Sniper Elite 5 Atlantic Wall Workbenches are a utility that also serves as a collectible, enabling you to experiment with your loadout throughout all eight maps. Workbenches are commonly found in resistance safehouses with a white logo or Nazi armories, depending on the map or mission.
Where To Find the Atlantic Wall Workbenches in Sniper Elite 5
Finding Workbenches in The Atlantic Wall mission will get you access to new gear and equipment that you can use in future missions. This mission has three Workbenches scattered all over the map.

Here’s how to discover every Workbench collectible in Rebellion’s video game in the same order as seen on the map above.
Workbench #1 (Rifle)
After encountering Blue Viper, the Interrogation Block starting location is immediately unlocked. After the cutscene, walk upstairs and pick the lock or use the bolt cutters to access the chamber with a soldier.
The first Workbench is part of the main questline and can be found on the left side of the room, right under the Nazi Flag.

Workbench #2 (Pistol)
This Workbench can be found in the Armory, located on the northern side of the Gun Battery compound. The Armory is the locked green building with the two trucks parked outside. The Armory Key can be found on the officer nearby, and the Workbench is in the back of the room as you get inside.

There is also a safe in the Armory that you can crack and open to collect a Classified Document.
Workbench #3 (SMG)
The final Workbench collectible in Mission 1 can be found during the main questline while trying to find Marcel and his intel. The Workbench is in the Resistance Safehouse attic, across from Marcel and under the French Resistance Flag. To reach the attic, you will need to climb the vines in front of the house and get through the window.

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