Bristled Helm is an Immortals Fenyx Rising Armor Of The Boar Set gear piece (Helmet) you can unlock while exploring the Valley of Eternal Spring area of the video game developed by Ubisoft. The Bristled Helm is found inside a Valley of Eternal Spring Epic Chest located just north of the Hall Of The Gods.

How To Unlock the Valley of Eternal Spring Ruins Epic Chest
Once you arrive at the location on the map above, you’ll find some ruins and several enemies. Dispatch them quickly, then look around to spot a cave. The chest you’ll need to collect here is inside. Now, the said ruins feature two targets you’ll have to find.
So, the next thing you want to do is to climb to the tower that is opposed to the cave’s entrance—the one you see in my image below.

Here, you’ll find a plate, and obviously, you’ll have to step on it. Once you do that, you’ll be able to raise two grates. In the same image above, you can see one of the targets. It’s on the left side. Simply hit that one with your Apollo’s Arrow.
Awesome job! Now, the second target can’t be seen in my screenshot, but it is located in the room on the right side of the barrier. You can see a large hole. Guide your Apollo’s Arrow and aim for the brazier on the ground, then hit the pillar inside the room to light up a pillar.
The final task is to activate two switches. By hitting the two targets, you’ll raise two gates, and these gates allow you to enter two rooms. The first one is under the target on the left side, while the second one is on the right side of the hole in my screenshot. Activate the switches, and the barrier in front of the cave is gone. Head inside and collect the chest.
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