If you wish to help Raz reach Rank 100, the moment you start the game, you’ll need to find all Psychonauts 2 Motherlobe PSI Challenge Markers. The Motherlobe Challenge Markers are harder to find compared to the Challenge Cards in this area, but as you’ll find out, for each Challenge Marker you collect, Raz gains one rank.
Since there are 8 PSI Challenge Markers in the Motherlobe area, it means that you’ll level up Raz eight times simply by finding these collectibles. So below I’ll tell you where to look for them. Before moving on with the actual locations, you should be aware that not all collectibles listed below can be collected the first time you get to the Motherlobe.
In fact, only the first 4 in this guide are available early in the game, the rest of them requiring specific badges, gadgets, and upgrades, as explained.
PSI Challenge Marker #1
Map Location: 4 (Sasha’s Lab)
Once you manage to escape the Storage Room, you’ll find yourself in Sasha’s Lab. The moment you enter this area, look around, and you’ll spot the first Psychonauts 2 PSI Challenge Marker in Sasha’s Office on top of a cabinet. Obviously, you can return here later if you miss it.
PSI Challenge Marker #2
Map Location: M (Classroom)
One tricky marker is found in the Classroom. During your first visit here (or later), make sure you check the area under the stairs. This is one of the Markers that can be easily missed.
PSI Challenge Marker #3
Map Location: F (Mailroom)
For the next Challenge Marker in Motherlobe, head to the Mailroom. You’ll find it in the room where you need to sort the mail but on a ramp close to the ceiling. To get there, jump on the boxes on the left side while facing the sorting station, then keep jumping on the conveyor belts.
PSI Challenge Marker #4
Map Location: J (Noodle Bowl)
After you pick the previous marker, walk to the Noodle Bowl cafeteria. On the right side, as you enter, you’ll see some ivy on the wall. Jump on it, collect the Challenge Card, and then keep moving up to spot the fourth Motherlobe PSI Marker. Jump on the appliances to reach it.
PSI Challenge Marker #5
Map Location: A (Lobby)
The next Challenge Marker in Motherlobe is the one in the Lobby. This one is a bit trickier to get as it is on a suspended platform between the entrances to the Agents Area and the Mailroom. Although you can reach this platform early in the game by jumping on the yellow monitors under the platform and then gliding, this collectible is best approached after you get the Thought Scanner from Otto in the Quarry.
With this gadget, scan the area near the Classroom ramp (left side while facing the entrance) to reveal some nodes. Use the Mental Connection to get to the platform.
PSI Challenge Marker #6
Map Location: C (Office Of The Grand Head)
For the Office Of The Grand Head PSI Challenge Marker, you’ll need to progress through the story, and eventually, you’ll be asked to talk to Truman. He’ll give you his access card, which allows you to unlock the door to his office. Inside, you’ll find the sixth Motherlobe Marker, pictured below.
PSI Challenge Marker #7
Map Location: F (Mailroom)
The next PSI Challenge Marker is in the Mailroom, but it requires the Projection Badge. You’ll see it behind a locked door, but you won’t be able to unlock it without the said Badge, which is unlocked while playing Cassie’s Collection level. This is close to the end of the game. Once you get the Badge, you will be able to open this door.
PSI Challenge Marker #8
Map Location: G (Astral Lanes Bowling Alley)
The last Motherlobe PSI Challenge Marker collectible is found in the Astral Lanes Bowling Alley. Keep in mind that this area won’t be available at first, but you’ll unlock it once Raz fixes Ford’s Brain. Or what’s left of it. The collectible is found on top of the large bowling pin at the entrance. While standing on the counter, just jump to get it.
These are all PSI Challenge Markers locations hidden by the Double Fine Productions developers in the Motherlobe area of Psychonauts 2, but there are five more in the Quarry Area.
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