Sniper Elite 5 Mission 6 Libération Workbench Locations

Welcome to our Sniper Elite 5 hub, which covers everything you need to know about the third-person tactical shooter stealth video game developed and published by Rebellion Developments for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Check out our collection of maps to find all collectibles in the video game and our guides for the challenges you have to complete. All Sniper Elite 5 guides below will help you get 100% completion while exploring France, working to destroy the Nazi project called Project Kraken.

Mission 1: Atlantic Wall

Mission 2: Occupied Residence

Mission 3: Spy Academy

Mission 4: War Factory

Mission 5: Festung Guernsey

Mission 6: Libération

Mission 7: Secret Weapons

Mission 8: Rubble And Ruin

Mission 10: Wolf Mountain

Updated February 7, 2024

Sniper Elite 5 Workbenches in Mission 6 are not that hard to find, but they require some tricks to access or open the room where they are located. Workbenches are typically located in nazi armories or Resistance safe houses, where they are well hidden from nazi sight, making them difficult to find.

Where To Find the Libération Mission Workbenches in Sniper Elite 5

This mission features a map with a couple of small towns, open areas, a field of trenches, and a nazi camp. All Workbenches in Mission 6: Libération can be found inside a building, on the top floor, or in the basement.

Where To Find The Libération Workbenches In Sniper Elite 5

Workbench #1 (Pistol)

Start Mission 6: Libération and complete the first main objective by neutralizing the Nazi defenses in the Southern Town. Once you clear the area of nazi soldiers, look for the spot on the map marked above in the northeast part of the town to locate the Workbench.

At the far end of the building, you will notice the entrance (the crack in the wall) to reach the Workbench is blocked by a cabinet, and you can’t move it.

You will need to climb up the stairs to the top, go outside through the damaged window frame on some wooden platforms, and head back inside through the crack in the roof. Here, you will find the first Workbench – Pistol and many supplies.

Where To Find The Libération Workbenches Pistol In Sniper Elite 5

Workbench #2 (SMG)

From the previous Workbench, follow the road west and then turn north to reach the Western Bridge. Here, you will have to complete another part of the primary objective, where you have to kill the three snipers hidden around the town.

Once you cross the Western Bridge and clear the area, proceed to the east on the main road. Look for a house with a blue roof and doors on the right side of the road. Head inside through the small building, dismantle the wooden beams on the floor, and climb down the ladder to reach the second Workbench.

Where To Find The Libération Workbenches SMG In Sniper Elite 5

Workbench #3 (Rifle)

The final Workbench in Mission 6: Libération can be found in the northern part of the map, near the end of the mission. To reach the Northern Town, you can go directly north through the trenches from the previous Workbench or follow the main western road.

Before crossing the bridge and completing another part of the main objective by destroying the Tiger Tank, there is a building on the right before the bridge. Head to the east side of the building, and you will find some vines that you can climb to reach the top floor.

Where To Find The Libération Workbenches Rifle In Sniper Elite 5

Inside, you will find a Resistance safe house containing many supplies and the final Workbench.

Welcome to our Sniper Elite 5 hub, which covers everything you need to know about the third-person tactical shooter stealth video game developed and published by Rebellion Developments for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Check out our collection of maps to find all collectibles in the video game and our guides for the challenges you have to complete. All Sniper Elite 5 guides below will help you get 100% completion while exploring France, working to destroy the Nazi project called Project Kraken.

Mission 1: Atlantic Wall

Mission 2: Occupied Residence

Mission 3: Spy Academy

Mission 4: War Factory

Mission 5: Festung Guernsey

Mission 6: Libération

Mission 7: Secret Weapons

Mission 8: Rubble And Ruin

Mission 10: Wolf Mountain

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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