Sniper Elite 5 Rubble And Ruin Personal Letters contain intel information about the Resistance safe houses, Moller’s safe, Moller’s safe code, forged Furher’s signature, and the code of the safe inside the sewers. In comparison with previous missions, these Personal Letters are more helpful in finding important locations and collectibles at the same time.
So, throughout the following guide, we will show you all Rubble And Ruin Personal Letters collectibles locations and where to look for them to add to your collection.
Where To Find the Rubble and Ruin Personal Letters in Sniper Elite 5
Most Personal Letters can be found without completing any primary objectives except the final one. Once you find and enter the Sewers, you can’t go back, and you have to start the Mission from the beginning to collect the rest of the Letters.

Personal Letter #1 (Your Man Talked!)
Once you start the Mission, make your way through the Southern Ruins until you reach the Resistance Fighter at the top of the ruined building. Dismantle the barricade, take out the two elite nazi soldiers across the street, go down the slope, and collect one of the Classified Documents off the wooden crate in front of the small ruined shop.
From here, proceed to the east, crawl through the narrow tunnel created by the ruins, and go to the back of the locked building to find a ladder.
Climb the ladder, head downstairs, and pick up the key from the key shelf to open the room on the upper floor. Also, be aware of the elite nazi soldier on the opposite side of the building, on a catwalk. Inside this room, you will find the first Letter on a desk.

This Personal Letter contains intel about the two Resistances Safe houses: Resistance Cafe and Sea View Offices, marking their locations on the map.
Personal Letter #2 (Moller is Moving)
The next Letter can be found inside the Sea View Offices, in the Eastern Ruins. Now, go down the ladder and climb the broken wall next to it, where you killed the elite nazi soldier. A couple of steps ahead from the crack, there is a pile of wooden planks on the right that you can climb on (check the image below).

Keep going east behind the Bombed Church, where you have to Neutralize Radio Communications by sabotaging the cables using bolt cutters that can be found inside the green crate on the Radio Tower’s left side.
After you reach Sea View Offices, look on the ground floor for the room with red curtains to find the second Personal Letter in Mission 8.

This Personal Letter contains intel about Moller’s safe and the safe code inside the Hotel (where is the next Personal Letter). Also, since you are here, you can destroy and collect one of the Stone Eagles.
Personal Letter #3 (It’s Not Over Yet)
From the Sea View Offices, proceed north to reach the Moller’s Hotel marked on your map. Nazi soldiers occupy the Hotel, so take them out first. Once you are done, go to the left side of the stairs and open the blue door to find the third Letter on a desk next to a candle.

This Personal Letter contains intel information about the safe code that you can use to open the safe on the upper floor after you unlock the door to the room using the Hotel Key from the green crate at the top of the stairs. Inside the safe, you will find another Classified Document for you to collect.
Personal Letter #4 (He’s Not the Sharpest)
The following Personal Letter in Mission 8: Rubble And Ruin can be found inside the Bombed Picture House, northwest of the Hotel. The front of the building is packed with nazi soldiers and snipers, so try to take them out from a distance, as many as you can, using a silenced rifle before approaching the area.
Once you’re done, go inside through the left entrance and climb the ladder on the left. Open the green crate using a crowbar to find the fourth Letter.

Personal Letter #5 (Clean Out the Sewer)
Leave the Bombed Picture House through the north exit and proceed east to the Bombed Park, where you must find the Sewer Entrance during the primary objective.
Go inside the Sewers through the entrance on the north side of the Bombed Park, wait for the cutscene to end, and after you spawn in, look to the left behind the crates to find the final Letter.

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