Stormy Helm Of The Vulture is an Immortals Fenyx Rising Harpy Armor Set gear piece (Helm) you can unlock while exploring the Valley of Eternal Spring area of the video game developed by Ubisoft. The Helm Of The Vulture is found inside a Valley of Eternal Spring Epic Chest located north of Arena Of Fortitude Vault, as you can see on my map below. It’s very close to the Arena Of Fortitude and also close to Tyrian, the purple unicorn mount we discussed earlier.
How To Unlock the Valley of Eternal Spring Cyclops Guarded Epic Chest
When you arrive at the location marked on my map above, the first thing you’ll have to do is deal with a Cyclop and several Harpies. While we won’t insist on combat tips, just remember that dodging works pretty well in this game, meaning that whenever you dodge an attack, Fenyx slows down all nearby enemies, and you can strike them back while they can barely move.
So far, I noticed that if you dodge an attack, you can deal more damage compared to parrying and then stunning an enemy. And I suggest you do that to deal with the Cyclops. Once you are done with the enemies, your goal is to remove the red barrier that blocks your access to the chest. Look around, and you’ll see a plate similar to the one below. As you can see, it has an anvil on it.
The anvil indicates that you’ll need more than one object to activate the plate, so your goal, as you probably guessed, is to use the debris nearby to push the plate. Luckily for you, there’s a large number of stones you can grab and then place on the plate. And you can also use tree trunks.
You’ll need four objects on this plate. Once you reach the required weight, you’ll hear a distinctive sound, and the chest is yours to claim.
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