The Koskela Brothers Commercials are a collection of six short videos featured in Alan Wake 2. They are considered collectible items in the game, and you can earn The Koskela Brothers trophy/achievement by finding all of them.
Each commercial is relatively brief and follows a similar style. They typically run for a few minutes and feature the Koskela Brothers, a group of brothers who advertise their businesses. While they may not be very informative, these commercials are creepy and unsettling.
The Koskela Brothers Commercials are not very important to the game’s plot, but they are a fun and intriguing addition. They are also a good way to get some clues about the game’s setting and atmosphere. Here’s where to find all Koskela Brothers Television Commercials in Alan Wake 2.
Where To Find the Koskela Brothers Commercials in Alan Wake 2
These Koskela Brothers Television Commercials are only available during the Return chapters as part of Saga Anderson’s story. There are six Koskela Brothers Commercials in total, most of which can be found in Bright Falls, except for one that is located in Watery. I’ve marked the location of each TV commercial in chronological order. Below, I’ll explain when you can trigger them during the story chapters.

Koskela Brother Commercial #1 (Adventure Tours): Sheriff’s Station – Break Room
Near the end of the Return 1: Invitation chapter, you must leave Cauldron Lake and visit the Sheriff’s Station in Bright Falls. Before proceeding downstairs to the basement to conduct an autopsy on Nightingale, make sure to step into the “Employee Lounge” room. It is located on the left side, just before the entrance to the basement. The Adventure Tours will trigger automatically upon entering the room.

However, you can miss this commercial if you progress too far into Saga’s story. So, make sure to visit the Sheriff’s Station before the end of the Return 3: Local Girl chapter.
Koskela Brother Commercial #2 (Coffee World): Inside Elderwood Palace Lodge
In Return 3: Local Girl, Saga sets out on a journey to Watery alone, while Alan Wake and Alex Casey remain in Bright Falls. After you leave the back room, head to the lobby of the Elderwood Palace Lodge, where you’ll see the Coffee World commercial playing on the TV. It should be easy to spot because you can only exit the Lodge through the front entrance.

Koskela Brother Commercial #3 (Ahma Beer): Inside Oh Deer Diner
Before leaving Bright Falls for Watery at the start of the Return 3: Local Girl chapter, make sure to stop by Oh Deer Diner to the east of the Elderwood Palace Lodge. When you enter the diner, you will trigger the Ahma Beer commercial.

Koskela Brother Commercial #4 (Parade Floats): In the Lighthouse Trailer Park
When you finish watching the cutscene with Tor and Odin at the Lighthouse Trailer Park in Watery during the Return 3: Local Girl chapter, head towards the trailer that is positioned opposite Saga’s Trailer. Once you step inside this trailer, the Parade Floats commercial will begin playing automatically, just like the other Koskela Brothers Commercials.

Koskela Brother Commercial #5 (Bright Falls Blend): In the Manor of the Valhalla Nursing Home
When you are playing the Return 5: Old Gods chapter and reach the Valhalla Nursing Home complex, head to the Manor building entrance and speak with Rose. After she lets you inside, head to the second room on your right, which is labeled as “Rec Room”. This will trigger the Koskela Brother Television Commercial named Bright Falls Blend.

You can also find a Bright Falls Alex Casey Lunch Box in the nearby room, which is labeled “Office”.
Koskela Brother Commercial #6 (“Return” Review): Inside the Oh Deer Diner
When you return to Bright Falls as Alan Wake during the Return 8: Deerfest chapter, the town is full of life and celebrating the much-anticipated sequel release. Step inside the Oh Deer Dinner to trigger the final Koskela Brother Commercial in Alan Wake 2. The “Return” Review will automatically start running on the mounted TV in the corner.

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