Tunic Teleport Dash Location Guide

Updated July 15, 2024

Tunic Teleport Dash is actually an Item that, once equipped, changes your simple dodge to a better version, and you can teleport all over the place. It’s an essential Item not just for the mobility it brings to your fights but also because it can get you to new areas of the world in the video game published by Finji.

On top of that, the Teleport Dash won’t drain your energy bar. However, it will still cost stamina. I suggest you get this Tunic Item as soon as possible, maybe right after you finish your business in The Quarry and obtain the Gun.

Where To Find the Teleport Dash in Tunic

After you are done with the Boss Scavenger and get the final piece required for the Sealed Temple, you’ll meet The Heir, who will actually kill you and turn you into a ghost. But don’t worry; this is part of the story and a step toward getting the Teleport Dash.

You now have access to the Old Burying Ground, which you can reach by crossing the bridge in the southeast corner of the Overworld area.

Tunic Teleport Dash How To Get

Once in the new area, you must make your way to the Cathedral with the help of the map.

How To Get Tunic Teleport Dash

Reaching the Cathedral would have been an easy task if it wasn’t for all the enemies you’ll encounter. Some of the enemies will actually be invisible, but if you hit them, you’ll be able to see them.

Pray to the obelisk in front of the Cathedral by holding A (on Xbox) and enter the building because you can obtain the Teleport Dash inside.

How To Get the Teleport Dash

On the following map, I marked the location you must reach for the Item.

Tunic Teleport Dash Item Location

But first, you have to make your way through the Cathedral and find an obelisk you must activate to reveal an elevator that will take you to the room where you can get your much-deserved reward. Finding the obelisk is easy, but as always, the enemies will give you a hard time.

After dealing with the enemies and the obelisk, take the elevator down and save your progress at the Fox Shrine because the fun is just getting started. Now, go down the broken ladder that will make you fall into what seems to be an arena surrounded by statues.

Each statue, except one, starts a round in which you must kill everything that moves in the arena. The exception is the statue on the far right that will refill your health bar and healing potions. I suggest getting your refill between rounds after using all your healing potions.

Also, it would be best if you equipped the Magic Wand for the statue on the far left because you can one-shot the enemies that spawn. Another tip would be to start with the enemies you find the most difficult and use everything you have on them.

Just save some energy points to use the Magic Wand on the round I’ve mentioned before. So repeat until you succeed, and you’ll receive a chest containing the Teleport Dash.

Tunic Teleport Dash Where To Find
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Alexandru Popescu
Written by
Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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