The Wolf Mountain Hidden Items in Sniper Elite 5 can be quite a challenge to find since they are small objects, and sometimes they blend so well with the surroundings. Even though these Hidden Items do not help you, they are mandatory to collect if you want to have a full collection of collectibles for all missions.
Where To Find the Wolf Mountain Hidden Items in Sniper Elite 5
The 3 Hidden Items can be found in the second part of the map, inside the Teahouse and the Berghof, Hitler’s holiday home. For the final Item, you will need a Satchel Charge to open the safe, so make sure you grab one along the way, maybe from one of the supply caches covered here.
Hidden Item #1 (Possible Hitler Disguises)
Once you start Mission 10 at the Mountain Overlook, take the dirt path to the right (north) until you reach the main road. Follow the main road down the hill, go through the Maintenance Tunnel, and once you are on the other side of the tunnel, follow the dirt path to the right (northeast) leading to the Teahouse.
Once you reach the Teahouse, enter the small tower on the building’s left (northeast) side. You will find the first Item on a table beside an open window overlooking the Teahouse gardens.
Hidden Item #2 (Fuheremuseum Concept Model)
Go toward The Berghof and reach the south gate entrance (next to the small garden) guarded by two nazi soldiers. Follow the alley just before the blue door, climb the stairs on the left, and enter the building through the blue door on the right.
Pass by the stairs, go through the kitchen (also pick up one of the Personal Letters), and keep going forward (north), staying on the left until you see the red-carpeted stairs in the Main Hall. Now, follow the red carpet in the Main Hall by going right (east) and then left (north) until you reach a small room with furniture covered in cloth on the right side by the end of the carpet.
On one of the pieces of furniture, you will find the second Hidden Item in Mission 10 blending well with the cloth.
Hidden Item #3 (Practice Pose Photography)
From here, get back to the red-carpeted stairs in the Main Hall and climb them upstairs. On your right, there will be another set of stairs you need to climb, then head to the left at the top into Hitler’s Quarters.
On the right side of the room, you will find a safe containing the final Hidden Item in Sniper Elite 5. To open the safe, you will need to safe combination from one of the nazi soldiers around the building or use a Satchel Charge to blow it up.
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