Sniper Elite 5 Occupied Residence Stone Eagles collectibles can be easily missed since all action happens inside the Chateau Estate. This time around, finding the Stone Eagles Dead Eye Targets during the Occupied Residence Mission requires some exploring, but we have already done that to save you time and effort.
Where To Find the Occupied Residence Stone Eagles in Sniper Elite 5
Stone Eagles in Sniper Elite 5 can usually be found on the roofs of buildings, but they can also be hidden in places you wouldn’t expect.

So, in the same order as the one on the map above, here is how to get all Occupied Residence Stone Eagles collectibles in the video game developed by Rebellion.
Stone Eagle #1: Chateau Courtyard Building
The first Occupied Residence Dead-Eye Target collectible can be found on top of the building in the northeast part of the Chateau Estate. Make your way north from the Resistance Camp on the eastern road through the small river and forest, dealing with all the nazi soldiers in your way.
Once you reach the chateau stables near the main road at the easternmost point, head northwest to the Chateau Estate Courtyard. Near the Chateau Courtyard, two buildings are glued together if you look to the Chateau Estate’s right.

The first Stone Eagle in Mission 2 is on the peek of the closest roof.
Stone Eagle #2: Near the River
Once you shatter the first Stone Eagle, head back to the main road and turn left on the bridge. You will most likely encounter a lot of nazi soldiers, so try to stay out of sight, or you are in for a run. On the bridge, look to the west for this Occupied Residence Eagle sitting on a cliffside stone wall ruin (check the image marked below).

Stone Eagle #3: Western Farmhouse
Once you’re done with the second Stone Eagle, head back to the main road and follow it west to the second bridge. Cross the bridge, and you should already see the Stone Eagle on a chimney on top of the farm’s roof. Shatter it with a silenced weapon to avoid alerting all the enemy groups around.

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