Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Card Locations

Welcome to our complete collection of Psychonauts 2 guides for all Memory Vaults, Nuggets of Wisdom, Emotional Baggage, Half-A-Minds, PSI Challenge Cards, Supply Chests & Keys, and PSI Challenge Markers locations. Everything you need to know about the latest Psychonauts video game developed by Double Fine Productions. Psychonauts 2 is a platform video game released on August 25, 2021, on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Supply Chest Locations:

PSI Challenge Card Locations:

PSI Challenge Marker Locations:

Updated December 17, 2023

Just like in the Questionable Area, there are 27 Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards locations you’ll have to visit and gather the last collectibles if you aim to get 100% in the video game developed by Double Fine Productions. 

The Green Needle Gulch Cards are far easier to find than those in the Questionable Area and even those in the Motherlobe Quarry, a lot of them floating in plain sight. Regardless, in the guide below, we’ll go over all of them so you can unlock all related trophies and achievements and obviously help Raz reach the highest rank.

As usual, the guide below follows a specific order, so I suggest you stick to it in order to avoid getting lost. The original colony of the Psychonauts (aka Green Needle Gulch) is divided into three sections, as you are about to see. For each card, you’ll find the actual location on your map, the location’s name, and instructions on how to get the collectible.

PSI Challenge Card #1

Map Location: A (Nona’s River House)

When you reach Green Needle Gulch, head forward and slide down the hill. Jump to the floating platform, and in front of you, on a wooden pole, is the first Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Card. Hop on the rope, then swing on the tree branches to get it.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #2

Map Location: A (Nona’s River House)

From the previous location, while swinging on the branches on your right side, you’ll see the second card. Release the second branch when the moving platform below is close to you, then jump on the wooden platform on the water. Now jump to the second one, but be fast because they disappear. Keep going right to get the next card.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Card #3

Map Location: A (Nona’s River House)

Retrace your steps to the first platform, but this time, head left while facing Nona’s House. The PSI Card is found on top of a rope, and it’s rather easy to get. Just swing and jump.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #4

Map Location: A (Nona’s River House)

Inside Nona’s House, use the ladder to get to the second floor, then look for some branches you can burn. When you exit the balcony, head left and jump over the broken floor twice. To get to this Challenge Card, you’ll have to double jump and levitate.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Card #5

Map Location: A (Nona’s River House)

On your way to the Heptadome, you’ll find the fifth card. It sits on top of a railing, and it is impossible to miss. This is one of the easiest Psychonauts 2 Challenge Cards.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #6

Map Location: B (Heptadome)

When you enter the Heptadome, turn left to spot the card in front of a blackboard. Bounce on the yellow round couch to get it.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #7

Map Location: B (Heptadome)

After you get the previous card, turn around to see another one on the right side of the entrance. Again, bounce to get it.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #8

Map Location: B (Heptadome)

Another accessible Psychonauts 2 PSI Card is the one near the Otto Matic vending machine. It’s inside the same building as the previous two. Just bounce to get it.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #9

Map Location: B (Heptadome)

For the next card, head outside through the right door in the Heptadome. You’ll see it on your right side the moment you exit.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Cards Collectibles Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #10

Map Location: B (Heptadome)

The tenth Green Needle Gulch Card collectible is across the dirt path from the previous one. As you can see below, it’s floating on top of a small hill.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch PSI Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Cards #11 & 12

Map Location: E (Compton’s Menagerie)

The next two Green Needle Gulch Card collectibles can be spotted in the image below.

  • The first one is in front of Compton’s Menagerie entrance, so just walk over it
  • The second one is on top of a small stable also in the menagerie. Charge the Levitation Ball to get on the roof.
Psychonauts 2 All Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #13

Map Location: E (Compton’s Menagerie)

After you get the previous two cards, head up the hill (right side) and climb the net. In front of you, on an upper platform, is the next card.

Psychonauts 2 All Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Card #14

Map Location: E (Compton’s Menagerie)

Once you get the previous one, climb the next net to see the 14th. It’s quite accessible.

Psychonauts 2 All Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #15

Map Location: E (Compton’s Menagerie)

From the previous location, you should be able to spot the next Challenge Card collectible. As you can see in my screenshot, it is on the other side of the menagerie, so just glide, then jump on the green leaf and hop on the platform in front of you.

