Horizon Forbidden West Plainsong Survey Drone Location

Welcome to the Horizon Forbidden West game hub, which covers everything you need to know about Aloy’s journey through the West. Check out our Relic Ruins guides to get all Ornaments, learn how to override all Tallnecks, where to find all 12 Black Boxes, and how to get your hands on the most powerful weapons in the game.

Are you stuck on a quest? Most likely, you’ll find an answer here, along with guides on finishing all Vista Points puzzles. Let’s rise above our ruins and help Aloy complete here journey in Horizon 2 Forbidden West for PlayStation 5.

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Updated January 7, 2024

Horizon Forbidden West Plainsong Survey Drone, similar to the No Man’s Land Drone, is one of the 10 Survey Drones collectibles featured in the video game published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The Plainsong Drone is the second Drone you can collect in the second area Aloy gets to explore while moving west, and it follows the same logic as the previous one.

Where To Find the Plainsong Survey Drone

Again, let’s start with the Horizon Forbidden West Survey Drone: Plainsong location so you can pinpoint it on your map. As you can see, I have marked the location on the map below, and it’s northeast of Plainsong Settlement and north of Cinnabar Sand Tallneck.

Horizon Forbidden West Plainsong Survey Drone Location

When heading towards the location marked on my map, be advised that several machines are roaming close to the Drone’s location. Take care of them; then you’ll see the Drone flying above a relatively large metal gate in a clearing.

HZFW Plainsong Survey Drone Location

After you spot the Drone, it’s time to get it.

How To Get the Plainsong Drone

To reach the Horizon Forbidden West Plainsong Survey Drone, first, you’ll have to unlock the Igniter, the tool that allows you to destroy Firegleams. This tool is obtained by progressing through the story, and without it, you can’t reach the Drone.

Hence, secure the Igniter first, then look for the large gate in my image below, and remove the Firegleam I have marked.

Horizon Forbidden West Survey Drone Plainsong Where To Find

This will create a hole in the gate, and you can get inside. Once inside, quickly deal with the Scrounger behind the gate, then get the Greenshine Fragment on the right side.

Now, look at the wall next to you, and you’ll spot a Grappling Point. Jump and double-tap X to get to the wall, then look for a rusted cannon (screenshot below).

Horizon Forbidden West Survey Drone Plainsong How To Get

Jump on it, then wait for the Drone to arrive. It follows a fixed path, always stopping next to your location. When this happens, sprint and jump to grab it.

HZFW Survey Drone Plainsong Where To Find

Finally, wait for Aloy to pull down the Survey Drone, then, as usual, loot it to obtain the Survey Drone Module 047.

How To Connect Drone Module 047

The Horizon Forbidden West Drone Modules must be connected to the panel in GAIA’s room at The Base (pictured), and Drone Module 047 is no different.

Horizon Forbidden West Survey Drones Reward Connection Place

Each Drone Module unlocks a scenery for GAIA’s Room, so the rewards you get for these collectibles are aesthetical only. Because there are 10 Drone Modules, you’ll get ten sceneries you can use to change what GAIA’s Room looks like whenever you visit her. Do you want to make it look like a forest? Then, focus on getting the Drone Module 0398.

Welcome to the Horizon Forbidden West game hub, which covers everything you need to know about Aloy’s journey through the West. Check out our Relic Ruins guides to get all Ornaments, learn how to override all Tallnecks, where to find all 12 Black Boxes, and how to get your hands on the most powerful weapons in the game.

Are you stuck on a quest? Most likely, you’ll find an answer here, along with guides on finishing all Vista Points puzzles. Let’s rise above our ruins and help Aloy complete here journey in Horizon 2 Forbidden West for PlayStation 5.

Misc Guides:

Vista Point Puzzles:

Relic Ruin Puzzles:

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of VGFAQ.com and Primewikis.com. He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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