Sniper Elite 5 Festung Guernsey Classified Documents contain little to no information or intel that will help you complete the mission, except one of them being part of the primary objective, as we’ve seen in the previous missions. Even though these Classified Documents are not that useful, they are still mandatory to collect if you are looking to unlock the Burn After Reading Trophy and achieve a three-star rating for the mission.
Where To Find the Festung Guernsey Classified Documents in Sniper Elite 5
Most of the Classified Documents can be found in the underground facilities of the Nazis, which can become a maze at first.

Classified Document #1 (Grin and Bear It!)
After you begin the Mission at the Hommet Cove starting location, reach Fort Hommet and complete the Neutralize Radio Communications optional objective by sabotaging the cables or disabling the radio equipment. Clear the area as much as possible, proceed outside of the fort, on the north part, and climb the vines to enter the upstairs window.

Inside the room, you will find a safe that can be unlocked using the Hommet Safe Combination or a Satchel Charge. To get the safe combination, pick the lock of the room’s door and look for the Hommet Safe Combination on the two tables in the middle of the next room. Unlock the safe using the code and collect the first Classified Document in Mission 5: Festung Guernsey.
Classified Document #2 (Oafish Officers)
For the following Document, we will need to reach the Underground Hospital northeast of Fort Hommet, where you have to investigate for intel during the main objective. After you enter the Underground Hospital through the south entrance, proceed into the first room on the left side of the hallway.
The second Classified Document can be found on a desk, next to a shelf full of rags, and under a poster.

Classified Document #3 (Transport Troubles)
Return to the hallway, keep following the path north all the way to the end, and enter the room in front of you. Inside the room, you will find the third Document on a double-sided desk. Also, this Classified Document is part of the primary objective, revealing the location of the Hidden Facility.

Classified Document #4 (Drastic Measures)
Leave the Underground Hospital as you enter and follow the main road to the Hidden Facility area. To the west of the Hidden Facility area marked on the map, you can find the Dollmann Observation Tower, occupied by nazi soldiers.
Clear the area of soldiers, enter the Dollmann Observation Tower, and reach the bottom floor to find the fourth Document on a table in a room near the stairwell.

Classified Document #5 (Cut Costs Cost Lives)
For the final Classified Document, enter the Hidden Facility through the east entrance of the Dollmann Observation Tower and find the room where you have to overload the pressure valves during the main objective.
The valves room can be found in the eastern part of the Hidden Facility and is guarded by two elite nazi soldiers. Take them out, climb the south stairs near their location, and enter the first opened room on the left. The last collectible can be found on the desk in the middle of the room, next to the safe in the back.

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