The Occupied Residence Personal Letters in Sniper Elite 5 can be found in the same places as the stolen antiques (hidden items) during the Recover the Stolen Antiques optional objective, except one. So, if you want to complete your collectibles collection with all the Personal Letters in Mission 2 and learn more about the story, you have come to the right place.
Where To Find the Occupied Residence Personal Letters in Sniper Elite 5
As mentioned, almost all Occupied Residence Personal Letters can be found in the same places as the Hidden Items, except the final one.
Therefore, following the same order as on the map above, we will go over all Occupied Residence Personal Letters in the video game developed by Rebellion.
Personal Letter #1 (Good Plan, Let’s Do It)
Once you start Mission 2 in Sniper Elite 5, head north on the eastern road, going over a small river and a small forest until you reach the Chateau Stables. Go northwest at the Chateau Courtyard entrance and look for a flashing light coming from the northwest building.
That’s the light coming from the sniper scope of the nazi soldier aiming in your direction. Take him out and make your way through the courtyard to reach his room. Next to his dead body, you will find a chest and the Occupied Residence Letter on top of it.
Personal Letter #2 (Brother, I Have a Plan)
The following Letter can be found on the last floor, in the middle south part of the Chateau Residence. Head inside the Chateau Estate through the Ballroom and climb up the stairs in the southeastern part of the building. (Follow the Friedrich Kummler Kill guide to complete the kill challenge in the Ballroom).
Once you reach the second floor, follow the path to the middle part of the building and look for a neglected set of stairs with no red carpet on them that takes you up to the last floor.
After you climb them up, in the first opened room on the right, you will find the second Letter and the Hidden Item in the green crate. Watch out for the soldier inside the room, waiting for you.
Personal Letter #3 (Need a Scapegoat)
Head back down the stairs you came from earlier and look for the Moeller’s Office in the southwest part of the building. Head north on the hallway from the Moeller’s Office, turn left on the second doorway, and immediately right into a bedroom.
In front of the bed, there’s a chest and the collectible on top of it.
Personal Letter #4 (Do Not Fail Me, Nephew)
For our final Personal Letter in Mission 2, head back in front of the Moeller’s Office. Head east, and the room on the left is Friedrich Kummler’s office, your kill list target. On the table, you will find the final Letter in Sniper Elite 5.
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