Psychonauts 2 All Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Card #16

Map Location: H (Bob’s Green House)

For the next two cards, let’s head to the central area. Or the area where you can see a suspended house on top of a really large vine. To get there, you’ll need to release a trapeze by shooting it, and then you’ll need to jump on two carnivore plants.

The moment you grab the ivy on the other side, head up, then look down to spot a new card below you. Use the ivy to get down on the large vine, or just levitate.

Psychonauts 2 All 27 Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations

PSI Challenge Card #17

Map Location: H (Bob’s Green House)

Once you get the previous card, head up the large vine, and you’ll see the next one on your right side on some leaves.

Psychonauts 2 All 27 Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #18

Map Location: F (Otto’s Workshop)

The next card is a bit trickier to get. Basically, after you collect the 17th, you’ll want to go back up on the large vine, and in the distance, you’ll see the collectible (pictured). You’ll also see a trapeze that is not moving; however, you can reach it by levitating on the bush below your current position.

Psychonauts 2 All 27 Green Needle Gulch Challenge Cards Collectibles Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Card #19

Map Location: H (Bob’s Green House)

The next card is extremely easy to acquire. Simply follow the large vine to reach the house on the top, and you’ll see it on the right side.

Psychonauts 2 All 27 Green Needle Gulch PSI Cards Collectibles Locations Guide

PSI Challenge Cards #20 & 21

Map Location: C (Helmut’s Stage)

Two additional Green Needle Gulch PSI Challenge Cards can be found just in front of Helmut’s Stage. You’ll see them when you follow the path filled with honey.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Helmut's Stage Challenge Cards

PSI Challenge Card #22

Map Location: C (Helmut’s Stage)

After you get the cards on the ground, use the flagpole nearby to reach the roof of Helmut’s Stage. Grab the card here, then jump down.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Helmut's Stage Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #23

Map Location: G (Ford’s Office)

Once on the ground, cross the path, then go behind one of the large trees where Ford’s Office can be seen. Here, you’ll find a card that is quite easy to miss.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Ford's Office Challenge Cards

PSI Challenge Cards #24 & 25

Map Location: G (Ford’s Office)

Two additional cards can be found on top of Ford’s Office. To get there, use the platform on top of the flagpole across the dirt path, and once inside Ford’s Office, head left to find some ivy. Climb it, and you’ll see two cards:

  • The one on the roof can be collected right away
  • The second one (on the platform) requires the Thought Scanner. Pull it out and use the nodes to get the Challenge Marker, then get the card by levitating on the platform
Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Ford's Office Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #26

Map Location: I (Cassie’s Hives)

For the next PSI Challenge card, you’ll have to get rid of the bees and get to the top of the hill. If you don’t know how to do this, consider grabbing the Smoker at the bottom of the hill using Raz’s Telekinesis. With the Smoker in hand, enter Cassie’s Hives, and on the second floor, you will see the card behind the large statue made of honey.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Cassie's Hives Challenge Cards Locations

PSI Challenge Card #27

Map Location: I (Cassie’s Hives)

In order to get the last PSI Card collectible in Green Needle Gulch, exit Cassie’s Hives and grab the Smoker by the door. Now, descend to the area below, and in the distance, while looking down the hill, you’ll see the card on top of a rock (right side). To get there, you can levitate to the roof of the building in front of you after jumping from the tree branch. Then, just follow the wooden platforms, and you’re done.

Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Cassie's Hives Challenge Cards Locations Guide

Welcome to our complete collection of Psychonauts 2 guides for all Memory Vaults, Nuggets of Wisdom, Emotional Baggage, Half-A-Minds, PSI Challenge Cards, Supply Chests & Keys, and PSI Challenge Markers locations. Everything you need to know about the latest Psychonauts video game developed by Double Fine Productions. Psychonauts 2 is a platform video game released on August 25, 2021, on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Emotional Baggage Locations:

Nuggets of Wisdom Locations:

Memory Vault Locations:

Half-A-Mind Locations:

Supply Chest Key Locations:

Supply Chest Locations:

PSI Challenge Card Locations:

PSI Challenge Marker Locations:

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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