The Hidden Items in Sniper Elite 5 live up to their name, becoming a real challenge to find and collect during the Secret Weapons mission. These Hidden Items are tiny objects that can be easily missed if you don’t search every corner of the area you’re exploring.
Where To Find the Secret Weapons Hidden Items in Sniper Elite 5
The Hidden Items in Mission 7 can be found under a bridge, inside an underground barracks, and in a small gatehouse. Even though you know their exact locations, you can still have some trouble finding them.

Hidden Item #1 (Prufstand XII Plans)
Once you start Mission 7: Secret Weapons from the Facility Overlook starting location, proceed forward until you reach a shack and a nazi soldier. Climb the stairs, follow the road to the west, and turn right just before the bridge.
Make your way through the hill on the dirt paths dealing with the nazi soldiers camping around to reach the southeast part of the bridge. Right under the bridge, you will find a sleeping place with the first Hidden Item nearby.

Hidden Item #2 (Peenemunde Lab ID)
The following Hidden Item in Mission 7 can be found inside the Dome, in the Underground Barracks. There are different ways to get inside the Dome: sneaking inside through broken fences, avoiding all the attention, or just brute-force your way in, so it’s up to you how you approach it.
But once you are inside, from the Main Gate of the Dome, proceed north to the center of the building to find a circular stairway that will take you to the underground, next to the V2 Rocket launching site.
Climb down the stairs, go through the first door on the right with the WAFFENKAMMER sign on top of the doorway, and immediately turn left into the first room. You will find yourself in a canteen with tables around, and underneath one of the tables is the second Item.

Hidden Item #3 (Luftwaffe Playing Cards)
From here, return to the Dome’s Main Gate and follow the path that leads to the Dam in the northwest part of the map. Following this path, you will avoid facing a lot of nazi soldiers and armored vehicles sneaking behind their backs.
Once you reach the Dam Checkpoint, enter the wooden gatehouse and check the table for the final Hidden Item.

You can also destroy and collect one of the Secret Weapons Stone Eagles if you check the right side of the Dam, where the water comes out.
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