Tunic Secret Fairies are mandatory if you want to fully complete the instruction manual and see the game’s true ending. Also, when you rescue all 20 Secret Fairies, you’ll be able to get one of the Secret Treasures.
However, the Secret Fairies are pretty hard to rescue because you have to know where to look and how to complete the corresponding puzzles.
Where To Find All Secret Fairies in Tunic
Most Tunic Secret Fairies are in the Overworld area, and I’ve pinpointed their locations on the following map.

As for the rest of the Fairies, we will talk about their locations as we get to each one. Check manual page 48 for a hint that will help you locate the Fairies more easily. The hint is a Holy Cross (D-pad) code that, if you use it near the location of a Fairy, will show you precisely where you have to go; however, you still have to solve the puzzle yourself.
The D-pad code is Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right.
Also, you can see the Secret Fairies list on the same page. Once you free a Fairy, the correspondent square will get checked off on the list. All the Secret Fairy puzzles will be solved with the help of your D-pad.
I suggest going for the Fairies after you have the Teleport Dash and have access to all the areas. Now, if you are good to go, let’s save every single Fairy out there because, in case you forgot, you’re the hero.
Secret Fairy #1
Let’s start by going to the Fairies’ secret gathering place, where you can also rescue the first Secret Fairy. So go to the waterfall marked with 1 on the Overworld map above (north of the windmill). Then, enter the secret gathering place, which is behind the waterfall.

Now, you can use the D-pad code I mentioned earlier (Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right) to find out where the Fairy is precisely, or you can use the following image.

Once you’ve positioned yourself in the right place, you have to push the following D-pad buttons (the solution is on the walls): Down, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right.
You can get to the same solution if you grab a piece of paper and connect the two patterns written on the walls.
Also, if you don’t know how this type of puzzle works, you have to start from one of the dots and press the button that corresponds with each line’s direction (on your D-pad). After you enter the correct code, a golden chest materializes, and you have to open it to rescue the first Secret Fairy.
Secret Fairy #2
For the second Secret Fairy in Tunic, you have to head east of the only Fox Shrine in the Overworld area. Again, use the map above for the exact location. You’ll know you are in the right place when you reach the brown sign that says Forest Fortress.

Position yourself in the middle of the square-shaped terrain (like in the screenshot above) and enter the following D-pad code: Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, Down, Right. The flowers on the ground are the key to finding the solution.
Secret Fairy #3
Next, you need to go to the small island between the southern beaches of the Overworld area (check the map above). Go near the flowers on the east side of the small island and use this D-pad code (same as before, the flowers on the ground give you the solution): Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up.

Rescue the third Tunic Fairy, and move on because you’re just warming up.
Secret Fairy #4
Upon saving the previous Fairy, cross the small bridge made of two wooden boards and head left on the beach. When you reach the entrance under the big stone bridge, go through it and destroy the three turrets inside.

Then, go behind the golden chest and solve the puzzle on the wall.

You know the drill by now: start from one of the dots and follow the direction of the lines by pressing the correspondent D-pad buttons. When you reach a line split in two by a small bar, you have to press the same button twice.
Here is the code for the left side (you need only one side to solve the puzzle): Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right. After you enter the code, go through the opening in the wall, and you should soon reach a huge tower you must climb.
Remember, or better, note down each time you change direction when climbing the tower because you’ll need the info for the puzzle. Also, note that the section with the blue lines on the walls means you have Left x3.
So, when you are on top of the tower, go in the middle and input the following D-pad code based on the route pattern you used to climb the tower: Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Left, Left, Up, Right, Up.
Secret Fairy #5
Make your way to the fountain north from the biggest beach in the Overworld area, where you saved the previous two Fairies. Consult the Overworld map above.

Once at the fountain, you can see groups of blue tiles around it in the four cardinal points. The trick for this D-pad code is to start from the cardinal point that has the group with the least tiles and work your way up to the one that has the most.
To see the blue tiles better, hold LT on Xbox or PC if you’re playing with an Xbox controller. If you are struggling, here is the solution: Down, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Down.
Secret Fairy #6
The next stop is at the Belltower on the west side of the Overworld area, or more precisely, the stairs under the Bell (check map). Once at the said location, inspect the wall at the top of the stairs to see a green pattern (probably made out of moss) on it.

Reproduce the pattern with your D-pad to make the next Tunic Fairy chest appear. Attention: you have to go around the right corner to see the whole pattern.
Here is the D-pad code to make things easier on you: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down.
Secret Fairy #7
You have to go to the southeastern corner of the Overworld area for Secret Fairy #7, where you can find the entrance to the Swamp. Once you reach the said spot, you need to climb down the ladder and go through the passage under the broken stone bridge on the beach.

You should find yourself in a cave with a pool of water reflecting light on the walls.

Follow the light pattern on the walls because it’s the D-pad code for this puzzle. It can be confusing, so here is the code: Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right.
Secret Fairy #8
Another Secret Fairy is trapped in the Sealed Temple above the Fox Shrine in the Overworld area. Go through the golden gates, and after a short distance, you reach a statue.

You probably already guessed what you have to do. Follow the blue lines on the ground with your D-pad starting from the bottom, and don’t forget to press the same button twice when you reach the line split into two. Here is the Holy Cross code, starting from the bottom right: Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Up, Left.
Secret Fairy #9
Make your way to the black compass on the east side of the Overworld area, a little south of the East Forrest entrance. I’ve marked the location on the map above if you need extra help.

