Spy Academy Personal Letters contain information about the package being delivered to the kill list target Fabian Richter, the location of the meeting in the top room of the Abbey during the primary objective, and the location of Fabian Richter’s safe in the Spy Master Office and his safe combination.
Also, these Sniper Elite 5 Personal Letters reveal the problems between the Nazi officers, which help set up the theme of the mission.
Where To Find the Spy Academy Personal Letters in Sniper Elite 5
Most Letters can be found in the first half of the map, in the Lower Town, except for one of them, which is at the beginning of the bridge towards the island.

Personal Letter #1 (Fragile, Do Not Break)
Start at the Beaumont Marshland and go down the right path toward the bridge. Just before the bridge, you will see two nazi soldiers around a cargo truck and a couple of crates nearby. The first Letter in Mission 3 is on one of the crates.

Before advancing, I recommend you identify and kill as many soldiers as you spot from here so you don’t get detected once you get close.
Personal Letter #2 (Parking Problems)
Go toward the island on the left side of the bridge and make your way through the nazi soldiers on the main road to the west part. Near the parked cars around the fountain, you will find the second Letter on a trashcan between a light post and a bench.

Personal Letter #3 (Do Not Be Late)
Go up the alley near the white car and look for a soldier wearing a field cap in front of a bar and conversing with another soldier. The soldier is Fregattenkapitan Seidl’s driver and holds the third Personal Letter.
NOTE: If you alert the soldiers in this area, this soldier can change his position in the house with the red shutters or by the parked cars near the fountains.

Personal Letter #4 (Just Attend One!)
From the bar, keep going to the northeast, following the cobblestone road until you reach the Bridge Checkpoint with the HALT sign on the barrier.
From there, follow the small alley to the right with the red and blue cars parked on the side, go through the narrow tunnel with stairs, and get inside the Town Church through the opened window in front of you.
Immediately turn right and climb the stairs to the top of the Town Church, where you will find a nazi officer and a sniper. Take them out and search the nazi officer’s body for the fourth Letter in Mission 3.

Also, you can collect one of the Classified Documents off the table in the south corner of the room.
Personal Letter #5 (It’s Easy Money)
Use the zipline to get down from the tower, and once you land, take the stairs up through the short tunnel in front of you. Once outside, climb the stairs to the right, turn around, and climb the following sets of stairs leading to the tower. Kill the sniper and collect the final Letter off the table on the left.

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