Sniper Elite 5 Secret Weapons Personal Letters contain less intel than the ones in previous missions, but they are mandatory to collect to achieve a three-star rating for the Secret Weapons Mission.
Also, if you are looking to obtain the From Paris with Love trophy, you must collect all Personal Letters through the game, including the five letters covered in this guide.
Where To Find the Secret Weapons Personal Letters in Sniper Elite 5
A couple of the collectibles can be found while working on completing the main and optional objectives. But, for the rest of the Secret Weapons Personal Letters, you will have to do a bit of exploring, which can be time-consuming.

Personal Letter #1 (We Had a Deal)
After you start the Mission from the Facility Overlook starting location, proceed forward until you reach the railroad and a shack across it. Grab the first Secret Weapons Classified Document held by the nazi soldier roaming around the shack and follow the railroad east until you reach the Train Yard, the same location where you have to find and kill Christian Junglers.
Beware of the snipers in the watchtowers and sniper nests guarding the area. Once you sweep the area of nazi soldiers, get inside the Trainyard Office, the western building with the train in the front. On the building’s top floor, you will find the first Letter on a desk next to a safe.

Also, inside the safe, you will find another Classified Document known as the shipping manifest for the Acquire Intel on the Shipments optional objective.
Personal Letter #2 (I’m Done)
Proceed northeast of the Train Depot on the dirt path to the Abandoned House located on a hill. In front of the house, there is a generator and a white pipe that you can climb on. Once on top, climb the white window and continue climbing around the house, following the white trail.
Drop on the balcony, open the door to unlock the new starting location, and climb down the stairs to find the second Personal Letter in Mission 7: Secret Weapons inside the fireplace, next to the dead body.

Personal Letter #3 (Thinking Outside the Box)
Now, you have to infiltrate inside the Dome, and it’s up to you how you want to do it: by brute-forcing your way in or taking a stealth approach.
But, once you’re inside the Dome, complete the primary objective in the Dome’s War Room by learning about the nazis’ plans and speaking with Moller through the cutscene.
Then, locate the blue stairs next to the central structure of the Dome (where the V2 Rocket launch pad is) and climb them up to the top. Head inside the Control Room, and you will find the third Letter on a desk.

Personal Letter #4 (The V2s are Obsolete!)
From the previous Personal Letter, descend the stairs and look for another stairway in the central structure leading to the underground, where you have to sabotage the V2 refueling site during the main objective.
After completing the main objective, follow the path to the southern area, past the alarm system where the giant locked door is. Just before reaching the giant door, there is a ladder on the left that you climb up.
Once on top, head through the doorway, climb the stairs, open the door, climb the ladder, and unlock the Production Plant door to find the fourth collectible on a chair.

Personal Letter #5 (I Can’t Work Like This)
For the final Letter, proceed southwest to the Lake Research Compound. It can be found on a table near the open rocket capsule above the water, across from the yellow rocket on the trailer.

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