If you interact with the compass, you can see some symbols, and if you go to page 34 of the instruction manual, you’ll notice more symbols in the bottom left corner.
Split the symbols on page 34 into four sections: Up, Right, Left, and Down. Then, use them to translate what you see on the black compass to get the D-pad code needed for this puzzle.
Here is the code if you don’t want to waste time: Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left.
Secret Fairy #10
The next Fairy will be easy to rescue, and for it, you have to go inside the Old House in the middle of the Overworld area. Once inside the house, position yourself near the curtain on the right side, the one with the lines drawn on it.

Follow the lines on the curtain starting from the dot to get the D-pad code, and where a line is split in two, you must press the correspondent button twice. Here is the D-pad code for the tenth Secret Fairy: Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Down.
Secret Fairy #11
You have to go to the waterfall in the northeastern corner of the Overworld area for the eleventh Fairy; use the map if needed. There is a cave behind the waterfall you can enter by going on the ledge to the right of the ladder at the bottom.

Once inside, head forward, past the flowers on the ground, through a secret passage in the darkness, and you’ll reach an enemy patrolling on what seems to be a chess board.

Observe the enemy and copy his walking pattern with your D-pad to get the code for the eleventh Fairy: Down, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Down.
Secret Fairy #12
The following Fairy will take you southwest of the Overworld Fox Shrine, as you can see on the map above. Look for the tall fox statue near the small waterfall and go down the spiral staircase until you reach a dead end, or so it seems.
You’ll create an opening if you throw an explosive bomb at the wall near the three white flowers.

Go through the entrance to reach a room with a golden cube in the middle.

You have to copy the movement of the cube with your D-pad to get the code for this puzzle and save Tunic Secret Fairy #12: Right, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up, Right, Up.
Secret Fairy #13
Now go to the beach directly south of the Overworld Fox Shrine (marked with 13 on the map above). Then, proceed through the secret entrance under the stone bridge, as shown in the next screenshot.

Go straight forward until you can see a golden chest. You have to reach the chest by going through an invisible maze.

Remember each time you change direction in the maze because the pattern of the path you took is your next D-pad code: Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up. Enter the code when you’re near the gold chest at the end of the maze.
Secret Fairy #14
The fourteenth Fairy is on top of the Monastery entrance in the Quarry area, as you can see on the following map.

Once at the said location, position yourself in front of the stairs, like in the following image.

Then, use the following D-pad code to make the fourteenth Fairy chest appear in the snow: Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Right, Down.
Secret Fairy #15
The next Fairy is a little trickier because you must have the Teleport Dash, and it needs to be nighttime. So, if it’s not already nighttime for you, go inside the Old House in the Overworld and take a nap. Then, you have to fast-travel to the East Forest by entering the teleport room (Far Shore) from any golden plate.
Inside the Far Shore, you need to use the Teleport Dash multiple times to reach the far right teleport plate and interact with it to get to the East Forest. Now follow the western road until you reach the entrance you used the first time you came to this area. Next, Teleport Dash from pillar to pillar to reach the upper level.

A few steps ahead, you can see a fox ghost doing some type of exercise or something.

Pay attention to the ghost because the pattern in which it moves is the D-pad code for the next Fairy: Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right.
Secret Fairy #16
For Fairy #16, fast travel to the East Forest but in the daytime, then go through the passage between the trees in the south.

When you reach a ladder, climb down on it and the other two to get to the Lower Forest. Now, make your way east, fight the spider enemies, and cross the stone bridge. Continue east until you reach two red enemies in front of a broken golden obelisk.
The Holy Cross code for this puzzle is on the complete version of the obelisk. The other four parts of the obelisk can be found in the Overworld, West Garden, and Swamp areas. The normal way you are supposed to do this puzzle is to get to every obelisk piece and make pictures with your phone or draw them on a piece of paper, then come back here to put it all together.
But if you don’t feel like doing all that, here is the D-pad code you have to input in front of the broken obelisk: Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up.

Secret Fairy #17
Next, you must fast-travel to the Great Library and head south until you reach the pile of books near the hook. Teleport Dash to the side with the books and climb down the ladder. Then, find the other ladder that goes down and use it to reach the room with the big red rug.

There are four patterns on the carpet, and you need to follow one with your D-pad starting from the circle in the middle.
Here is the code for the top left section of the rug: Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right.
One section is enough to reveal the chest; just be sure to be in the middle of the carpet when you enter the code.
Secret Fairies #18 & 19
The following two Secret Fairies are in the West Garden area, as shown on the next map.

First, go to the location marked with 18 on the map above, in the middle of the area.
You can see some blue lines on the ground at the said location, so follow the pattern to get the Holy Cross code needed for Fairy #18: Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up. The code is for the right-side pattern.

Now look for Fairy #19 in the southwestern corner of the area. Use the map above if you need help. As you can see, you have to basically go off the map, so once you are close, Teleport Dash from rock to rock to reach a small island with a lone tree and some white flowers on the ground.

To get the D-pad code for this puzzle, you must follow the same logic you used for Fairy #5. Only this time, you have groups of flowers instead of groups of tiles.
So, if the group with the least flowers is on the left side of the tree, you have to start by pressing Left on your D-pad and then work your way up to the group with the most. Here is the D-pad code in case you get stuck: Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down.
Secret Fairy #20
For the last Fairy, you must first fast-travel to the Eastern Vault, then head south to get out through the golden gates and go west to the spot with a lot of candles. Use the following map for the exact location.

Clear the area of enemies and position yourself in the middle of the candles.

Again, you have to use the same logic you used for Fairy #5 and Fairy #19, but this time, you have groups of candles. Here is the code: Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left. And the final Fairy chest appears for you to open.
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