The Thunderpump Sign Large Collectible is in front of the Thunderpump gas station across from Ringers.

All you need to do is to look across the street from the Jackalope to spot the large metal sign (also pictured below). Make sure you photograph both of them.

Saints Row 2022 Rojas Desert South Collectibles Locations

Collectible #6: Piano

After photographing the two collectibles above, remain in the same area because the Piano Collectible is also nearby. You’ll find it next to Ringers, inside the Old West Church, which is on the left side of the Store. Make sure you get inside the wooden church if you can’t spot it.

Saints Row Rojas Desert South Piano Location

Collectible #7: Captain Eagle Statue

For the next Collectible in this region, you’ll need to head south of the previous location. The Captain Eagle Statue is on a small mesa with Lady Liberty. South of Cranston. Again, the exact location is on the map above, and when you get close, you’ll see the Collectible on top of a pointy rock. It’s pretty big, as you can see in the screenshot below, and it depicts an eagle.

Saints Row Rojas Desert South Captain Eagle Statue Location

Collectible #8: Route 66 Sign Wall

Last but not least, in this area, you’ll need to photograph the Route 66 Sign, which is a Wall Collectible found at a roadside scenic overlook just east of town. As you can notice on the map above, all you need to do is follow the road east of Effin’ Cray Socks Clothing Store, and you’ll be able to spot a rather large sign by the road.

Saints Row Rojas Desert South Route 66 Location

Welcome to our Saints Row game hub, which covers everything you need to know about the new Saints Row title developed by Volition and published by Deep Silver for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Also known as Saints Row Reboot or Saints Row 2022, the latest installment in the franchise takes place on Santo Ileso, where the Saints (Boss, Neenah, Kevin, and Eli) must remove the three city gangs: Los Panteros, Marshall Defense Industries, and the Idols.

As an open-world video game, Saints Row 2022 comes with many activities, quests (missions), and collectibles you’ll need to find. Make sure you check out the Saints Row Reboot guides below whenever you get stuck, our walkthroughs, and customized collectibles’ maps.

Discovery Guides:

Collectible Locations:

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Vlad Susanu
Written by
Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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