Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Supply Chest Keys follow the same idea as those from the Questionable Area and are required to get 100% in the last region of the video game developed by Double Fine Productions. The only difference here is that instead of four, you’ll only need to find tow Psychonauts 2 Chest Keys.
Before we start our guide, it’s worth mentioning that you can get both keys the moment you enter Green Needle Gulch or the original colony of Psychonauts. You don’t need the last badge for Raz to get them.
In fact, almost all collectibles in Green Needle Gulch can be acquired when you first visit this area, the only exception being a PSI Challenge Marker and a Supply Chest.
Supply Chest Key #1
Map Location: E (Compton’s Menagerie)
The first Psychonauts 2 Green Needle Gulch Supply Chest Key is extremely easy to miss if you don’t pay attention to the environment. Specifically one of the beavers in Compton’s Menagerie. Head to that location and look around to spot the one that allows Raz to use his Clairvoyance ability.
It roams in the middle of the menagerie. Once you connect with the beaver, move Raz close to the pile of sticks near the small shed (stable) and press Y to reveal one of the Green Needle Gulch Supply Chest Keys.
Supply Chest Key #2
Map Location: F (Otto’s Workshop)
The second Psychonauts 2 Chest Key requires a bit of patience and skills. This one is found in Otto’s Workshop on a table. To get there, your starting point is the large vine in the central area. It has a house on top of it, and it is known as Bob’s Greenhouse.
To get there, you’ll need to release a trapeze and then jump on two carnivore plants. Then, you’ll climb on some ivy. Now look down to spot a bush, and levitate on it because it will send you on the trapeze that is not moving. When you reach the other side, Otto’s Workshop will be on your right side, and so will the second Chest Key.
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